
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

January 19, 2018
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Semester 1 Reflection

My first semester at Dundee University flew by. It was a brand new and exciting experience for me as I moved into halls, met new people and most importantly started my degree, putting myself on track to becoming a primary teacher. Prior to writing this post I began to reflect on how I have personally […] Continue reading

January 19, 2018
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Critical Reflection on Semester 1

Semester 1 was a whole new learning curve for me, especially working with other prospective students in the Social Work and Community Learning and Development courses for the ‘Working Together’ module. Myself and seven others from the 3 professions came together to produce a presentation based on our visit to a Social Work agency and how well […] Continue reading

January 19, 2018
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Semester 1 Reflection

Throughout Semester 1 and starting my journey into becoming a teacher, one aspect that I have begun to develop in my professional career and additionally in my personal life is my confidence in believing in my own capabilities and judgment. I recognise that it is a pivotal attribute and requirement of a teacher to be able to think for […] Continue reading

January 19, 2018
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Reflection on Semester 1

One of the most important moments that I reflect on from semester 1 was from my elective module. The base moment from this was the moment I received notification that I had failed my first Politics essay. This essay was micro essay made up of 750 to test our knowledge and effort towards this course. This devastated me as … Continue reading Reflection on Semester 1 Continue reading

January 19, 2018
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New year, same pressures?

The New Year and new semester are now well underway and with this, brings a time for reflection. This past semester has taught me to have more faith in my own abilities. I have always wanted to go to Scotland to study; moving over here was an exciting new chapter of my life. However, I […] Continue reading

January 15, 2018
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Learning outside the classroom

Recently, I discovered through Sue Cowley (Teach Early Years Magazine), that 3/4 of children now spend less time outside than prison inmates do, and with 3/10 children in Scotland overweight or obese (5-14) – primary schools need to have more outdoor learning and children need to be better educated.  There are many benefits from learning …

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January 12, 2018
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ICT programming in the Primary Classroom.

This is a short blog about ICT and programming in primary schools. On Thursday 11th January, our workshop was on ICT and more specifically on programming. We were introduced to a variety of different programming applications that can be used in the primary classroom. The one I will focus on is Textease Turtle. Textease Turtle […] Continue reading

December 6, 2017
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Conquering the Fear of the Unknown

Have you ever been in a situation where you have felt completely unprepared, perhaps overwhelmed or just scared because you were faced with something brand new? Maybe it was something as small as taking a mode of public transport to somewhere you had never been before or walking into a room full of people you […] Continue reading

December 4, 2017
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Over and Out.

What do I Think? I chose the Discovering Maths module as an elective in my second year, because I was afraid of maths and always avoided even attempting any mathematical problems. Despite coming through primary and secondary school in the ‘top maths group’ and being very competent and confident in the subject, it all went […] Continue reading

December 4, 2017
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Discovering Mathematics Reflection

After finishing the Discovering Mathematics module, I have decided to take some time to reflect upon my experiences within the module. At the start of the module, and before it even began, my attitude towards mathematics was extremely negative. I feel this is because maths was always a subject which I struggled with at school, […] Continue reading

December 4, 2017
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Reflecting on Discovering Maths

When beginning the module, I wasn’t exactly sure what to expect from it. In fact, when picking it at the end of first year I expected I’d be going into another maths class like at school – which filled me with excitement. I have to say I was a little disappointed when I found out […] Continue reading

December 4, 2017
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Discovering Mathematics- Reflection

At the very beginning of the Discovering Mathematics module I was quite anxious about maths as a whole however I had the intentions of getting the most out of the module and hopefully changing my attitude towards maths going forward in my teaching career. This module has definitely changed my outlook on the subject and […] Continue reading

December 2, 2017
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Reflecting Upon the Discovering Mathematics Module

I would just like to take some time to look back on the past three months of this module, reflecting on how my opinions on maths has changed, and how I will moved forward with the experience that I have gained. Beginning this module back in September, I didn’t fully know what to expect from […] Continue reading

November 28, 2017
Comments Off on Maths games, puzzles and fun

Maths games, puzzles and fun

In a recent discovering mathematics workshop, we explored the mathematics behind various different games and puzzles. Board games are always something I loved as a young child. I would spend many days with friends and family surrounding a board game and having fun. In this workshop we began looking at Sudoku. A standard game consists […] Continue reading

November 28, 2017
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Discovering Maths: Going Forward

After receiving our final input today for the Discovering Mathematics module, I realised how much my opinions and misconceptions of mathematics have changed. I wanted to write one final blog post to summarise some of the key discoveries I have made over the course of the semester and the ways in which I will use […] Continue reading

November 26, 2017
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Outdoor Learning

I am a huge fan of outdoor learning! I think my passion has mostly stemmed from my experiences working in a nature nursery, where I saw many of the benefits of the outdoor environment for my children. Unfortunately, I see much less outdoor learning taking place in school. So, what is outdoor learning? Well the … Continue reading Outdoor Learning Continue reading

November 24, 2017
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Maths in Taekwondo

Taekwondo is something I have loved since a young age. Throughout my 17 years of doing this sport I have had to face many challenges however it wasn’t until our recent workshop that I started to think about the mathematics that are involved. One of the most obvious concepts of mathematics is the scoring system […] Continue reading

November 23, 2017
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Believe it or not, tessellation is something surrounding us in our daily lives. Look at the tiles in your bathroom, they will all be the same. Inside your kitchen? The tiles will show examples of tessellation as will the floor if it is wooden. Like chocolate? Who doesn’t?! Well that also shows tessellation as well […] Continue reading

November 22, 2017
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My Future with Fundamental Mathematics – Final Reflection on Discovering Mathematics

Semester 1 of second year is nearing its end and we are all preparing for our assignments and exam. I am deliberately taking the time away from the heavy studying to reflect upon the learning I have gained in the Discovering Mathematics module as I think it will be beneficial to create a short final […] Continue reading

November 21, 2017
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Profound Understanding of Fundamental Mathematics

  When I was first asked to describe what profound understanding of fundamental mathematics (PUFM) meant, the panic and fear immediately set in. To me this was something that seemed really complicated and confusing however upon further research and reading I have discovered this is not the case. Liping Ma believes that there are four […] Continue reading

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