P4 Hallowe’en Costume Winner!

We would like to thank the P6/7 classes for a great Hallowe’en Disco! Everyone made a super effort with their outfits and Adam won best boy costume!

The games were fantastic fun and the disco was spookily good. We loved the Popcorn Dance and the Lucky Dip was very popular! All in all the evening was a monster success and all of the ghosts, witches and goblins were on their best behaviour in class the next day!

 <   Adam in his skeleton costume.


Arianna, Tara & Kate C pose for the camera.   >

 Thank you very much P6/7 pupils and teachers.

P4 & Mrs M-H

Term 2 Work


This term our project is Magnetism and Electricity. We have already started with some magnetism investigations and we are really looking forward to making games using both magnetism and electricity.

A good website to learn more about our topic by playing some fun games is www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/

P4 have come up with some good questions they would like answered while working on this project and we are looking forward to lots of team activities as we investigate.


In Art we mixed primary colours to make Autumn colours. We then made our painting into leaves to display in our Art Gallery.

Mrs M-H

5K Fitness Fanatics!

At the weekend Ava, Charlotte and Kathryn took part in the Baxters 5K run and were awarded bronze medals for their efforts. Well done girls for demonstrating how to keep fit and healthy – which fits right in with our Term 1 Project! We are all very proud of you. P4 would like to say well done to everyone who took part in the races this weekend – it’s a great example to everyone in our community.

P4 & Mrs M-H

Pupils of the Month

In August Aimee was voted our Pupil of the Month for settling in well to Lochardil Primary School, for being a cheerful, positive pupil and for being a good friend.

In September two pupils received an equal number of votes so we have two Pupils of the Month! Abby is friendly, cheerful, responsible and welcoming to all. She tries hard in all tasks. Andrew W. has settled in well to class, he’s a good friend and he tries hard in tasks. Well done, to you all!

Mrs Martin-Hodgson