
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

February 12, 2016
Comments Off on Mr McAughey’s Ideal Classroom

Mr McAughey’s Ideal Classroom

As part of Sharon’s input on classroom management and organisation we were asked to design our classroom and provide a rough layout of it. From the moment that we were asked to do this my head was filled with ideas for what I could have in my classroom and the way that it would look. […] Continue reading

February 11, 2016
Comments Off on A colourful, organised and engaging atmosphere.

A colourful, organised and engaging atmosphere.

My Ideal Classroom. It’s difficult to design a classroom on a small single A4 piece of paper. I have always had this picture in my head of my perfect classroom since I was a little girl and slowly I am getting closer to that dream. I have designed my ideal classroom to suit 22 Boys […] Continue reading

February 11, 2016
Comments Off on Making This Blog Count

Making This Blog Count

Today I spoke to some students from the University of West Scotland about this blog. It was to discuss what it is all about and in part reflect on what it has done for me. We used skype which I have to admit I rarely use unless it is to talk to my mother so […] Continue reading

February 7, 2016
Comments Off on Placement Jitters

Placement Jitters

The idea of going on placement and getting fully involved with the primary setting is something which always excited me even before my start at university.  It was always something which I looked forward to.  I would not say that my excitement has dulled in anyway however, I would say that the nerves have began to […] Continue reading

February 7, 2016
Comments Off on Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag!

Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag!

Languages. We all have one but should we just stop at that? I believe that as teachers, we would be depriving our pupils if we did not incorporate other languages of the world into our classroom. It is ever more apparent that these days huge numbers of people do not just live in the country […] Continue reading

February 4, 2016
Comments Off on Is Playdough Really for Everyone?

Is Playdough Really for Everyone?

After my blog post The Science Behind Play dough… I ended my post saying that I would be evaluating my play dough experiment. I took everything to my lecture in containers and the student I worked with seemed to really enjoy making the play dough and gave lots of positive feedback about my experiment. Everything went to […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Dreaded Numbers

Dreaded Numbers

Following on from Tara’s recent maths workshops, I decided to go back and think about my own thoughts and experiences in maths. It made me realise that throughout the entirety of my school career, maths was something that I had always struggled with and always lacked confidence in. In fact, the only enjoyable thing I […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Building Financial Resilience: Is it our responsibility?

Building Financial Resilience: Is it our responsibility?

In a recent Mathematics and Science input, we were very fortunate to be visited by guest lecturer Brenda Rochead who works for the Scottish Financial Education Group. The input focused on how we can raise financially capable children in a society rife with poverty and undesirable financial situations through education starting in the early years. […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Upstart, let’s get started

Upstart, let’s get started

So I walked into the Upstart presentation/talk/debate with a definite bias for upping the school age to 7! I have always believed the rigidity of primary school was a drastic change at an impressionable age and too much of a downgrade in child led play. However after tonight I realise that I am surrounded by […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Performing at the Royal Albert Hall!

Performing at the Royal Albert Hall!

For those of you who are not big music fans, don’t worry I’m not away to turn into some sort of super geeky band nerd! I just wanted to share this story to make those who are feeling a bit apprehensive about teaching music in their class not alone! “You’re going to the Albert Hall!!” […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Upstart Scotland and the power of play

Upstart Scotland and the power of play

Earlier this week, I attended the launch of the Upstart Scotland campaign. This is a campaign aimed at raising the starting age of children into schools to 7 years; following the example of many high achieving countries such as Poland, Estonia and Finland. Currently, children in Scotland start school at age 4-5. It is suggested […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Revitalising Reflection

Revitalising Reflection

Following Derek’s lecture upon our ePortfios, we were asked to review and reflect upon the posts of our peers, and how they structure and present their posts. For me this was a very enlightening task as I have previously struggled to engage with my own portfolio, for the simple fact that I forget to post […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on My Story Box Experience

My Story Box Experience

While on placement within a primary 4 class last year, I created a story box based on the book ‘The Worst Witch’. When I was a child, I wasn’t a big fan of reading but instead read only when I was forced too by my teacher or parents. However, ‘The Worst Witch’ was one book […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on From Tudors to Tim Peake… and so much in between

From Tudors to Tim Peake… and so much in between

A common theme has started to occur throughout our ‘Teaching Across the Curriculum’ inputs; we need to work on expanding our own knowledge. Of course, this means that we must to continue with our academic reading; ploughing through the textbooks and journal articles, but it also means that we should be brushing up on  the vast […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on I’d better get out there and do it then!

I’d better get out there and do it then!

Geography in school was something that was never really covered – or at least not in my primary school. History was something covered well and to an extent mostly just about the local area – that was 60 miles away (if I did culloden once at school I did it a thousand times!). The most […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on Is it really that bad?…

Is it really that bad?…

For me, maths is probably one of my weaker subjects. Not because I can’t do it, but more because I find it the least enjoyable. I’m probably most feared to teach maths because I am not very confident in the subject. Throughout Primary School there wasn’t a subject that I particularly didn’t enjoy. I was […] Continue reading

January 26, 2016
Comments Off on And the Oscar for best film goes to…..

And the Oscar for best film goes to…..

In the short time frame from first semester to second semester I already feel a lot more at ease when I see ICT on my timetable. I am basically guaranteed to have an interactive and productive lesson. Experiences I can pass on to the children I hope to teach one day. The most recent has topped […] Continue reading

January 25, 2016
Comments Off on Paddington Bear Story Sack

Paddington Bear Story Sack

My first input for Language was something I found really interesting and engaged with. I love childrens stories and am always looking at the new releases in the childrens sections in Waterstones and read to the children everyday when I worked in the nursery. The TDT however really excited me because my favourite activity in […] Continue reading

January 25, 2016
Comments Off on How to turn a page- volume I

How to turn a page- volume I

During a Language workshop on reading I was forced to consider my thoughts on reading. I love reading- that is if by reading you mean: Twitter, Facebook, Texts, Messages, and Magazines (I can proudly say I’ve read over two years worth of Cosmopolitan Magazine- until a few months ago as they changed their editor and […] Continue reading

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