Category Archives: Computing Higher

Actual and formal parameters

I had a few questions about this in class today, so I think it’s worth going back over it.

Parameters are used by procedures and functions to pass information in and out. They are used in the definition and in the call of these constructs.

  • The parameters used in the procedure/function definition are called the formal parameters.
  • The parameters used in the procedure/function call are called the actual parameters.

Continue reading Actual and formal parameters

Its only been six weeks!

I want you to cast your mind back to December, the terrible rain, the lack of snow. Can you picture it? At that time I created a series of posts, which took you through the process of completing a coursework. When I set today’s task, a lot of you looked the same way you did in August, when I told you about impossible tasks. While I am on the subject of time travel,  you might want to look at a post from the 2nd of October. (Help with the task after the break) Continue reading Its only been six weeks!

Week 9

Week Beginning Computer Systems Software Development
1 – 3/12/12 Data Representation The Need for the Software Development Process
2 – 10/12/12 Computer Structure Features of Software Development Process
3 – 17/12/12 Computer Performance Tools and techniques
4 – 24/12/12 Peripherals Personnel
5 – 31/12/12 Networking Languages and Environments
6 – 7/1/13 Using Networks High Level Language Constructs 1
7 – 14/1/13 Computer Software High Level Language Constructs 2
8 – 21/1/13 Dealing with Viruses Procedures, Functions and Standard Algorithms
9 – 28/1/13 End of Unit Test End of Unit Test