Category Archives: Homework

NAB Preparation Task

Right, you should have finished off the prep task for next Tuesday Dec 6th.

The submission must have the following parts

  • Your pseudocode design
  • An implemented program matching your design
  • Indication of data flow at the top level of the algorithm
  • A test run showing the data from the task sheet

No time will be given in class to print it off, if you need to print it then do so at lunch time this week or on Monday.

Binary 2’s Complement

I posted on this last year, I don’t feel the need to go back over it. However, if you would like me to give another full post please just ask.

Remember for 8 bit 2’s complement the column headers are -128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

The homework for tonight is to convert the following to binary using 2’s complement, the answers should be in Bytes so either 8 or 16 bits.

  1. 397
  2. -45
  3. 128
  4. -120
  5. -13
  6. 0
  7. 1013
  8. -92
  9. -100
  10. -3

Have fun

Homework for Tue 8th Nov 2011

A program is required which will take in a student’s Standard Grade ComputingStudies grade and decide which course, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2 or Higheris the most appropriate. Standard Grade is issued on a scale of 1 to 7.
  1. Write the pseudocode for the part of the program which checks that the grade entered is a number between 1 and 7. (You should not need all the lines given!)
  2. Write the Visual BASIC line of code which displays a message box if an invalid grade is entered. The grade is stored in a variable called grade.
  3. Write the Visual BASIC line of code which displays a message box showing “Int 2” when the grade entered is either a 3 or a 4. The grade is stored in a variable called grade.
  4. Explain briefly what each of the following algorithms does:
  • Input validation
  • Finding a maximum
  • Finding a minimum
  • Counting occurrences
  • Linear search

4b. Write the pseudocode for the algorithms above
5. An array can be used to store variables. Explain what an array is, by using an example.

  • The values I am going to store in my example are:
  • I am going to create my array using this line of Visual BASIC code:
  • My array works like this:

Homework for 2/11/11

Sorry folks, I need to remember to check that automatic tasks launch, when they are meant to.

  1. What is meant when software is said to be modular?
  2. What is the disadvantage in using GLOBAL variables?
  3. What is the advantage in using LOCAL variables?
  4. Describe what a local variable is used for.
  5. Why should care be taken when using global variables?
  6. Give an extract of code which illustrates how a formal and actual parameters are used.
  7. Illustrate the difference in syntax between procedures/subroutines and functions.
  8. What is the advantage in using subprograms?
  9. Describe parameter passing by value.
  10. Describe parameter passing by reference.

Topics for revision

Please revise the following for Tuesday the 19th of April

  • Anti Aliasing
  • Authoring software
  • Benefits of CLUTs
  • Benefits of video
  • Benefits of VRML
  • Calculation of Audio file size
  • Calculation of graphic file sizes
  • Codecs
  • Container Files
  • Embedding Graphics
  • Features of a sound card
  • Graphic Compression
  • MP3 Compression
  • Multimedia Design Process
  • Normalisation of sound
  • Object Oriented Graphic file size
  • Purpose of CLUTs
  • RIFF File format
  • RLE Compression
  • Sound file formats
  • Standard file formats
  • Technical issues with video
  • Transparency
  • Uses of VRML