
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 28, 2016
Comments Off on Beautiful Books!

Beautiful Books!

I love a good story! Whether it’s in a book, a TV show, a movie or even a friend telling me about their weekend – stories are what keep me … Continue reading Continue reading

September 28, 2016
Comments Off on Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

Last weekend I took the opportunity to join the RSPB for a CPD on outdoor learning at Perth’s Quarry Mill. Outdoor learning plays a huge part within my teaching philosophy. Removing the boundaries of the classroom and teaching children within the context of their community and the natural world is key to creating inquiring learners. Upon arrival […] Continue reading

September 27, 2016
Comments Off on Racism and Patriarchy

Racism and Patriarchy

My Story on Racism and Sexism. When growing up, I never looked at the colour of someones skin and judged them. I never thought about why a man was with a man or a woman with a woman. I had the privilege of being brought up in a house where it doesn’t matter where you […] Continue reading

September 26, 2016
Comments Off on Is there Social Imbalance?

Is there Social Imbalance?

The Exercise: To demonstrate social imbalance in a small scale, first the class was separated into 4 groups. We were spaced around the room and given a packet of supplies and instructed to plan and make a tool which may be useful for a future student of Dundee University. I was placed in group 1 […] Continue reading

September 26, 2016
Comments Off on Our first values workshop: Experiencing inequality and how it effected the group

Our first values workshop: Experiencing inequality and how it effected the group

On Tuesday, we had our first of the values workshops. For this, we were split into 4 groups. I, unaware of what was to come, was put into group 4. All four groups were handed an envelope, that included items in which we had to use to make a resource for freshers coming into the university that […] Continue reading

September 26, 2016
Comments Off on Values workshop- Derek should have gone to acting school.

Values workshop- Derek should have gone to acting school.

On Tuesday 20th September we had our first values workshop with Derek. He split us into four groups and gave each group an envelope with a number indicating which group we were. Inside the envelope there was an abundance of resources for Group 1, Group 2 got a similar amount, Group 3 slightly less and Group […] Continue reading

September 26, 2016
Comments Off on Values:Self,society and the professions

Values:Self,society and the professions

Last week we took part in our first workshop for this elective. I went into the room with my friends and sat with them but we were soon split in to four groups.  The groups were quite large  so we all told each other our names and started to chat. It was daunting just being […] Continue reading

September 25, 2016
Comments Off on My First Values Module Workshop – My Opinions!

My First Values Module Workshop – My Opinions!

On Tuesday 20th September, I had my very first workshop of the Values module. I found this to be a very interesting and fun first workshop of my University career. It felt like I was going into the unknown, but everyone was in the same boat as no one knew what to expect. We first got split into […] Continue reading

September 24, 2016
Comments Off on Values Workshop

Values Workshop

Today our class had its first Values workshop. We were split into groups numbered 1 to 4 and duly followed Carrie’s instructions to make something to welcome a new student to the University of Dundee.  At first I was oblivious to the purpose of this activity, however it soon became apparent that the groups had been given different […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on Teacher Competence and Autonomous Language-Lovin’ Learners

Teacher Competence and Autonomous Language-Lovin’ Learners

This year, as my elective module, I have chosen to study Modern Foreign Languages (MFL) pedagogy. As I have already mentioned in a previous blog post, I am passionate about learning languages and therefore the push of MFL in Scottish Primary Education fills me with joy and excitement. But I know this is not the […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on It’s not fair!

It’s not fair!

“Life is not fair”. Different people ascribe varied meanings to the statement. In return one often hears, “Deal with it”, and those who respond this way are more likely to be in a position that society deems as privileged. In our most recent workshop for the Values module we explored social inequality through a devious exercise orchestrated […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on Using Your Voice

Using Your Voice

After a thought-provoking lecture and an engaging workshop as an introduction to our values module, I was intrigued to find out more about how we define ourselves as individuals. I therefore took interest in the videos recommended to us by our lecturer; ones which would encourage us to think more deeply about the influence we […] Continue reading

September 23, 2016
Comments Off on Workshop- Values: Self,Society and The Professions

Workshop- Values: Self,Society and The Professions

This workshop was one of my first therefore I was apprehensive about what to expect. Not long after we had sat down we were back up again and split into groups; I was in group 3. Each group was given an envelope with materials in it and we were told to make a product for a […] Continue reading

September 21, 2016
Comments Off on My Teaching Philosophy (‘Why Teaching’ Revisited.)

My Teaching Philosophy (‘Why Teaching’ Revisited.)

As one of our first Tdts in MA1 we were asked to write about why we chose teaching as our profession. I did not take the straight forward route to university like so many of my fellow education students did. I did not know from day dot that I wanted to be a teacher in […] Continue reading

September 20, 2016
Comments Off on The three levels of bias

The three levels of bias

Values: Self, Society and the Professions. My lecture today was about how we view ourselves and about our conscious and unconscious self. During the lecture, I learned about the 3 levels of bias: Conscious and open bias  Conscious and hidden bias Unconscious bias When listening at first, I believed that I couldn’t have an unconscious […] Continue reading

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