
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 23, 2017
Comments Off on A Memorable Learning Experience

A Memorable Learning Experience

I have many memorable learning experiences from my time in school, many of which are good. I attended a primary school where I was lucky enough to have opportunities to go on various school trips, have specialists come in and go away to places like Luxembourg. Therefore, I have various experiences which were memorable for […] Continue reading

September 23, 2017
Comments Off on Hey Guys, Welcome to my Vlog?

Hey Guys, Welcome to my Vlog?

It’s not an every day occurrence where your lecturer tells you you’re all about to become vloggers, but it’s one that I’ve tried to welcome with open arms! Margaret Taylor, our lecturer, set up a workshop that allowed us to test substances to see how soluble and insoluble they would be in a small amount […] Continue reading

September 22, 2017
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My Most Memorable Learning Experience

As a result of today’s first inputs on the ‘Developing Effectiveness in Learning and Teaching’ module, I began reminiscing back to my own primary school experience and asking myself the question, what was most memorable for me?  In all honestly, from this I came up rather short, I cannot really remember any particular lessons or topics where I felt truly encapsulated […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Effective “Egyptians” Education

Effective “Egyptians” Education

Today’s first input for my Developing Effectiveness in Learning and Teaching module gave me a lot to think about and reflect on. I have to say that interdisciplinary learning is not something that I myself thought about when I was in school, however I remember my school days quite clearly. Now I think back to […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Time – The Underlying Mathematics and Science

Time – The Underlying Mathematics and Science

As a species, we form our daily lives around clocks, calendars and alarms. It would be extremely difficult for us to cope if we didn’t know what time it was or what day it might be because the concept of time is at the core of our society and our civilisation. From what I gathered […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Childhood Memmories…

Childhood Memmories…

What experiences do you have of your childhood ? It can sometimes be a tricky answer, for some jt can have lots to say , yet for others not as much. I can clearly remember learning FRENCH. Yes French. Now the reasons for remembering it, was the kind odd but really engaging song. As a […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Looking Back, Looking Forward

Looking Back, Looking Forward

One learning experience I particularly remember from school was from our topic in Primary 7. Like many in our final year at primary school we studied World War 2, and I remember very little of the worksheets or textbooks we read from about the subject. The activities I remember are the ones where we were actively […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on What is maths?

What is maths?

On Monday in our third Discovering Maths input we were asked the questions what is maths and why do we teach it? This got me into thinking so what actually is maths, other than the basic formulas and calculations we always think of? We use maths on a daily basis without even knowing and when we do use […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Science or… Magic?

Science or… Magic?

Third year… how did that happen?!? This year I have chosen to take Science as my elective and you will all be lucky enough to see me vlog my encounters as I rediscover knowledge and inquire further into the world of lab coats and STEM subjects. This will help me to enthuse the children I […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on Investigating Volume – Regular and Irregular shapes

Investigating Volume – Regular and Irregular shapes

Volume Definition – The amount of space that a substance or object occupies, or that is enclosed within a container.https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/volume Having enjoyed mathematics at school and knowing how to calculate volume it was interesting to find out today not just how to do it but also practical methods to show the children how to work […] Continue reading

September 21, 2017
Comments Off on My Personal Teaching Philosophy – IB TDT 2

My Personal Teaching Philosophy – IB TDT 2

Growing up in several countries with countless teachers, each one with a different teaching style and set of philosophies have allowed me to experience and value specific values and model my own professional practice on. Someone I think has had a huge impact on my own learning throughout school is my A level Philosophy teacher. […] Continue reading

September 20, 2017
Comments Off on Science , is it all that hard.

Science , is it all that hard.

A new year, a new subject and lots of new ideas to explore. And this time it’s exploring Science ! My biggest fear was that it really as complicated as it has always seen to been to me. Does the concepts need to be something beyond my understanding, Strangely enough, and after a good thought the answer […] Continue reading

September 20, 2017
Comments Off on More than memorising!

More than memorising!

Can I really link everything back to basic mathematics?  This is what I am keen to explore and learn about through the Discovering Mathematics module.  In this blog post I am going to discuss how connecting mathematical errors made in other areas of maths can be linked back to basic, fundamental mathematical principles. In the […] Continue reading

September 20, 2017
Comments Off on Emotive and Controversial History

Emotive and Controversial History

In the Social Studies elective, we were asked to read the T.E.A.C.H report (Historical Association, 2007). I found this report extremely interesting to read because it focused on how teachers fail to focus on emotive and controversial history. I had never really thought of this as an area in history that would be so important […] Continue reading

September 18, 2017
Comments Off on Stand and Deliver

Stand and Deliver

As part of our introduction to this module it was recommended that we watch the film Stand and Deliver and to analyse the character of Jaime Escalante – a maths teacher at Garfield High School, East Los Angeles, California. We had one question to answer: Why is Jaime Escalante Different?  Jaime is different because he […] Continue reading

September 17, 2017
Comments Off on The History in Castles

The History in Castles

This week I have been lucky enough to have visited not one but TWO castles, have been learning about history teaching in lectures and have frankly loved every second of it. I went to visit family for the weekend in Northumberland and with them knowing how much I love history, going round the castles seemed […] Continue reading

September 16, 2017
Comments Off on Early years and Language

Early years and Language

I haven’t wrote a blog in a while, so I thought I would get back into writing regularly by starting with something small. Currently, we have been studying talk with children, and how it is so important when we are teaching. I had never thought about talk in any great depth before, and even from the handful …

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September 14, 2017
Comments Off on Discovering Maths in Dance

Discovering Maths in Dance

I have to admit, I am always one of the people who raise their hands when the question is asked: “Who here has an anxiety when it comes to Maths?” I still vividly remember receiving results from a maths test in primary 7 and thinking that this was it – me and maths weren’t compatible. […] Continue reading

September 14, 2017
Comments Off on Reflect, Reflect, Reflect

Reflect, Reflect, Reflect

Reflection is a main component of becoming a primary teacher and one must continue to reflect even once qualified to ensure the best teaching for the children. Reflection is used in order to grow both personally and professionally in this profession. When reflecting about semester one and thinking of a significantly important moment which aided my professional development, […] Continue reading

September 14, 2017
Comments Off on ‘Stand and Deliver’ – Mathematics Films

‘Stand and Deliver’ – Mathematics Films

Inspired by the introduction of Discovering Mathematics I felt intrigued to watch the film which was suggested for TDT number 1.  I enjoy watching films for leisure but also having a reason to watch this film and take some notes during it made me enjoy it even more.  Stand and Deliver looks at the journey […] Continue reading

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