
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on Opening Our Arms

Opening Our Arms

  As the first plane of Syrian refugee’s touches down in The United Kingdom today, I feel it is important to reflect on how positive it is that our country has opened its arms to these people in their time of need. Britain has agreed to take in around 20,000 refugees over the next five […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on Profound Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics

Profound Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics

Four Properties – to ensure a profound understanding of fundamental mathematics Liping Ma (2010) believes in four properties in teaching and learning which sum up the way in which a teacher’s profound understanding of fundamental mathematics can be represented in the classroom. By this, Ma means a teacher will demonstrate the four properties and if […] Continue reading

November 16, 2015
Comments Off on Developing Professional Skills and Abilities: Online Unit 3

Developing Professional Skills and Abilities: Online Unit 3

Words/phrases relating to professionalism: Competent Knowledgeable Calm Skilled Respectable Punctual Motivating Encouraging Enthusiastic Constructive criticism Passionate Collaborative working Going above and beyond I chose to watch One Born Every Minute and believe that the midwives displayed all the characteristics I associate with a professional. I believe that the midwives displayed a great deal of commitment […] Continue reading

November 15, 2015
Comments Off on ‘The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds’

‘The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds’

I recently watched ‘The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds‘ broadcast by Channel 4 on Tuesday 3rd November (Watch here – http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-secret-life-of-4-5-and-6-year-olds). As the episode progressed, I found myself realising I have definitely been underestimating children as young as four years old. The hour-long duration of the programme was enough to capture the essence of the life of […] Continue reading

November 15, 2015
Comments Off on Calling out for peace

Calling out for peace

The terrible news of the terrorist attack in Paris on Friday 13th November will not be new to many people. It is a story that has really struck a chord with me and makes me question; what kind of world are we living in? When innocent lives are being taken, and for what? One of […] Continue reading

November 15, 2015
Comments Off on Let me speak!

Let me speak!

Yesterday, in my place of work, I found myself astonished by the sight and sound of a mother silencing her child. Allow me to contextualise the situation for you. I work in a restaurant located in our City Centre. It is always busy with guests coming in for the first time, the second time, or […] Continue reading

November 13, 2015
Comments Off on Student roles and mathematical competence

Student roles and mathematical competence

Just been reading an article from the Mathematics Education Research Journal about student roles and mathematical competence. I’m not quite sure what to make of it and what the article was ultimately trying to conclude. It describes how mathematics is taught in two different ways in a first grade and second grade class in an American school. […] Continue reading

November 12, 2015
Comments Off on The Maths Behind Hurricane Abigail

The Maths Behind Hurricane Abigail

After all this hype about a potentially menacing storm that has hit the shores of Scotland, I thought to myself that it couldn’t actually be that bad. I was, however, mistaken to this notion. After walking along Dundee City high street a few moments ago, I was soaked within an inch of my life. It […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on That was excellent, but this could be worked on…

That was excellent, but this could be worked on…

Peer review is something I never felt very confident in. I often felt like I wasn’t of the authority to suggest ways of improvement on other’s work, or I didn’t want to offend someone. Giving positive feedback was easy, especially when it is in comparison to another piece of work and you can see improvements. […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on What is personality?

What is personality?

In today’s input by Patricia, I found the aspect of personality very intriguing. Personality, as quoted in Bee and Boyd (2012, p 218) is “The individual’s enduring patterns of responses to and interaction with others and the environment.”  Personality is a very difficult area to study, as everyone is different. There are five different dimensions […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on The Big Five

The Big Five

Everyone has a personality, there is no disputing that. Everyone’s personality is also very different. However, it is something that I have to say, I have never really thought about until now. I found todays lecture surrounding personality very interesting, especially the five different dimensions that your personality can be broken into. I had never […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on Fat Letters

Fat Letters

I was shocked to stumble across this article on the TES website. It applies to English Primary Schools but I feel that it is typical of the blame and shame attitude of today’s society. The article describes how some teachers have been sending home ‘fat letters’ to inform the parents that their child is overweight. […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on What standards we should be attaining as student teachers?

What standards we should be attaining as student teachers?

The General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) has their own standards for registration. These are split into two parts, The Standards for Provisional Registration (SPR), and The Standard for Full Registration (SFR). These are a series of standards put in place to make clear how teachers should act, and the values they should possess as a […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on How do we even teach a child how to read and write?!

How do we even teach a child how to read and write?!

In my previous blog posts, I spoke of language acquisition and the importance of things such as grammar. What is important when teaching a child how to read and write? Well, the most influential factor is their phonological awareness. Phonological awareness is the ability to understand the different rules around the sounds of a language. It […] Continue reading

November 10, 2015
Comments Off on Word Learning

Word Learning

What are the trends in word learning over the first two years? Children initially learn words in stages, the first being the pre-linguistic stage. Each singular language, such as English or Italian, has various different dimensions. These are things such as the different uses of language, such as to communicate, the sound patterns each individual language uses […] Continue reading

November 10, 2015
Comments Off on How I manage my Learning.

How I manage my Learning.

Managing My Learning   Activity 1 Complete the table below to identify and reflect on those factors and plan actions for each. Recognition/ Reflection Action What helps my learning? How can I utilise this? Discussing the topic with others. ·         Set up a study group of like-minded peers ·         Engage with the online community Writing […] Continue reading

November 9, 2015
Comments Off on Required to Enquire

Required to Enquire

The Standard for Career-Long Professional Learning has what I believe to be a very effective quote in terms of an enquiring practitioner: “The most successful education systems invest in developing their teachers as reflective, accomplished and enquiring professionals who are able, not simply to teach successfully in relation to current external expectations, but who have […] Continue reading

November 9, 2015
Comments Off on Reflection on Feedback.

Reflection on Feedback.

In my opinion, the process of feedback is vital. Receiving feedback allows you to develop an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses and also gives you the opportunity to improve upon any weaknesses. It is a very beneficial process, not only to the person receiving feedback but also to the person giving the feedback. By […] Continue reading

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