We had a visit from the Marymass singers on Friday.
Blogged by EMÂ JT
We had a visit from the Marymass singers on Friday.
Blogged by EMÂ JT
Jura class have had a great summer and are enjoying a great week back at school.
Blogged by JT, EM & GF
we went to Eglinton Park as part of our 50 things topic.
Task; to journey to and explore a ruin.
blogged by SC & JT
What fun we had at Christmas.  We enjoyed our Christmas party and saying hello to our special visitor.
We enjoyed participating in our Nativity, Â “The Magical Christmas Jigsaw”.
Esme received a star award for her role – putting up the jigsaw pieces with minimal support during the Nativity. Well done Esme!
Happy New Year to Everyone!
EM is Jura class star of the week.
She is a confident individual, developing skills and following a 3 step sequence in gymnastics.
Well done EM!
Blogged by SC, KC & EM
blogged by SC,KC, EM, GF & JT.
The Primary classes visited Ayrshire College this week to take part in the Festival of Sport run by Ayrshire Sportsability. All the children had a great time and had the added bonus of meeting Kilmarnock Football Club.