
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

January 22, 2016
Comments Off on Drama


After watching the drama video about structuring a drama lesson. It is clear how the lesson is structured: A Drama contract is created Warm up Focus Development Visualisation Soundscaping Bodyscaping Thought tracking Evaluation The drama contract is created with the class to set clear rules that they must follow in the lesson. This is a […] Continue reading

January 18, 2016
Comments Off on 3 actions for Social Studies

3 actions for Social Studies

To develop my knowledge and skills in social studies I will have at least 3 actions which I can work on this semester and throughout my time in this course. I will ensure I get into the habit of being up to date with current news and weather disasters to make sure I am prepared […] Continue reading

January 18, 2016
Comments Off on SMART Science

SMART Science

Developing confidence and competence in science will take time, however by starting now will help ensure I’m excited and enthusiastic when the time comes for me to teach it within the classroom. Here is my action plan for this semester; Specific – We (as a class) can carry out a topic on The Solar System […] Continue reading

December 28, 2015
Comments Off on Let’s Make Space for Outdoor Learning

Let’s Make Space for Outdoor Learning

Outdoor learning was never a big focus throughout my primary years despite the large field and beautiful Moray Coast on which the school was situated. It was never a topic that was negotiated within our classes and I remember looking out of the window on numerous occasions wishing I was running around in the fresh […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on Opening Our Arms

Opening Our Arms

  As the first plane of Syrian refugee’s touches down in The United Kingdom today, I feel it is important to reflect on how positive it is that our country has opened its arms to these people in their time of need. Britain has agreed to take in around 20,000 refugees over the next five […] Continue reading

November 17, 2015
Comments Off on Unimaginable Imagination

Unimaginable Imagination

Imagine an unimaginable imagination. One that no teacher, educator, facilitator, parent, caregiver or learner sets expectations for, standardises for, or… imagines. Sarah Maxine Green, an American educational philosopher, author, social activist and teacher, stated, “We want our classrooms to be just and caring, full of various conceptions of the good. We want them to be articulate, with […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on That was excellent, but this could be worked on…

That was excellent, but this could be worked on…

Peer review is something I never felt very confident in. I often felt like I wasn’t of the authority to suggest ways of improvement on other’s work, or I didn’t want to offend someone. Giving positive feedback was easy, especially when it is in comparison to another piece of work and you can see improvements. […] Continue reading

November 11, 2015
Comments Off on What is personality?

What is personality?

In today’s input by Patricia, I found the aspect of personality very intriguing. Personality, as quoted in Bee and Boyd (2012, p 218) is “The individual’s enduring patterns of responses to and interaction with others and the environment.”  Personality is a very difficult area to study, as everyone is different. There are five different dimensions […] Continue reading

November 9, 2015
Comments Off on Online Unit: 1c

Online Unit: 1c

What do you see as the main benefits of working co-operatively? – There are many benefits to working co-operatively. One of these being that it allows you to get an insight into professions or areas of the job which you may never of had the chance to look into before. For instance, as a teacher […] Continue reading

November 9, 2015
Comments Off on Reflection on Feedback.

Reflection on Feedback.

In my opinion, the process of feedback is vital. Receiving feedback allows you to develop an understanding of your strengths and weaknesses and also gives you the opportunity to improve upon any weaknesses. It is a very beneficial process, not only to the person receiving feedback but also to the person giving the feedback. By […] Continue reading

November 7, 2015
Comments Off on how secure are you?

how secure are you?

During our psychology lectures one lesson I particularly enjoyed was studying the theory of attachment. I found it interesting that your sense of security and attachment is connected with the development of you as a person. Attachment is a bond in which a person has a special sense of security  and comfort to another person […] Continue reading

November 5, 2015
Comments Off on Stress, stress, stress!

Stress, stress, stress!

I recently read the article on BBC News, “Stressed teachers being ‘reduced to tears’” by Hannah Richardson, BBC News Education Reporter, 22 October 2015 (see link below) and it really hit me. It made me think – teachers are crying out, literally, and what for? They are stressed. This article is stating the lead up […] Continue reading

November 5, 2015
Comments Off on Reflection on the Process of Feedback

Reflection on the Process of Feedback

I was really nervous about getting feedback from my peers because I am not extremely confident in my writing yet. When we were given this task to do I wasn’t feeling great about it at all because the thought of other people in my class judging my writing made me feel sick to my stomach. […] Continue reading

November 4, 2015
Comments Off on Born but not wanted…

Born but not wanted…

From various inputs I’ve realised that the topic of the ‘Romanian Orphans’ was brought to our attention several times. I decided to have a look into the topic as I’d never heard of before and reflect on what I found out.  The term ‘Romanian Orphans’ raised due to Nicolae Ceaușescu forbidding both abortion and contraception all […] Continue reading

November 4, 2015
Comments Off on Little Minds

Little Minds

We know that everything we learn contributes to our memory. However what many are unaware of is the different types of memory. For example, there are many types of long term memory including; Episodic – specific things – personal experience- where/when it happened Semantic – all world knowledge Procedural – knowing how to do something […] Continue reading

November 4, 2015
Comments Off on How gender effected my childhood.

How gender effected my childhood.

As I reflect upon my childhood, it was often my experience that gender effect me in one way or another at all times. These experiences range from scenarios such as, gender stereotypes in games and toys to, my personal opinion from my own time in primary school. Even now, with a “modern” approaches towards gender […] Continue reading

November 4, 2015
Comments Off on What are they thinking?

What are they thinking?

Everything that we do comes down to our brain and the way we think. It has been at the heart of psychologist’s fascinations for years. Ivan Pavlov was the first psychologist to focus upon behaviourism through his ‘Classic Conditioning Test’ His conclusions were that we can change the natural reflex of human and animals. Furthering […] Continue reading

November 4, 2015
Comments Off on I’m telling on you….

I’m telling on you….

We have been learning about stage theory as part of the Thinking Child inputs with Carrie. Automatically as a mum your mind races to your own child. Ruby is three and has spent nearly all of her life with myself and significant adults; only recently starting at a nursery for 3-5s. I was lucky enough to […] Continue reading

November 3, 2015
Comments Off on Important Values

Important Values

I believe that it is crucial for a teacher to have each of the values given on the selected list. They are all incredibly important in their own ways. The five values I have selected to write about are- Honesty, Patience, Self-Control and respect. Honesty Honesty is a crucial value for teachers to have. Firstly, […] Continue reading

November 3, 2015
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Important Values

I believe that it is crucial for a teacher to have each of the values given on the selected list. They are all incredibly important in their own ways. The five values I have selected to write about are- Honesty, Patience, Self-Control and respect. Honesty Honesty is a crucial value for teachers to have. Firstly, […] Continue reading

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