Category Archives: Computing Higher
Quick quizes
Test your knowledge with some quiz questions you might to look over on pass computing. Flash cards are also useful for revising topics quickly.
Implications of the use of multimedia technology
It’s been a busy couple of days.
When we think about communications we can break them down to wired and wireless. The trend in communication is toward faster and more secure connections. This increase in bandwidth can be achieved with compression and improved speed due to falling costs.
The trend is storage solutions is for faster access of larger storage capacity. This is driven by the rapid uptake of multimedia applications that make use of video. Take a look at the progression
- CD-ROM – can store an music album of about 72 minutes without compression
- DVD-ROM – can store an entire SD movie
- Blu-Ray – can store an entire 3D HD movie (3d requires twice the storage)
Processors are becoming more power efficient. This allows the the processors to be run at faster clock speeds and for each processor to have multiple cores. This allows for more media to be displayed and processed at the same time.
Display technology have moved toward greater pixel density and higher resolutions on a flat display. This coupled with cheaper 3D displays has allowed virtual 3D to move from the cinema screen to the the LCD screen. In the future volumetric displays will allow the projection of images that will allow the user to look at objects from all sides.
Links after the jump
Continue reading Implications of the use of multimedia technology
YouTube Playlists
I have added some new videos to the playlists
I have also added more links to the unit posts.
The rest of the week
The future is the topic for the rest of the week. You might want to cast an eye over the YouTube playlist.
Here is what we will be covering.
Synthesised sound data
Sampled audio files can take up a large amount of storage space. It is possible to digitally create sound and therefore music digitally, this is often known as FM Synthesis. A standard called MIDI was created to allow Musical Instruments to be connected together using a Digital Interface. These MIDI packets contain data that describes which instrument to play and the details of the notes to be played. Here is an online editor to try.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]
Vector Graphics Data
Vector graphics packages are sometimes described as Object Oriented or Drawing packages.
Exam Leave
S5/6 – Finish Friday 3rd May and return Thursday 6th June
Tomorrow’s lesson
We will be finishing of Video Data and moving on to Vector Graphics Data.
We will need to user our new usernames and passwords to create SVG and VRML Worlds. However, since all the machines have been reformatted we might find that the VRML plug in is not installed.
Multimedia Video Data
The last week of term went by in a bit of a blur and I never got the chance to put the video notes on the Blog, they are in the shared Google area though.
Remember to calculate the size of an uncompressed video file you need to first work out the size of a frame, the work out the number of frames.