
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 28, 2018
Comments Off on Fieldwork


This morning myself and my friend took a trip to the Discovery Boat. I went there with two aims in mind; to learn more about the history of Dundee and to evaluate what it would be like to take a class there. As a child I remember visiting the Discovery Boat multiple times however I […] Continue reading

September 25, 2018
Comments Off on Standing up for justice; standing up for our children.

Standing up for justice; standing up for our children.

I sit and write this blog after one of the most thought provoking discussions so far in my university journey. One in which we were discussing theories such as the Montessori, Owen and Frobel perspectives on education. Each being primarily child-centre focused and broadening on aspects of children thriving on their own initiative and creativity.   […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
Comments Off on Personal audit & transferable skills

Personal audit & transferable skills

WEEK 1 A_Identifying Skills and Abilities Activities for unit 1 Personal and Interpersonal Skills and Abilities A. Identifying Skills and Abilities Activity 1 1. Below are a list of skills and abilities. Complete an audit of where you are now. Record this in your learning journal/portfolio. Rate yourself (1=Not very well developed; 3=very well developed) […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
Comments Off on Structural Inequalities Workshop Reflection

Structural Inequalities Workshop Reflection

During the first workshop of our values module, a large mixed group of future teachers, social workers and CLD workers were split into 5 equal sized groups before beginning our task. Each group was given a large brown envelope containing supplies such as paper, pens, paper clips and post-it notes etc. Our task was to […] Continue reading

September 24, 2018
Comments Off on Values Workshop 1 – A task with a lot of meaning.

Values Workshop 1 – A task with a lot of meaning.

I thoroughly enjoyed my first Values workshop. When we entered the class, we were split into four groups consisting of approximately eight to ten people. Each group was then handed an envelope and instructed not to open in until the instructions were read out to us. We were informed that there were objects inside the […] Continue reading

September 23, 2018
Comments Off on Structural Inequalities and the Dreaded Half Mark

Structural Inequalities and the Dreaded Half Mark

Our first Values seminar was a brilliant deceit and I ate it up. It began with our tutor giving each group a envelope of goodies- and by goodies I mean a load of random stationary- which we had to use to come up with a concept that would have helped us when we first started […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
Comments Off on My Thoughts and Opinions on Interdisciplinary Learning

My Thoughts and Opinions on Interdisciplinary Learning

I think interdisciplinary learning can be an effective tool in schools and can provide fantastic learning opportunities for children. For our ‘Developing Effective Teaching and Learning’ module, we have been asked to read 3 pieces of literature and discuss how that correlates to what our understanding of Interdisciplinary learning (IDL) is. Through this reading, my […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
Comments Off on Historical Storytelling📖

Historical Storytelling📖

In my latest history input we spoke a bit about storytelling in a historical context. A video clip of this being done in a primary class was shown to us, it was quite inspiring. In the clip the teacher would put on a ‘special’ jacket when we was about to tell this history story. This […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
Comments Off on Reflection on IDL

Reflection on IDL

The past few inputs we have had within this module have been about interdisciplinary learning, what it involves and how it is used in the classroom. “The curriculum should include space for learning beyond subject boundaries, so that children and young people can make connections between different areas of learning. Interdisciplinary studies, based upon groupings […] Continue reading

September 22, 2018
Comments Off on Structural inequalities in the classroom

Structural inequalities in the classroom

During our first seminar with Brenda, we were split into 5 groups. She told us that with the resources she was going to provide us, we had to create something that would make ‘our first week on campus easier’. She handed us out envelopes with the equipment we were to use to make this idea […] Continue reading

September 21, 2018
Comments Off on An Envelope, a Group Task, and a Deeper Meaning

An Envelope, a Group Task, and a Deeper Meaning

During Tuesday’s group work task, classes were split into four groups and each group received an envelope, which inside contained a few stationery supplies, some groups with more than others. We were all given the same task – to come up with something useful to a new student at university, and to make whatever we […] Continue reading

September 20, 2018
Comments Off on Lesson Planning

Lesson Planning

Today in our Social Subjects input we spoke about lesson planning around current/recent news events which relate to social subjects. This way the children are learning about current issues. Jennifer and I paired up to create a lesson plan, for a primary 7 class, based on a new article we found online about the effect […] Continue reading

September 20, 2018
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Structural Inequalities

So today we participated in a very insightful group activity within out Values Module. The class was split into four groups and each group was given an envelope that contained a selection of stationary materials. Each tables pack contained different materials, some groups having more than others. We were then asked to discuss in our […] Continue reading

September 20, 2018
Comments Off on Why I Chose Discovering Maths

Why I Chose Discovering Maths

When it came to choosing an elective for my second year, Discovering Mathematics was one of the options that I automatically avoided.  All I could think about was my previous experiences of Maths and ‘why would I want to put myself through that again?’.    However, after discussing the elective with someone from third year, […] Continue reading

September 19, 2018
Comments Off on A Lesson in Structural Inequalities

A Lesson in Structural Inequalities

Yesterday I realised a some-what hard hitting truth that I thought I already knew. Personal bias is everywhere. It is as instinctual in humans as our sense of survival. Whether we like to admit it or not, favouritism is more present in our lives than we would like to admit. Be it a favourite friend […] Continue reading

September 19, 2018
Comments Off on Do you know what an angle really is?

Do you know what an angle really is?

Most recently I have began the studies of my elective module Discovering Maths at University. Although we are only breaking into the second week of this module, I have immediately found it abundantly clear that this module will serve more than just knowledge of the Primary School mathematics curriculum; it will indefinitely open my eyes …

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September 19, 2018
Comments Off on Time + Commitment + Understanding = Success

Time + Commitment + Understanding = Success

Let me start off my saying the word ‘yes’. Yes, I am aware that we use maths everyday, whether that be in telling the time so you are not to miss your train, or working out the change you are due when paying for your bus early on a Monday morning. Whilst I am not […] Continue reading

September 19, 2018
Comments Off on Geographical Mapping🗺

Geographical Mapping🗺

In our lecture today we learnt about using maps with children and how it develops new skills and knowledge of their local and global surroundings. You should use maps with children as maps are a way of communicating information about a specific place, they give children the support to interact with an environment they can […] Continue reading

September 18, 2018
Comments Off on Interdisciplinary Learning: A Reflection from my Childhood

Interdisciplinary Learning: A Reflection from my Childhood

Today we got an introductory lecture to our ‘Developing Effective Teaching and Learning‘ module. The module aims to explore and show us how subjects can take learning beyond it’s barriers and involve Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) – making connections between different areas of the curriculum. It’s all about making appropriate links and showing these to the […] Continue reading

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