
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

March 25, 2016
Comments Off on The Internet is my Teacher

The Internet is my Teacher

This morning my brain is buzzing with a thousand thoughts. Through a connection on Twitter (did I mention that I love social media?) I was advised to listen to a wonderful show on BBC iPlayer entitled ‘My Teacher is an App‘. This is a fascinating piece about the ever increasing role of technology in education. […] Continue reading

March 23, 2016
Comments Off on Social Media for Teachers

Social Media for Teachers

Recently, I was lucky enough to be asked to host #ScotEdChat. This is an hour long Twitter discussion, where teachers and other professionals can share their thoughts and ideas on a given topic. Our topic was the use of blogging and social media in a professional context. (Click the image to read the ‘Storify’ log […] Continue reading

March 18, 2016
Comments Off on Transforming Learning

Transforming Learning

“Digital technology can enhance learning and teaching across the curriculum and equip all of our learners with the essential digital skills they need to succeed in life, learning and work.” – Angela Constance, MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning. The world we live in is surrounded by digital tools and spaces that everyone is consuming […] Continue reading

March 14, 2016
Comments Off on Dyslexia: A Break Down

Dyslexia: A Break Down

After an input from one of our lecturers, Will, where he state that if we aren’t aware of the different Additional Support Needs (ASN) then we were being ignorant. Two of my friends and I have decided to look into Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia. As normally if you have one of these ASN then there …

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March 4, 2016
Comments Off on LFL Placement: What am I ‘Learning from Life’?

LFL Placement: What am I ‘Learning from Life’?

“What? Why? That doesn’t make sense when you’re training to become a Scottish Primary Teacher?” – A common response when I explain to my friends and family that my second year placement cannot be within a Scottish primary school. At first I shared a similar opinion, studying Languages and Science and Mathematics modules, then going […] Continue reading

February 25, 2016
Comments Off on To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

To VARK or not to VARK, that is the question

There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to teaching! Throughout planning, implementation and reflection, it is essential for a primary teacher to recognize that every pupil is an individual. This means that there are numerous learning approaches and preferences throughout any class. In 1987, Niel Flemming devised categories of learning in order to encourage teachers and students […] Continue reading

February 24, 2016
Comments Off on Keep It Short

Keep It Short

Language is a key element of our surrounding culture and it is vital that we get this message across to our pupils. Literacy is one of, if not, the most important subject of Curriculum for Excellence. I found today’s workshop on writing very interesting and loved this idea of writing a micro story on our Twitter pages. […] Continue reading

February 22, 2016
Comments Off on Excited…


In the technology workshop with Richard we discussed the crossing of curricular areas.  This was something that I hadn’t put much thought into in terms of lesson planning however after this workshop I can’t wait to try this more often.  We discussed food textiles and how one of the experiences and outcomes could be chosen […] Continue reading

February 22, 2016
Comments Off on Craft, Design and Hot Glue Guns

Craft, Design and Hot Glue Guns

Many people that know me would agree that me going near a hot glue gun isn’t necessarily the safest or most sensible option. BUT! On Tuesday I was given my own shot when we made these.. Mother’s Day Plant Pots. Richard (our tutor) basically gave us free rein to create whatever we wanted with the intention […] Continue reading

February 21, 2016
Comments Off on We Need More!

We Need More!

Health and Wellbeing. This is a subject which I strongly, strongly believe should be introduced more throughout every single year spent within school.  I understand that a lot will be covered within this as it is a main focus within the curriculum however personally I find that many teachers are too shy or uncomfortable with […] Continue reading

February 21, 2016
Comments Off on Technology Lesson

Technology Lesson

During technology input myself, Danielle, Erin, Katie, Ailsa and Lucy worked collaboratively to come up with a lesson plan that involved an area which we weren’t too confident about.  By the end of this workshop I realised that planning a technology lesson wasn’t as daunting as I first thought and it’s something I would love to experiment with […] Continue reading

February 19, 2016
Comments Off on Why is Teaching Health and Wellbeing Important?

Why is Teaching Health and Wellbeing Important?

Firstly, I would like to say how strongly I feel about the importance of teaching children about Health and Wellbeing from a very early age. I think it would be ridiculous to teach children about fractions and symmetry but not educate them at all about looking after themselves. Health and Wellbeing focuses on many different […] Continue reading

February 18, 2016
Comments Off on Creating Motivation

Creating Motivation

What is Motivation? There are so many ways we could define motivation. The Oxford English Dictionary states that motivation is a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a certain way. It also states that it can be a desire or willingness to do something. In other words, motivation is enthusiasm to do something. […] Continue reading

February 18, 2016
Comments Off on Health and Wellbeing – One girl’s opinion

Health and Wellbeing – One girl’s opinion

In my opinion Health and Wellbeing is one of the most important areas in the Scottish curriculum. It is where students are able to learn about and discuss relationships, physical education and wellbeing, mental wellbeing, emotional wellbeing and social wellbeing just to name a few. In the principles and practice document for the Scottish curriculum it […] Continue reading

February 18, 2016
Comments Off on Classroom Organisation and Management

Classroom Organisation and Management

I was given the task to design a classroom layout for a class of 28 pupils; 23 boys and 5 girls. This is the classroom layout I designed; I would really like to have a smart board and a white board so that demonstrations can take place in different areas of the classroom. I have heard of many […] Continue reading

February 15, 2016
Comments Off on Scientific Literacy

Scientific Literacy

Scientific Literacy TDT Adele Herron, Chloe Connor, Erin Mcglynn and Megan Shearer Although the term ‘scientific literacy’ may seem quite simple, it has become evident through research and discussion that it much more than just having knowledge of a lot of science. Scientific literacy is the capacity to use scientific knowledge to identify questions and […] Continue reading

February 14, 2016
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Science Literacy

After a recent input on the ‘Science Literacy’ we were asked, in groups, to produce an informative short piece related to the input. Not only was this to consolidate what we had learned but also to develop our understanding, awareness and appreciation of what ‘Science Literacy’ really is and how fundamental it is within the […] Continue reading

February 14, 2016
Comments Off on If Vygotsky played Minecraft

If Vygotsky played Minecraft

A post from my first ever blog hotmilkydrink.typepad.com from August 2014. Content of which I think is still very much of interest for prospective teachers: Last week my daughters were playing with their friends. As a group they were all working together to make a movie and their efforts were industrious, noisy and committed. I listened in on […] Continue reading

February 13, 2016
Comments Off on Language development within early level CfE

Language development within early level CfE

This is an essay I wrote for Uni, although it is rather dry to read I thought it was worth posting. Enjoy. This post will explore the issues surrounding the language development of children working within the early level of … Continue reading Continue reading

February 13, 2016
Comments Off on Design Your Own Classroom

Design Your Own Classroom

As part of our organisation and management TDT we had to design our very own classroom with justification. As a result, I created this design. Design Your Own Classroom This particular classroom is designed to hold 28 children maximum as I strongly believe that children work better when in smaller groups. Although I am aware […] Continue reading

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