A visit from the police!

Primary 1 had a visit from the police this week…… but we weren’t in any trouble! They came to speak to us about keeping safe when we cross the road. Before they left, they let us try on their hats and their handcuffs and they let us hold their batons. It was so much fun! Thankyou to Alison, Ross and Martin.

We have also been busy working with a partner to make some road safety posters and we now know the rules really well- STOP, LOOK and LISTEN when crossing the road and stay safe

4 thoughts on “A visit from the police!”

  1. I think they are great posters and the photos are great hope you had a great visit and I hope you learned lots 🙂

  2. Wow P1! You have been busy! Looks like you had fun with the police and know a lot about road safety! The posters are fab. I really like the picture with the handcuffs.

    Miss Shimmield

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