Honey Bee’s Room (2-3 Year Olds)
Children have the opportunity to develop and learn using their senses in a beautiful calm nurturing environment. Our skilled staff ensure that high quality learning experiences allow children’s wellbeing, communication, curiosity, enquiry and creativity to flourish.
Through a holistic approach and skillful observations our ‘magic moments’ enable us to identify and celebrate children’s achievements in learning. This ensures that staff are responsive to individual children’s needs supporting them through their learning journey.
Ratios within this room are 1 adult to 5 children.
Binnie Bee’s (3-5 Year Olds)
Children have the opportunity to develop and learn in a challenging, nurturing and stimulating environment. With the increased expectation that all children have the opportunity to experience outdoor learning, our brand new outdoor classroom enable us to further embed our sector leading outdoor provision.
Our skilled staff supported by the Curriculum for Excellence framework ensures that high quality learning experiences are offered to all children ultimately gaining knowledge, skills and attributes that will develop their skills for lifelong, learning and work.
Ratios within this room are 1 adult to 8 children.
Bumble Bee’s (5-12 Year Olds)
Children have the time and space to develop friendships with regular opportunities for outdoor play and developing links with the local community.
Staff actively motivate, engage and extend children’s ideas and interests taking account of the importance that learning new skills has on children’s long term life goals.
We value and celebrate children’s wider achievements and acknowledge the importance of this achievement, ensuring it is valued in the same way as attainment.
Ratios within this room are 1 adult to 8 children