
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

March 19, 2017
Comments Off on Failing our children?

Failing our children?

I am perplexed. Perhaps slightly naïve/idealistic in my thinking but I believe the solutions to many “issues” in education can be solved quite simply. As a mother of two children, with varying degrees of ASN and also as an educator,  the issues … Continue reading Continue reading

March 18, 2017
Comments Off on What a Week!

What a Week!

I can’t believe that’s my first week of placement over already! What a brilliant week it has been! Here are some of the experiences that I have been involved in: Kodaly During the Kodaly sessions, I saw p1 children learning about the foundation elements of music, including rhythm, pitch, and tempo. This learning happens in … Continue reading What a Week! Continue reading

March 14, 2017
Comments Off on The Moulsford Forest School Experience

The Moulsford Forest School Experience

I am so lucky to have today visited a forest school with the pre-prep year groups from Moulsford. It was a new experience entirely for me and having bought wellies in preparation, everyone knew how excited I was to be given this opportunity. Outdoor education is something I tend to miss out of teaching because […] Continue reading

March 14, 2017
Comments Off on So Much Jargon!

So Much Jargon!

(Written on 13/3/17) Placement officially started today, but because I arrived in Texas on Wednesday I was able to have a soft start kind of day on Friday. (Thursday was a recovery day but I still don’t think I’m over the jet lag yet!) On Friday I got to meet everyone on the team I […] Continue reading

March 13, 2017
Comments Off on Learning from Life – First Day Nerves

Learning from Life – First Day Nerves

Needless to say this morning before my first day at Moulsford Boys Prep and Boarding School I was extremely nervous and could not wait to just get there and started. I’m extremely lucky and grateful to be living with family only 25 minutes away from the school itself and I have my car to travel […] Continue reading

March 12, 2017
Comments Off on Placement Jitters

Placement Jitters

Current mode: panic! No, not really. However, I am feeling very nervous about placement which begins TOMORROW. I say placement but is, in fact, a “prac”. I arrived in Australia Friday just passed and about to undertake a placement in Somerset College, an International Baccalaureate world school in Queensland! As well as all of the […] Continue reading

February 19, 2017
Comments Off on Scientific Literacy

Scientific Literacy

Scientific Literacy AC1 – Scientific literacy is often misunderstood. It goes beyond knowing scientific words and filling in worksheets like most people think. It even goes beyond science as we think we know it, as it concerns more than the subject of science itself. People who are scientifically literate have specific skills that are necessary […] Continue reading

February 15, 2017
Comments Off on I am an atheist

I am an atheist

I am a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods. I never got brought up this way, I have always been told to have an open mind and that I should never say never. I have many reasons for disbelieving in a God or gods, and until I started …

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February 14, 2017
Comments Off on The effects of false scientific testing

The effects of false scientific testing

In science we were put into groups and asked to write up a mini essay about the effects of false science testing and publishing and what dangerous repercussions it can have. As a group we chose the dieting fad “Raspberry Ketones” that were said to help you loose weight rapidly and were “scientifically approved”. However […] Continue reading

January 29, 2017
Comments Off on Gender Stereotypes in the Media

Gender Stereotypes in the Media

Waking on Friday morning I unexpectedly found my social media site exploded with claims that in America girls believe brilliance is a male trait. Naturally I was curious to find out more, and the more articles I read, I was horrified to find that the reality is that girls from as young as six truly […] Continue reading

January 25, 2017
Comments Off on The Scary Side of Social Media

The Scary Side of Social Media

Over the past weekend, my friends and I watched an interesting film that sparked a critical thought process within me. The film ‘Unfriended’ sees a group of teenage friends get caught up in a horror and revenge plotline over a group Skype call. Although, the film itself was somewhat convoluted and cliché, its premise was […] Continue reading

January 24, 2017
Comments Off on Health & Wellbeing – Relationships

Health & Wellbeing – Relationships

Our first Health and Wellbeing input focused on the importance of relationships particularly for children. In the early stages of our lives we are constantly adapting to our environment and as part of our TDT for Health & Wellbeing we were instructed to watch two videos related to relationships in early years and the connection […] Continue reading

January 23, 2017
Comments Off on The Importance of Early Year Relationships

The Importance of Early Year Relationships

During our health and wellbeing lecture, we were learning about relationships and how important these relationships are to children. I have been asked to write about the importance of children’s early years and what this means for us as practitioners. Dr Suzanna Zeedyk discusses how human babies are born much earlier than other mammals this […] Continue reading

January 22, 2017
Comments Off on Reflection, Reflection, Reflection !!!

Reflection, Reflection, Reflection !!!

The process of reflection is strongly embodied in the Primary Education course and in our future endeavours as qualified teachers. Reflection is key in adapting our skills and abilities to learn, and more importantly to teach the future generations or inspiring citizens. Our professional practice develops and adapts as changes in society happen. Therefore it […] Continue reading

January 21, 2017
Comments Off on Health and Wellbeing: Relationships

Health and Wellbeing: Relationships

During our Health and Wellbeing lecture, we were learning about relationships and how important relationships are for children. As our TDT after the lecture, we were asked to watch two videos. One on children’s brain development by Doctor Suzanne Zeedyk and another on the importance of the child’s early years by John Carochan. In Suzanne […] Continue reading

January 21, 2017
Comments Off on Professional Development in Semester 1

Professional Development in Semester 1

As a student teacher, we are constantly asked to reflect on what has happened so far so we can learn from the past and develop into qualified teachers. I have been asked to reflect on my professional development during semester 1 and one moment stood out for me. During semester 1, we were required to […] Continue reading

January 21, 2017
Comments Off on Social Studies Audit

Social Studies Audit

Social Studies is one of my favourite areas as it is about working with people and the communications between individuals with each other. In High School, I received a B in Modern Studies, a D in Geography and went on into college where I achieved two A’s in Philosophy and Psychology and a B in […] Continue reading

January 20, 2017
Comments Off on An important moment for me in Semester 1

An important moment for me in Semester 1

As part of my continual development and professional reflection, I have been asked to choose one particular moment of semester 1 that was important to me as a professional and what I learned from the experience. I have chosen the experience of visiting a school in Dundee for the working together module. The module visits didn’t just involve schools, […] Continue reading

January 20, 2017
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Reflecting on Semester One

Being student teachers, we must constantly reflect upon the knowledge and skills we have gained in our everlasting learning process in becoming qualified teachers. As part of a TDT (tutor directed task) we are asked to reflect upon something that impacted us from our learning in semester 1 between the Values and Working Together modules. […] Continue reading

January 20, 2017
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Reflecting on semester 1

Being the first year to complete the ‘Values; self, society and the professions’ module I feel I have been put in a strong position to undertake my first professional placement in April. Previous to this I feel I was very naïve to the impact values had on education. Values are at the heart of every decision […] Continue reading

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