KGS Honey is now on sale from the school reception. £5 per jar for 220g. It is just DELICIOUS….
Attached are resources shared with all Senior Phase students following SQA assemblies before Christmas. Please continue to use these techniques to support study. They are based on scientific evidence.
All these resources were shared in the Senior Phase ‘Check In’ Teams.
wellington-college-study-guide1 (3)
Below is a link to information for parents from SQA about how assessment will take place this session:
The SQA exam timetable has also been announced and is available on the SQA website:
If anyone new is interested in being an invigilator for SQA assessments this session, please contact Mrs Bain at KGS by emailing:
Lots of information was covered with all leavers in an assembly with Mrs Bain yesterday.
Timetable change, SQA arrangements and leaving arrangements are all different from any other year and we thank you for bearing with us as we navigate through this.
The main points are here for your information and reassurance.
Timetable change:
Some pupils have to stay on until 4th June to complete assessments: teachers will advise individuals.
Provisional SQA grades may be subject to change after moderation between staff which may lead to further assessment.
Leaving Arrangements:
Option a) S6 Students who have completed all assessments and anyone who has a start date with an employer next week may leave on Friday 28th May.
(Staff will have to sign leavers’ form. In order to do this, staff will have to be very clear before signing the form that assessments are all completed.)
Option b) Leavers’ day for everyone else is Friday 4th June.
Leavers’ forms should be collected from the School Office on the relevant week. (This week for option a and next week for option b.)
Moray College website is now fixed; all senior pupils who have indicated that they want to apply for a day course must do so NOW.
Contact PTsG if help is required.
We have received an update from SQA today. They have provided guidance for learners, parents, and carers here:
Main points summarised here to reassure you:
Therefore until then we will be unable to answer any detailed queries. This is all the information we have for now.
Patience is still the name of the game.
Mrs Bain
Dear senior students and families,
SQA issued a statement regarding coursework on 24/3/20 (link below). I can confirm that there is no update on exactly how they will determine young people’s grades.
School is closed for the holidays so please do not contact teachers regarding estimate grades as they may not see this. Furthermore, teachers have been advised not to give these at the moment until we have further guidance from SQA. We have to get this right and cannot give out information until we get the right information and guidance from SQA.
Please don’t increase your anxiety by sending messages to us which cannot be answered.
This is new for all of us and we all need to be patient. No matter how difficult that is, there’s nothing else for it.
We will update you as soon as we have any more information.
Take care
Mrs Bain
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