Letter to parents earlier today regarding Covid-19 situation

20 March 2020

Dear Parent and Carer

Thank you for your patience, understanding and support with us at a time of unprecedented challenge in dealing with Covid-19.

As you know, schools and Early Years and Childcare settings will close to pupils as of end of day on Friday 20 March.  There is no clear indication at this time regarding the length of time the closure will extend to, however we will use the following methods to keep you updated and informed.

We are also making home learning information available in the following ways:

  • .Show My Homework
  • .Glow
  • .Teams on Glow
  • .Scholar
  • SDS contact:Nicola Dall – 07770430867 – nicola.dall@sds.co.uk

The Depute First Minister has confirmed today that the SQA exam diet and examinations will not go ahead.  Schools will be making arrangements for coursework, assessment and units to be completed.  Seniors with SQA work to complete will be invited in to school next week.

Schools will be shut to pupils next week however we will continue to be open for staff.  We are constantly learning from other countries and would advise you that children and young people should avoid small group gatherings which will increase the spread of the virus.  You support with this is appreciated as we take all necessary steps to avoid such events happening.

It is vitally important that Friday 20 March 2020 remains a normal school day in every sense.

Leavers’ forms are not necessary at this time for senior leavers.

Planning is currently underway to support families who receive Free School Meals.  We will use Groupcall/text to find out your requirements for next week.  Arrangements for 13 April 2020 onwards will be communicated to you separately.

We are also planning for childcare arrangements for key workers and will be in touch regarding this as national advice develops.

We are making plans to celebrate achievements and mark our leavers’ departures when it is safe to do so and we can all be together again.

We thank you all for your understanding at this difficult time and will keep you updated.

With very best wishes

Mrs E Bain

Acting Head Teacher

SQA Arrangements for week beginning 23rd March 2020

Senior Phase students have been invited to complete coursework or outstanding units/ assessments next week and school will stay open to accommodate this. This is voluntary but could help with SQA evidence and final awards, given the government  decision to cancel all 2020 SQA exams.

Pupils have been given a timetable of when things are happening and have been told by teachers which things they need to attend. Info will be posted on SMHW about any additional things not on the timetable. This is additional and voluntary for pupils who feel well and able to attend. Any clashes on the timetable have been or can be worked out by young people contacting their teacher or the PT of the subject. We will be flexible where possible.

There will be small numbers of pupils in school and we will endeavour to follow NHS advice regarding distancing and hygiene. Pupils were asked to sign up for buses today so those who signed up will be transported at normal times.

We are trying our very hardest to give everyone the best chances possible under the circumstances. We await further guidance from SQA and the Scottish Government. Be aware we do not have all the answers and can only work with the most up to date information we have received.

Mrs Bain


Fairtrade Fortnight

Keith Grammar School support Fairtrade Fortnight 2020 and Moray Foodbank.

From Monday 24 February – Sunday 8 March We are asking for donations of Fairtrade products. All of these products will be donated to Moray Foodbank.

As the products will be held over a two week period, we ask that there is no fresh produce donated, however we will be very appreciative of any other “Fairtrade” items.

Millions of people across the globe who provide us with our food and fashion are trapped in an unfair trading system that will only drive them further into crisis.

But crucially, together, we can still win a better future.

Fairtrade farmers and workers are fighting back demanding trade that will create a sustainable future for people and planet, and using sustainable farming techniques in line with our Fairtrade Standards.

“Join us in our annual campaign when we bring the fight for change to the masses”

Prelim Exams

Senior Phase Prelim Exams start on 13/1/20 until 24/1/20 inclusive. Attached are the timetable fo exams and a copy of the letter sent to parents/carers about the arrangements. Students with 1 or more National 5 level qualification or above are entitled to study leave. It should be noted that Moray College courses continue as usual throughout the prelim period with the Wednesday bus running as usual. We wish all students the success they deserve.

School Timetable Prelim

exam study leave 20

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