Nursery Clothing

We ask that children are dressed in suitable clothes when coming to nursery taking account of weather conditions. Children will be involved in messy play both indoors and outdoors so old clothes are  advisable.  Aprons are provided but accidents do happen. We ask that your child’s clothing is clearly marked with their name.


Sweatshirts and polo shirts, with the nursery logo embroidered on them, can be purchased from Smiths Sportswear on West Blackhall Street, Greenock.

There are forms of dress which are unacceptable in establishments, such as items of clothing which potentially, encourage faction (such as football colours) could cause offence (such as anti-religious symbolism or political slogans)This includes clothing that could cause health and safety difficulties, such as loose fitting clothing, dangling earrings, or clothing made from flammable material.

Inverclyde Council does not accept liability for loss or damage of any items therefore it is advisable that personal belongings are not brought to the nursery.

Parents should note that the activities the children may become           involved in may be restricted because health and safety                             requirements state that jewellery of any kind must not be worn where children are undertaking physical activities. This includes jewellery worn as a result of body piercing.


Inverclyde Council

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