Teacher: Mr Macdonald
This term, Primary 4/3 have been learning about the importance of the world’s tropical rainforests. Rain forests have an enormous diversity of plant and animal life and are very important in in producing vast amounts of the oxygen on Earth which we all depend on.

The class have been learning about food chains and have been producing fabulous artwork to display.
P.4/3 have also been learning about forests a bit closer to home this term. The children have been learning about the changes which occur in our native woodlands and parks at this time of year. We also learned a bit of Spanish at the same time. We also enjoyed writing autumn acrostics to capture the magic which is happening all around us at the moment.
Primary 4/3 learned about World Rosary Day which was on October the 7th, and we have been saying the Rosary in class, to pray that the terrible wars in the world might stop.