Covid-19 – Arrangements for wearing Masks

2020.08.26 ParentCarer Letter1

A letter has been sent to parents regarding Covid 19 arrangements in school, including the new regulations about wearing of masks which comes into effect on Monday 31st August.

Masks should be kept in a plastic bag/ similar when not being worn.

A clean mask should be brought each day.

Parents should get in touch with us at school if they think their child is exempt from wearing a mask so that we can inform the relevant staff.

This is another change that we will support young people with and we appreciate your support as always.

Mrs Bain

Acting Rector


Show My Homework

This week, S1 pupils are being sent home with letters and parent/guardian codes for Show My Homework.   Pupils will have logged into Show My Homework in school and will have some experience of returning homework.

When using SMHW on a PC at home, search for “Show My Homework Login” or click here.  If you wish to download the app onto other devices, this can be done through Google Play or the Apple Store.

Pupils will login using their Glow username and password and have been reminded to keep these in a safe place.

For help in using SMHW, select the appropriate link below to take you to the help pages:

For Pupils

For Parents/Guardians


Health and Safety: message to pupils from Acting Rector

Mrs Bain spoke to all pupils in a virtual assembly today regarding the serious issue of health and safety. She thanked all pupils who have been responsible and patient in following all the new arrangements in school. She emphasised the uniqueness and seriousness of the situation we are in as a society. Mrs Bain said the situation we are in is as serious as anything else we have faced as a society in her lifetime.
Her message was that we are all responsible for the health and wellbeing of others as well as ourselves. It is tempting to fall into our old habits and ways as we relax into being in school again. However, the virus does not relax and we must all stick to the rules: cleanse hands, no close physical contact and follow all instructions given. We cannot afford to be complacent and consequences will be consistent and firm if health and safety is compromised.
It would help if families emphasised the health and safety messages at home as well. We greatly appreciate the support we receive from parents and carers in working together to keep our young folks safe and learning.
Here is a link to the video shown to all pupils today:

S5/6 Student Leadership Opportunities

A reminder that the ‘Form’ to apply for S1 Buddy and Prefect posts is open until Monday 10th and we need your help to make a success of the 2020-21 session. If you were a prefect in 2019-20, please reapply as well.

Thanks to those who have done this already.

Further info is on the Form itself- click below…

August Return to School


As you will know, the Scottish Government announced last Thursday that all schools should plan for a full return to school from next week.  Further information will follow later this week to all families regarding arrangements for the return to school. We are working hard along with Moray Council to meet all Government guidance and requirements. I just wanted to issue some initial information and reassurances until all further guidance is ready as I know many of you will have questions.

All pupils will start back on 12th August at KGS. Settling in information will be gone over with pupils in their first period class. Timetables will be issued by post this week.

S1 transition activities will take place on the first day. S1 pupils will be greeted and have designated ‘quiet’ areas with staff and buddies available.  A separate letter about S1 transition has been sent out. In addition all S1 pupils were added to House Teams which should show up in your Glow account. A transition website is available on the Team with lots of guides, videos, tours etc. The website needs to be accessed via your Glow account as it is not publicly available.

School wear requirement in term 1 is simply clean, plain black/ white items where possible. We want everyon eto feel able to come back to school and not feel pressurised to shop for new items when this may not be possible for various reasons.

Transport information is due to follow, directly from the Public Transport Unit.

Cold school lunches will be availabe from the first week with more information to follow.

There will be one way systems in place around the building and masks can be worn if people wish.  Hand washing and sanitising will be important and all information about any special arrangements will be coming home in parent and learner guides later this week.

Please get in touch if you have any immediate concerns on our email address:



This email address can also be used to get in touch regarding any queries about SQA results or you can phone our office on 01542 882461 and a message can be passed on to a member of staff who can help. Some pupils may be feeling that their results are unexpected and they will need to discuss this with a DHT or PTG in the first instance. Nicola Dall, our SDS Careers Adviser, can be ocntacted on the SDS Elgin number which is 01343 344006 and any messages can be passed on to her.

College pupils

At this stage, we are still waiting to find out when pupils will be able to go to Elgin for their college class on a Wednesday. Nevertheless, college courses will not start up again on the first day of term.  Instead, college pupils will attend the classes that they would usually miss on a Wednesday.  The timetable for all college pupils has been altered so that everyone knows which class they should attend throughout the day.

In addition to this, all college pupils need to enrol for their courses again.  Each student should have received information about how to do this via email.  There is also information on the Keith Grammar School Microsoft Team.

Senior phase timetables

On Monday 10th August, school staff will be looking at the timetables of our senior phase pupils to make sure that all pupils are doing  the required number of courses.  We will also be looking at whether any changes need to be made to a timetable, as a result of SQA results.  School staff will let you know via telephone, if you have been allocated a meeting with the relevant Principal Teacher of Guidance on Tuesday 11th August.  This will allow any potential changes to be made.

Similarly, should there be any gaps within your timetable, you should contact the school in order to make an appointment with your Guidance Teacher on Tuesday 11th August.

I can’t wait to see everyone next week and want to reassure everyone that we will go over expectations, routines and practicalities when you get here.

It will doubtless, take some time to get used to the new ways of working but we aim to be responsive, caring and above all SAFE as we return to our core business of learning together.

Kind regards

Liz Bain

Acting Rector

Youth Work: Summer Activities

Here are links to the Moray Youth Engagement Team Blog and their social media pages.  They will be promoting weekly challenges throughout the summer holidays and there are also links to interesting websites and information.  It will also allow young people to access a youth worker direct during the summer.

Engagement team Blog

Facebook Page


Instagram –


Young Scot Moray Page

KGS S5/6 Student Leadership Opportunities 2020-21

As we have been in lockdown we haven’t been able to hold our usual selection process for student leadership posts. However, we need young leaders like YOU more than ever to help us get the school up and running again, welcome our new S1 and lead the school forward in the coming session. Selection for the posts will be based on applications and teacher consultation as a form of ‘reference’ as we are unable to conduct the usual interview process at this time.
There are various posts and you can apply for as many as you want. Please read the descriptions below to help you decide. We need prefects, S1 buddies, senior and head prefects as well as house captains. Please apply even though it is holiday time. Applications will close on the 10th August but please apply NOW.
Don’t think you are not a leader or ‘the prefect type’: there is no ‘type’. You are unique and that is why you have so much to give and also to gain from the experience. Training will be given which will also benefit you.

Prefects- help with events when required, represent the school, make the school a safer and welcoming place while involved in the duty rota and show a leadership example at all times.
Senior Prefects- prefects but also run committees such as fundraising, publicity, lunchtime events.
Head Prefects- prefects but also overseeing committees, representing the school at formal events, consulting and reporting to SLT.
House Captains- consult and report to PTsGuidance and help to organise house teams, events, assemblies, contribute to house ethos and publicity.
S1 Buddies- help introduce S1 pupils to the school in transition events and guide them during the first week at KGS and beyond.

The form can be found here:

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