Welcome to St Francis Primary School and Nursery Class
We would like to welcome you and your child to St Francis. We hope you will find this school website informative and helpful. However if you have any questions please do not hesitate to come and discuss them with us. You will always be welcome.
Every child at St. Francis Primary School and Nursery Class is special. All children will be encouraged to develop positive attitudes towards learning, caring for themselves and others and our environment.
Our vision is to create a culture of successful learning and continued faith development, in which everyone is valued and included and feels part of the St. Francis’ Family. All members of our school community will actively promote living the Gospel values, to foster an ethos of tolerance and respect.
Our Values at St Francis School and Nursery Class are:
The Nursery class values are
Friendship, Understanding and Nurture
We aim to provide an inclusive, nurturing environment in which your child is encouraged to achieve his/her potential. We work in close partnership with parents, other educational establishments and partner agencies so that our children play a valuable and responsible part in their school, their families and the community in which they live.
Celebrating our successes and achievements is very important to us in St. Francis’ Primary School and Nursery Class. This link can be used to share notable successes that enable your child to be a
Successful Learner, Confident Individual, Effective Contributor and/or Responsible Citizen:
I look forward to working with you and your children, being part of their development into young individuals for the future. Your support is very much appreciated as we are all striving to” Get It Right For Every Child. ” We welcome your comments and suggestions as we work together for the success of St Francis Primary School and Nursery Class. Our door is always open.
Kindest Regards
Head Teacher
Telephone: 01475 715725
email: InstFrancis@glowscotland.onmicrosoft.com