Inverness City Walk 1

Our project this term is the City of Inverness and we have been studying maps and websites to help us become more familiar with facilities, places of interest and the layout of the city. We have had Mr MacLeod, a city planner, talking to us about what city planners do, how Inverness has changed over the last 150 years and what is happening in the future. He has asked us to write down our ideas for the future of Inverness and he will present them to the councillors! Our plans may become real facilities in the future so we must think carefully about our suggestions


On Friday, 10th May, we went on our first ‘City Walk.‘ We walked to The Islands, then visited Floral Hall (what an interesting place that is!) and finished off in Whin Park checking out the facilities available to families and visitors to Inverness. All the playing on the equipment was hard work but it was very important for our project work! The weather was great until we started to walk back to school when some people really got caught out because they did not have a hood! We will be more prepared next week when we walk to Eden Court Theatre for a tour and workshop. If the weather is very good we may go to Bellfield Park for a picnic lunch!