Hello Mull Class,
I hope you all had a great weekend.
Monday is our Rebound Morning. Michael has assisted me by letting me know what you have been working on this session. I have adapted the power points to suit. You could follow the slide show when out on your trampoline today.
The girls have been experiencing the sensation of being bounced by another on the trampoline. They have also been working on trying to stay in a sitting position while the adult moves around the trampoline trying to knock them gently off balance.
Monday is also a jass day. I have uploaded some maths to try while out on a walk. You can keep fit and active and do some math at the same time.
You can set yourselves another’Book of the Week’ and decide on the chore that you are going to complete each day for your functional skills work. This week you could also try organising and making your own snack and lunch to keep developing your independence skills.
Have a good Monday everyone and stay safe and well.
Jennifer Moncrieff