Category Archives: Homework

How Stuff Works!

I was using Stumble Upon tonight when I came across the this site explaining how caching works.

It has a good explanation of how a cache works but the rest of the site is a little goldmine of videos and explanations. Take for example part of Tuesday’s lesson on scanners or Wednesday’s image type lesson.

When you are creating blog posts of lessons in the future, use the tools at your fingertips and search and research the topic more, rather than just relying on what you remembered from the day. Take this video as an example

WARNING Youtube videos, comments and posts often contain unsuitable language and material that may be age sensitive. They are out with the school’s control and should be viewed with caution.

[kml_flashembed movie=”” width=”425″ height=”344″ allowfullscreen=”true” fvars=”fs=1″ /]

A lesson is a lot like that, you will pick the bits that you think are important but you need to remember that there is a lot in there you must read up on later.

Online resources

Just a reminder that you have access to a large number of resources you can access even if you are not at school.

I have added the powerpoint from today’s lesson to the Glow learn area, I am going to stop add files into the Glow Group and I will convert it to a learning space before the prelim.

Coursework – good and bad

The lesson today was the first in over 2 weeks. We have had very bad snow in Scotland and this has resulted in a lot of missed work. The class were reminded about Scholar, Glow and other resources.

The class was sorted into friendship pairs and I issued sample coursework to the pairs. One half of the room had candidate 2 and the other candidate 3. The pairs were to discuss the coursework given out and look at the example to find out if it was a good or poor candidate. Both example students had passed the coursework task when it was given but one had scrapped a pass and the other had achieved 58/60. We swapped sheets and took notes about what is expected during the coursework.

The class has had some problems with glow so we undertook a sample homework assessment to make sure that the class could submit the homework for Tuesday on time. Scott Brown scored full marks in the sample homework.

Homework will be posted in Glow tonight.

Interface Homework

This weeks homework is in Glow learn but here is an offline copy

  1. Describe two ways in which buffers improve system performance
  2. Describe a situation in which spooling would be a useful technique
  3. Give reasons why solid state memory devices are so widely used
  4. Why does an interface have to convert incoming serial data to parallel form?
  5. Why is a buffer an essential part of an interface

For practice – do as an exercise but no need to hand in

Describe a suitable selection of hardware including peripherals to suit the tasks below

  • Producing a school website
  • Setting up a LAN at home
  • Creating a multimedia reference DVD

VB Program for Displaying the Average of 20 Marks

Below is the program from today’s lesson. It is not completed, I would like you to Change the program to display the average with two decimal places. Please add your solution with a comment below.

Private Sub CmdStart_Click()
'load an Array with data from a list box
'list box is hidden on the form
'List Boxes count from 0 so add a heading to the fist item
Dim IntNumber(20) As Integer
Dim StrName(20) As String
Dim intavg As Integer
Call Load_Array(IntNumber(), StrName())
Call Calc_Average(IntNumber(), intavg)
Call Display_Array(IntNumber(), StrName(), intavg)
End Sub

Private Sub Load_Array(ByRef Number() As Integer, ByRef StrName() As String)
Dim Counter As Integer 'local Variable
For Counter = 1 To 20
Number(Counter) = LstNumbers.List(Counter)
StrName(Counter) = LstNames.List(Counter)
End Sub

Private Sub Calc_Average(ByRef IntNumber() As Integer, ByRef intavg As Integer)
Dim IntSum As Integer
For Counter = 1 To 20
IntSum = IntSum + IntNumber(Counter)
intavg = IntSum / 20
End Sub

Private Sub Display_Array(ByRef Number() As Integer, ByRef StrName() As String, ByVal intavg)
'Standard procedure as used in previous programs
Dim Counter As Integer 'local Variable
For Counter = 1 To 20
Form1.Print StrName(Counter) & " scored " & Number(Counter) & "%"
Form1.Print "Average = " & intavg & "%"
End Sub

Program Code for Times Table

Change the program code below so that the program performs the calculation in a separate procedure from the display.

Option Explicit
Private Sub CmdStart_Click()
'Set up variables
Dim multiple As Integer
'Get Multiplier from user
Call GetValue(multiple)
'Display table
Call DisplayTable(multiple)
End Sub

Private Sub GetValue(ByRef intvalue As Integer)
intvalue = InputBox("Please enter the value")
End Sub

Private Sub DisplayTable(ByVal multiple)
Dim Counter As Integer
Dim Answer As Integer
For Counter = 1 To 12
Answer = multiple * Counter
lstOutput.AddItem multiple & " X " & Counter & " = " & Answer
End Sub