St Clement’s School launches Practical Autism Video Guides
Consult Yo LTD and St Clements School have collaborated on a unique and innovative new resource. Funded by the Autism & Innovation Fund, they have produced a series of videos on practical skills for supporting autistic people.
The videos cover include the following topics:
Introduction to autism
Communication – Verbal
Communication – Pre verbal
Diagnosis and identity
Gender identity
Mental Health
Social Skills
School refusal
Food and dietary issues
Sensory issues
Coping with change
You can view the video playlist by clicking here:
Please share this resource with any interested colleagues.
Category Archives: What’s Happening
Red Nose Day
Mrs Bennett has planned a fun afternoon on Friday 24th May. Click on the link to see what we are going to be up to!!!!
£1 donation to join in with the fun
Welcome Back Miss McHarg
Happy Kids/Teens Ayrshire
Click on the link to find out more about a new parent run group for children with Additional Support Needs children and young people in North Ayrshire.
World Book Day and Waste Week
Haysholm School enjoyed celebrating World Book Day experiencing and exploring favourite story books. The children and young people brought to school a book of their choice and were encouraged to share it with friends in class. A special World Book Day display has been created in the main hall displaying learners with their favourite stories. A top favourite seems to be: We are going on a Bear Hunt!
This week sees the start of Waste Week. Individual classes are planning their own activities to mark this. We are very good at recycling in Haysholm school and this is well embedded to ensure that we care for our environment.
Classes will be uploading photographs to their blogs to share with you at home soon.
Please click on the above link to find out more about helping us get awarded either £5000, £2000 or £1000.
This will be put towards a brand new greenhouse. Voting opens today … Spread the word through families and friends.
March Calendar
March is here! Let’s hope Spring and Sunshine follows suit!
Hard at Work
Staff have been very busy this week. They are halfway through working on a Promoting Positive Behaviour module working in class groups evaluating how good they are and producing class action plans on what they need to improve on. This morning they spent time investigating new ICT resources that have been purchased to enhance literacy and numeracy and switches and mounting equipment to improve access.
DD: Making good progress in both functional movement and in making his needs known (Literacy and Health and Wellbeing)
CH: Excellent progress in toilet training programme both in school and at home (Health and Wellbeing)
KC: Very good progress in becoming desensitised to the use of ear defenders and indicating when he needs them (Health and Wellbeing)
CK: Increased level of participation in carrying out familiar routines across the school day (Health and Wellbeing)
RB: Increased level of anticipation and participation across all curricular activities
Free Training is being offered for family carers of children with autism in Irvine.
The training will focus on:
- 2 sessions on understanding emotional and behavioural challenges
- A small number of sessions with a behavioural therapist and follow up consultation phone calls throughout the year
- A range of e-learning resources and tools
click on the link above to find out more.