Category Archives: What’s Happening




This afternoon the whole school came together to celebrate Holi, the festival of Spring!

‘Celebrations’ has been the focus for our whole school theme. A great time was had by all during activities including; Koosh ball painting, spray painting, spice painting, Holi music and Holi dancing. To end the afternoon we had great fun in the playground throwing paint and then had the chance to sample some yummy Indian snacks in the hall.

The whole school all participated in the Holi dance that they had learned in Mrs Bennett’s class in the hall.

Remember the next time you are in the school to look for our Holi art work!

A great afternoon was had by all our learners and staff.



spray painting in mull class.

spray painting in Mull Class.

spice painting in Bute Class


Koosh ball painting in Skye Classroom


Mmm smelling the spices before using them to paint with.


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Our spray painting.

Our Koosh ball painting.

Our Koosh ball painting.



One of the last activities of the afternoon was for the whole school to meet in the Playground for Holi paint throwing!

Don’t  know had the most fun the staff or the pupils.


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Whole school doing our Holi dance.

Whole school doing our Holi dance.


Sports Relief

The Pupil Council organised  Walk a Mile for Sports Relief on Friday. The  whole school had a great time walking the 11 laps round the cycle track then having snack in the hall!

We have managed to raise £92 so far! A big well done to everyone!


Fit Fifteen

North Ayrshire Council are encouraging schools to sign up to ‘Fit Fifteen’.  Fit fifteen increases physical activity for all of our children and young people as part of the school day.  It is in addition to the planned PE programme for the week.  Types of physical activity would include; walking, running, rebounding, cycling, use of playground equipment and so on.  For our learners there are numerous benefits including; improving bone health, improving physical mobility and functional movement,  promoting good mental health, helping to maintain a healthy weight etc.   All of our classes have taken the Fit Fifteen Pledge sheet away at this morning’s team meeting to detail what they will do to further promote this and develop this with their learners.  Further information to follow shortly.

Rotary Club Dinner

Haysholm Presentation March 2016

I attended the Irvine Seagate Rotary Club on 14th March to deliver a presentation on the life and work of Haysholm School and to share with them information about use of technology (Magic Carpet) to motivate, engage and help develop early literacy skills.  At the end of the night, they kindly presented me with a cheque for £250 to be put towards savings for a magic carpet.  We are extremely grateful and would like to Thank the Rotary club for the donation.