Moray Educational Psychology Service offer to parents

Did you know that you can contact Moray EPS as a parent during this COVID19 period?

Details below…

Moray Educational Psychology Service know that school staff are working hard to provide quality information to parents to help their children’s wellbeing and education. As these are unusual and challenging times we would like to provide a wider service to families to help support this work. If you would welcome the opportunity to chat about any social, emotional or educational concerns about your child with our link Educational Psychologist, Kirsty MackIntosh, they can be contacted via email on or a telephone message can be taken on 01343 550999. Parents/carers that already have, or have had, involvement with the service can, of course, make contact in the same way. It is helpful if any emails received contain a preferred phone number for follow up.

Mr Macpherson Retires From Keith Grammar School

I have received news from Moray Council and the Macpherson family regarding our Rector, Jamus Macpherson.

As you know, he has been absent from Keith Grammar School for a year now and the news is that he has now retired.  I am sad to wish Jamus farewell and have passed on the best wishes of all in our school community to him and his family.  It is particularly hard as we cannot see him to wish him well.

We will mark the huge contribution he has made to Keith Grammar School and the occasion of his retirement in due course. In the meantime, if anyone wishes to pass on their regards, please send them to Keith Grammar and we will arrange for them to be forwarded.

Attached is the statement issued by Jamus and Jane Macpherson.

Mrs Bain

New Link for Keith Schools Food Larder

Keith Schools Food Larder – Request Form May 2020

There is a modest food larder from Moray Food Plus available for all Keith ASG families.  We know that folk may now find themselves in very different circumstances, and we are able to help a little by supplying some basic food and hygiene items.

Please complete the request form with your details and we will do our best to help.

A reminder that if you require help and would like to contact a member of staff at Keith Grammar, our admin email address is checked regularly and messages passed on, so please get in touch. We have been able to assist families with referrals for emergency financial help, ICT equipment, and referrals on to other organisations who can help in other ways. These are not ordinary times and we want to help where we can.

Take care.

Mrs Bain

Scotland Learns: newsletter from Education Scotland

Education Scotland are publishing a weekly newsletter for parents and carers to support learning from home.

You can see this week’s version in PDF here:


You will need to subscribe for further issues:

The first issue contains learning activities for Literacy and Numeracy, support on wellbeing and a focus on the theme of food. You will also find hints and tips, advice for engaging young people with autism in their learning and a creativity challenge.

2019-20 S4-6 Students: form to be completed.

In order for us to make sure that we have accurate and up to date information on all of your plans for after the summer and for senior phase pupil destinations, we would like you to complete this form.
This will allow us to gather details of leavers as well as those of you who are returning to school for S5 and S6 for session 2020/21. 
It will help to make sure you get the right support and guidance and must be completed, especially if you are planning to leave school.
ALL S4-6 students from 2019-20 should complete the form but it is also acting as a ”Leavers’ Form”.
If you have any questions about the form, please contact our admin email address.
Deadline:  Friday 15 May 2020.

Contacting KGS during the COVID19 closure.

To contact us please use our email address:
As the building is closed, this is the best way to get a message to anyone you need to. There may be no one to answer the phone but we are monitoring the admin email regularly.
KGS Twitter and Facebook are also checked during working hours so it is possible to send a DM.
Thank you for your patience- please keep in touch.

Moray Council support with ICT for learning from home.

Please use the link below to register your need, Moray Council will verify this with us at KGS and then resources may be available to help.

Please read the following information from Moray Council:

We know that not every family with school-aged children in Moray will have access to IT equipment to support digital learning, but we want every pupil to be able to have that opportunity. Glow, and other learning websites, are widely used in schools and can support your child’s learning in and out of the classroom.

We’re asking families to let us know what equipment and broadband is needed, so we can make this happen. We can then work with our schools and community partners to make sure our all of children and young people are equipped and ready for online learning.



Active Schools Information

Our friends at Active Schools Moray have a new website!

It has information on how to access various activities including

· Moray’s own Joe Wicks, Kenny Wilson, a local athlete who has represented Scotland in cross country events, and who gives 30 minute workout sessions on a Tuesday and Thursday.

· Virtual learning provided by Elgin Youth Café.

· Active Schools’ weekly challenges on Facebook.

· Videos and information about local sports clubs.

There is also an Active Schools and Sport in Moray Facebook page – worth following.

Be active and keep fit and well!

Letter from Head of Service

Term 4 Arrangements Letter 280420

Attached is a letter from Vivienne Cross, Head of Education, which was sent out today.  Please note that Friday 1st May is now an In-Service Training day to allow teaching staff in Moray secondary schools time to prepare for the early moving on of the timetable. Please note that this is not an extra day but the INSET planned for the 14th of May brought forward.

15th May is still an INSET day and 8th May is a public holiday so no scheduled classes, setting of work or communication with class teachers will be available on any of those days just as would be the case were we physically in school.

Letters outlining the moving on of classes into the new session’s  ‘timetable’ from next Monday and choice of course outcomes will be sent home this week explaining how this will work. The rationale behind all this is to engage and motivate our learners and make the best use of the time created by the cancellation of SQA exams and exam leave. Students will be able to complete work still required to be done and make a start on some new level courses.

Rest assured that well-being and equity are very much at the heart of all our decisions. We don’t want anyone to be left out or left behind.

Please take care,

Mrs Bain


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