Homework Week 10

Hope you were good to your mums on Mother’s Day!

Spellings (x2) Vowels and consonant count

Maths – Area and Perimeter sheet

Language – Metaphors page

Red Nose Day Comic Relief – Pupil Council Competition. Design and name a dinosaur. Best one selected by class and displayed in the school. Wear something red and make a small donation.

On Wednesday we will be writing a personal account of “My Bedroom.” It will be a descriptive text including what your room looks , smells and feels like! We will discuss features of  a personal account on Tuesday and look at a model story. Maybe you should tidy your rooms before writing about them…

 Bookfair Wednesday afternoon. Bring some money if you wish to buy a book.

Highlights from Week 9

We’ve had super fun this week with World Book Day being an especially favourite event. We spent the day in pyjamas and did lots of book related activities. Our Book Day Bunting is hanging up encouraging everyone to pick up a book and enjoy a great read.

The Rubies reading group are reading “Toro Toro!” by Michael Morpurgo. The main character, Antonito, sadly discovers his family, friends, home and village have been killed and destroyed by fighting in the Spanish Civil War. We wrote poems to express Antonito’s feelings at his loss.

The grief is infinite

My family are no more

The sound of gunfire echoes in my ears

The fire is everburning in my mind

And my dear bull gone.

I ride the hills on my horse with no hope of survival.   (Angus)

As the inferno burns my hope

My hands flood with tears

The shooting, the murder, the grief.

I ride my horse to my death and only eat raw food

To see the sky filled with smoke.    (Griffin)

I feel like I’m in a box with no-one to talk to

I feel alone like I have been ripped apart.

My house burned down

My family gone

I will never say never again          (Amy)

We took in Fairtrade wrappers for Fairtrade Friday.  “Fairtrade Fortnight” finishes on Sunday 10 March. Well done to everyone who supported  farmers worldwide by buying Fairtrade.

Our entries for the JDP Four Seasons Art Competition are coming together well after a very, very messy art session! Results are creative and  show variety. We enjoyed writing our entries for the Bookfair Character competition too.

Excellent effort again Pr 5. It was good to have so many of you along to discuss your progress with your parents. We’re all proud of how well you’re working.