
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

October 27, 2015
Comments Off on A Helping Hand – Working Together

A Helping Hand – Working Together

An approach to learning. A learning style. Currently evolving. The sharing of knowledge. Expressing views and ideas. Assisting and helping. Working together. Collaborative Learning. Collaborative Learning is an ongoing and widely debated topic in Scottish Education and a learning style encouraged and discouraged. It is an approach to learning and a way of working together and sharing ideas, building […] Continue reading

October 26, 2015
Comments Off on Reflections Reflection

Reflections Reflection

I sat for a considerable amount of time just trying to get my head around the fact that I was about to write a reflection on the theme of ‘reflections’. The word reflection can mean one of two things. When something is a reflection of another it provides a mirror image of what you are seeing. […] Continue reading

October 25, 2015
Comments Off on The History of Brain Development Over the 20th Century.

The History of Brain Development Over the 20th Century.

The Physical Child – Brain Development TDT 1902 – Julius Bernstein proposes membrane theory for cells.                                                              1904 – Thomas Elliott suggests that autonomic nerves may release chemical transmitters.      1905 – John Newport Langley coins the phrase “parasympathetic nervous system”.                      1909 – Harvey Cushing is first to electrically stimulate human sensory cortex.                            1913 – Walter Samuel […] Continue reading

October 25, 2015
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Reflection on GTC Scotland Standards Section 1

SPR section 1 Last week we took part in a workshop as part of the 1CM1 module, looking at professional values. Our main focus was the GTC Scotland Standards Section 1 (found in the above link). We started in our ‘home groups’ and then after being given a number we moved into our ‘expert groups’ […] Continue reading

October 23, 2015
Comments Off on Stress and teaching

Stress and teaching

Yesterday it was reported by the BBC that teachers are stressed and being ‘reduced to tears’. I wanted to explore this topic further being a MA1 student studying Education at the University of Dundee. Dr Bousted reported in a TES article teachers were being told “stress is increasingly being regarded as par for the course and […] Continue reading

October 22, 2015
Comments Off on Our importance in the Physical Child

Our importance in the Physical Child

We have learnt that we, as teachers, mainly focus on cognitive development due to being conscious of role expectations. However, physical and cognitive functioning are closely linked. However, this factor is not always appreciated with young children. We, as teachers, need to consider all aspects of a child’s development as we look at the children […] Continue reading

October 22, 2015
Comments Off on What is school really about?

What is school really about?

http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2015/oct/22/school-nick-gibb-term-time-holidays Whilst reading through some articles on ‘The Guardian’ website I found something that I thought would be useful to share with you. This article states that ‘Schools Minister Nick Gibb’s lack of flexibility over term-time holidays is not in the interest of children’. The article focuses on the topic of school holidays and whether […] Continue reading

October 22, 2015
Comments Off on What challenges/ opportunities you may be faced with when marrying the personal vs the professional presence on social media?

What challenges/ opportunities you may be faced with when marrying the personal vs the professional presence on social media?

Should we just have one account? Or two accounts one for personal aspects and the other for professional side? The GTCS states that you shouldn’t share any information with a student unless it would be shared in a school setting. This therefore makes you consider who you accept to be friends with online and what information you let […] Continue reading

October 22, 2015
Comments Off on Changing Education Paradigms

Changing Education Paradigms

Right from the word go this animation narrated by Sir Ken Robinson was engaging, taking me on the journey through education, diving deep into the errors we have created in the design of our current education system. It never struck me how old fashioned schooling is structured until now. But we must move on from […] Continue reading

October 20, 2015
Comments Off on Managing My Learning

Managing My Learning

  Activity 1 Complete the table below to identify and reflect on those factors and plan actions for each. Recognition/ Reflection Action What helps my learning? How can I utilise this? Discussing the topic with others Set up a study group of like-minded peers Engage with the online community  Using colours for key words in […] Continue reading

October 20, 2015
Comments Off on Term-Time holidays. Yes or No?

Term-Time holidays. Yes or No?

Yesterday, I woke up to my usual routine of eating my breakfast whilst watching Bill Turnbull and Louise Minchin. They were discussing term-time holidays with Jon Platt who took his 6 year old daughter to Florida on a once in a lifetime family holiday, to which the school charged him £120 for doing so. Refusing to […] Continue reading

October 19, 2015
Comments Off on Professionalism and The Online World

Professionalism and The Online World

Social media is an extremely modern and useful tool for primary teachers but only if it is used in the correct way. We must learn to keep our personal and professional uses of social media separate if we can not behave in a way that is appropriate because if we fail to do so then […] Continue reading

October 18, 2015
Comments Off on National testing is it really the right thing to do ?

National testing is it really the right thing to do ?

  I am deeply perplexed to hear of the recent news that the First Minister announced regarding the reintroduction of National Testing. I find it difficult to understand exactly how this can be achieved under the new curriculum. With 5 levels within Curriculum for Excellence(CfE) that span the early years up into senior phase, I […] Continue reading

October 18, 2015
Comments Off on Professionalism and social media

Professionalism and social media

We are living during a time ruled over by the internet and a whole host of forms of social media, this is both exciting and daunting, especially when starting out on a professional career. Social media can be incredibly useful as it allows for rapid spread of information, we find out about global events at […] Continue reading

October 17, 2015
Comments Off on Plato’s Theory of Forms

Plato’s Theory of Forms

Plato was inspired by his tutor, Socrates. He admired Socrates method of asking questions about established ideas. Socrates never wrote anything down, therefore, anything we know about him comes in the form of dialogues, written by Plato. Students were encouraged, by Socrates, to think deeply about the topics they were discussing. He enjoyed approaching powerful […] Continue reading

October 16, 2015
Comments Off on The benefits of active learning and co-operative working

The benefits of active learning and co-operative working

To me, active learning is a skill we should all be working on to improve. It is one thing taking notes in lectures but for me, and I’m sure many others would agree, the information doesn’t always go into my head and stay there by the time the lecture has finished. An effective way to […] Continue reading

October 16, 2015
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The benefits of active learning and co-operative working

To me, active learning is a skill we should all be working on to improve. It is one thing taking notes in lectures but for me, and I’m sure many others would agree, the information doesn’t always go into my head and stay there by the time the lecture has finished. An effective way to […] Continue reading

October 15, 2015
Comments Off on Active Learning

Active Learning

Active learning is defined as “a process whereby students engage in activities, such as reading, writing, discussion, or problem solving that promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of class content.” As a student at University, active learning is something I need to become more aware of. I always write notes in lectures and tutorials, which is […] Continue reading

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