
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

February 12, 2016
Comments Off on Our Understanding of Scientific Literacy.

Our Understanding of Scientific Literacy.

Following our last science input Lauren Summers, Amy Turner, Sarah Stewart and myself have been working collaboratively to produce a piece of writing that reflects our understanding of Scientific Literacy. This exercise helped to increase our understanding of this concept and gave us an opportunity to work with fellow students who we may not have […] Continue reading

February 11, 2016
Comments Off on A colourful, organised and engaging atmosphere.

A colourful, organised and engaging atmosphere.

My Ideal Classroom. It’s difficult to design a classroom on a small single A4 piece of paper. I have always had this picture in my head of my perfect classroom since I was a little girl and slowly I am getting closer to that dream. I have designed my ideal classroom to suit 22 Boys […] Continue reading

February 11, 2016
Comments Off on Making This Blog Count

Making This Blog Count

Today I spoke to some students from the University of West Scotland about this blog. It was to discuss what it is all about and in part reflect on what it has done for me. We used skype which I have to admit I rarely use unless it is to talk to my mother so […] Continue reading

February 9, 2016
Comments Off on “Design your own classroom…” YES!!!

“Design your own classroom…” YES!!!

As part of our Tutor Directed task for classroom organisation and management, we were asked to design our own classroom.  I was thrilled at the prospect of this. As a young child, and even way into high school, I’d always be excited when walking into a classroom and seeing the tables had been moved around. […] Continue reading

February 7, 2016
Comments Off on Placement Jitters

Placement Jitters

The idea of going on placement and getting fully involved with the primary setting is something which always excited me even before my start at university.  It was always something which I looked forward to.  I would not say that my excitement has dulled in anyway however, I would say that the nerves have began to […] Continue reading

February 7, 2016
Comments Off on Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag!

Hello! Bonjour! Hola! Guten tag!

Languages. We all have one but should we just stop at that? I believe that as teachers, we would be depriving our pupils if we did not incorporate other languages of the world into our classroom. It is ever more apparent that these days huge numbers of people do not just live in the country […] Continue reading

February 5, 2016
Comments Off on Enthusiasm, knowledge or experience

Enthusiasm, knowledge or experience

I had a really interesting experience this week that has made me think about perception, my practice and whether experience and enthusiasm for one’s subject is enough. I had the opportunity to work with the MA2 students this week, not in my capacity as a lecturer in education but as someone talking about their experience […] Continue reading

February 1, 2016
Comments Off on Art: Processes, Materials and MESS!!

Art: Processes, Materials and MESS!!

I really enjoyed getting stuck into my first Art input this morning and it was certainly a great way to start the day! Fiona McGarry allowed us to experiment with a vast array of materials that would likely be found within a primary school. We were to think about different ways we could use each […] Continue reading

January 29, 2016
Comments Off on Just Breathe…

Just Breathe…

When previously considering the role of the teacher, I was guilty of envisioning WHAT they were teaching their class… However, since the very first lecture, it has become very apparent that, yes, the content of a lesson is important, but so is HOW the lesson is delivered. The presence of the class teacher is important […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Building Financial Resilience: Is it our responsibility?

Building Financial Resilience: Is it our responsibility?

In a recent Mathematics and Science input, we were very fortunate to be visited by guest lecturer Brenda Rochead who works for the Scottish Financial Education Group. The input focused on how we can raise financially capable children in a society rife with poverty and undesirable financial situations through education starting in the early years. […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Performing at the Royal Albert Hall!

Performing at the Royal Albert Hall!

For those of you who are not big music fans, don’t worry I’m not away to turn into some sort of super geeky band nerd! I just wanted to share this story to make those who are feeling a bit apprehensive about teaching music in their class not alone! “You’re going to the Albert Hall!!” […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Could a new start age for school be a dream or a potential reality?

Could a new start age for school be a dream or a potential reality?

As a passionate early years officer and a mother I find this extremely interesting and I am 100% in agreement that the starting age for our children should indeed be later than four or five years old. I have been … Continue reading Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on History, Geography or Modern Studies….?

History, Geography or Modern Studies….?

When I think of Social Studies my mind immediately goes back to first and second year at high school.  We would have an hour of Geography and an hour of History every week for two years.  When choosing our standard grade subjects we were only allowed to choose one from the following; History, Geography or […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Upstart Scotland and the power of play

Upstart Scotland and the power of play

Earlier this week, I attended the launch of the Upstart Scotland campaign. This is a campaign aimed at raising the starting age of children into schools to 7 years; following the example of many high achieving countries such as Poland, Estonia and Finland. Currently, children in Scotland start school at age 4-5. It is suggested […] Continue reading

January 28, 2016
Comments Off on Revitalising Reflection

Revitalising Reflection

Following Derek’s lecture upon our ePortfios, we were asked to review and reflect upon the posts of our peers, and how they structure and present their posts. For me this was a very enlightening task as I have previously struggled to engage with my own portfolio, for the simple fact that I forget to post […] Continue reading

January 27, 2016
Comments Off on Upstart Dundee Launch

Upstart Dundee Launch

Upstart is a campaign for a nationwide moment to push back the starting age for school in Scotland from 4 or 5 years old to 7 years old to allow time for play and for children to be a child for as long as possible. Queue the mad panic from parents. But just wait… There […] Continue reading

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