
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 29, 2018
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Racism and Patriarchy Lecture Review

Tuesday lecture on Racism and Patriarchy gave me a lot to think about. The racism aspect of the lecture was the first hour, it involved how racism occurred from the late 18th Century. Derek told us about social construction and how people can use this is used to perpetuate inequalities. We also discussed the Critical […] Continue reading

September 28, 2018

Why we shouldn’t treat our students equally.

Although we tend to use the words interchangeably, fair and equal are not the same. Take this as an example: Three children of varying heights are trying to reach for the sweets that are on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard. Treating them equally would mean giving all three children a box to stand … Continue reading Why we shouldn’t treat our students equally. Continue reading

September 28, 2018
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I think; therefore I am

Walking out of Tuesday’s ‘Values’ module, I felt an ironic sense of negativity that I joked about to my peers. After a two hour lecture on biological discrimination, I felt bad as an atheist, straight Caucasian male. Once I had left the company of human communication, I delved a little into my own thoughts as […] Continue reading

September 28, 2018
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How racism and sexism affect our society

On Tuesday 25th, week 3 we had a lecture for our Values module. Within this we explored racism and patriarchy. Both of which linked back to developing our sociological imaginations and how they affect us as teahers. At the start of the session we were looking into Racism and its history. The idea that racism is still […] Continue reading

September 28, 2018
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Race and Patriarchy

In Tuesdays lecture we discussed both race and patriarchy, both in the past and present. I found this lecture very informative and learned a lot of information that definitely opened my eyes as to what is going on in the world. When talking about racism I learnt a lot of historical facts that I was […] Continue reading

September 27, 2018
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Values Workshop Reflection – Racism and Patriarchy

During this weeks lecture, talking specifically about the history of Racism and Patriarchy, really made me think how much this still goes on today. This lecture was very powerful and emotional as it made you think of the society we live in. It was not that long in the past when genders were divided and […] Continue reading

September 27, 2018
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Values Workshop Relection

Tuesday 18th September During this workshop we were divided into small groups with the aim to come up with a resource that a new student would find useful. Each group was giving a brown envelope which had a variety of objects. In my envelope, there was only one pen, one pencil, two sticky notes, two […] Continue reading

September 26, 2018
Comments Off on Sociological Imagination – Racism & Patriarchy

Sociological Imagination – Racism & Patriarchy

In Tuesday’s lecture, racism was a major part of the discussion relating to our sociological imagination. As we looked back to the Civil Rights Movements and the injustice of crimes such as Emmett Till and the acceptance of Jim Crow laws, I realised these historic events were not that long ago. I cannot begin to […] Continue reading

September 26, 2018
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Social Studies: Intial Thoughts

My experience with social studies in school, has always been a positive one, from what I can remember. After the first few inputs of our social studies elective, I have began to think more about my first statement than I ever have before now. “From what I can remember,” is very telling as to the […] Continue reading

September 26, 2018
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The Issue of Racism and Patriarchy in Society

This week’s values lecture about racism and patriarchy was both thought provoking and eye opening. It gave me the chance to fully understand just how much society has changed over the years and seeing how us as humans have grown massively regarding these issues. I understand that it is extremely important for me to be […] Continue reading

September 26, 2018
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How Society Can Structure The Way People Think

Society has a huge impact on how people think whether that is conscious or subconscious. The media has a part to play in this but in the past people didn’t have the internet and social media to form opinions or hear different people’s views. In the lecture it was discussed how things like racism used […] Continue reading

September 26, 2018

Structural Inequalities : A Reflection

Last week, I took part my first Values seminar which was extremely eye opening. The seminar was based on Structural Inequalities, and the problems that come with and surround this issue. The task we were given was to design and later make a product which could be used by a first year student in order … Continue reading Structural Inequalities : A Reflection Continue reading

September 25, 2018
Comments Off on Standing up for justice; standing up for our children.

Standing up for justice; standing up for our children.

I sit and write this blog after one of the most thought provoking discussions so far in my university journey. One in which we were discussing theories such as the Montessori, Owen and Frobel perspectives on education. Each being primarily child-centre focused and broadening on aspects of children thriving on their own initiative and creativity.   […] Continue reading

September 25, 2018
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Workshop Reflection – Structural Inequalities

I wouldn’t be writing this blog today if I wasn’t nurtured through a good, high-achieving school with a strong family with a recent history of academic success. I grew up expecting to go to university. It was never a wish, or an aspiration. It wouldn’t be sensationalist to suggest that it’s something I thought would […] Continue reading

September 25, 2018
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A world with structural inequalitites

Our first workshop in the Values module last week on structural inequalities was very eye opening and really made me think about and consider the problems that can occur surrounding this issue. We were split in to five different groups with each group receiving an envelope with the instructions not to touch it. Our lecturer […] Continue reading

September 25, 2018
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Values Workshop Reflection

At Tuesday’s workshop, we were divided into five groups and given a task to create a useful resource for students. Each group received an envelope of resources to help them complete the task. My group had an envelope full of paper, pens, elastic bands, envelopes, post it notes and much more. As we began the […] Continue reading

September 25, 2018
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Structural Inequalities within the Classroom

Following our workshop on Tuesday, we were asked to reflect upon the task we were set and how it displayed the structural inequalities present within the classroom.  The task involved being split into five groups, where we were all given an envelope containing resources such as card, pens, paperclips etc.  We were asked to make […] Continue reading

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