Celebrating Success

Celebrate success

At St Francis Primary we love to celebrate success and wider achievements. We have a weekly award for Pupil of the Week and Playground Star and these are presented at assembly.

Twitter (X) handles have been updated, please follow us!

The school page will share school information including successes and achievements and class accounts will also share learning share learning:

St. Francis’ Primary School: @StFrancisPG

St. Francis Nursery Class: StFrancisPG_NC

Mrs Smith P1: @StFrancisPGps

Mrs Lee P1/2: @MrsLeeStFrancis

Ms Mulgrew P2: @StFrancisPGMsM

Mrs Devenay P2/3: @StFrancisPGP3_2

Ms McLellan P3/4: @StFrancisPGmsmc

Mrs McDowell P4: @StFrancisPGEMCD

Mrs Hendry P4/5: @StFrancisMrsH

Mrs Docherty P5/6: @StFrancisPGMrsD

Mrs Thompson P6: @StFrancisPGMrsT

Mrs McDonald P6/7: @StFrancisPGMrsM

Miss Campbell Nurture: @StFrancisPGArk

Miss McCallum Support for Learning: @StFrancisPGSfL

Mrs Jamieson P4-7: @StFrancisPGMrsJ



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