Tricia asked us as part of our questioning and discussion to come prepared to the second workshop with a context and questions to follow this context. When looking at this I felt extremely nervous as it looked a lot more difficult than she had explained. However as I got started it was such a straight […] Continue reading →
February 21, 2016
by Comments Off on We Need More!
Health and Wellbeing. This is a subject which I strongly, strongly believe should be introduced more throughout every single year spent within school. I understand that a lot will be covered within this as it is a main focus within the curriculum however personally I find that many teachers are too shy or uncomfortable with […] Continue reading →
February 18, 2016
by Comments Off on A Child’s A-Z Guide
What can you tell from this picture ? You may agree or disagree with me, but certainly when I think of doing anything to do with children: look at activities; plan lessons; or prepare any task including children what sparks up in my mind first is the HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF A CHILD. Definitely something […] Continue reading →
January 31, 2016
by Comments Off on Exploring the world around us through Science
Science but NOT exactly what its all about. What about this- Science can be simply be incorporated into the classes daily or weekly activities. It allows children to be involved and experiment. It allows the children to question. EXPLORING SCIENCE in the classroom. Well… I was one of many who really dreaded having to […] Continue reading →
When previously considering the role of the teacher, I was guilty of envisioning WHAT they were teaching their class… However, since the very first lecture, it has become very apparent that, yes, the content of a lesson is important, but so is HOW the lesson is delivered. The presence of the class teacher is important […] Continue reading →
January 28, 2016
by Comments Off on Building Financial Resilience: Is it our responsibility?
In a recent Mathematics and Science input, we were very fortunate to be visited by guest lecturer Brenda Rochead who works for the Scottish Financial Education Group. The input focused on how we can raise financially capable children in a society rife with poverty and undesirable financial situations through education starting in the early years. […] Continue reading →
January 28, 2016
by Comments Off on The problem with school uniforms.
There have always been discussions in the media surrounding the wearing of school uniforms and for me the issue is one of contention. I am neither for nor against the wearing of uniform but I do have strong feelings surrounding … Continue reading →Continue reading →
In England, Ofsted has now said that if the veil is becoming a problem for teaching then they will make the overall score the school gets lower. Although I can see the argument to why they should receive a lower grade, I feel like if it’s effecting the teaching then it isn’t probably just […] Continue reading →
January 25, 2016
by Comments Off on Tackle Inequality to Achieve Better Outcomes for Individuals
Colin Miller. Head of Essential Skills and Progression at West Lothian Council says: “We’re finding that girls who are good at maths and science at school tend to go into the care side of things (doctors and nurses) rather than engineering and construction”. ….This could be due to the fact that engineering and construction occupations […] Continue reading →
January 24, 2016
by Comments Off on Animoto – Internet Safety
During our recent ICT inputs (which I have thoroughly enjoyed) we have discussed developing children’s skills, using technology and the internet. An important aspect, which must be discussed with children, before hands on learning can begin, is the importance of internet safety. Animoto, and other such digital programs which can be used to explore different […] Continue reading →
January 22, 2016
by Comments Off on National Testing and Sweeping Statements.
After Scotland rid itself of National Testing in 2003 in an attempt to move away from testing and back to teaching Nicola Sturgeon seems to have brought us right back to where we started. Aside from the issues I have with the reintroduction of national testing on the grounds of the stress it causes children […] Continue reading →
January 21, 2016
by Comments Off on One, 2, Three, 4, Five
Throughout Secondary school I had varying experiences of Maths which I believe has been the major factor in influencing my opinions on the topic. In my first year at Secondary I was given one of the stricter teachers who was firm in his belief of textbook work. I had always been good at maths yet, […] Continue reading →
January 19, 2016
by Comments Off on The importance of the past looking at the future.
My memory of social studies at school is that it was a delivered with mixed quality. I remember one particular lesson on how Roman people lived. The teacher must have spent hours if not days sourcing various foods. Root ginger, dates, olives, grapes, baked apples, rye bread, a huge variety of spices and a vast […] Continue reading →
January 18, 2016
by Comments Off on 3 actions for Social Studies
To develop my knowledge and skills in social studies I will have at least 3 actions which I can work on this semester and throughout my time in this course. I will ensure I get into the habit of being up to date with current news and weather disasters to make sure I am prepared […] Continue reading →
Developing confidence and competence in science will take time, however by starting now will help ensure I’m excited and enthusiastic when the time comes for me to teach it within the classroom. Here is my action plan for this semester; Specific – We (as a class) can carry out a topic on The Solar System […] Continue reading →
December 21, 2015
by Comments Off on Learning and Memory
So now exams are over and the Christmas holidays have begun, what better time to start blogging again. I’m annoyed at myself for my lack of posts last semester however with work and the constant reminder that we had an exam looming, updating my blog was pushed right to the back of my mind. With […] Continue reading →
December 13, 2015
by Comments Off on Where would we be without music? The City of Edinburgh Council has proposed a 75% cut to the budget which funds Edinburgh’s instrumental music tuition service and all of the Edinburgh Schools orchestras and ensembles. If this budget cut is put in place, the hundreds of gifted young musicians, ranging from ages of 7 and 8, right up to 17 and 18 across […] Continue reading →
November 23, 2015
by Comments Off on There’s no avoiding the big issues
None of us live in a bubble. This means that when I become a teacher, I must be prepared for the fact that my pupils will probably have access to the internet, social media and the news; and therefore will be exposed to the terrible and frightening incidents which take place globally. This week, I came […] Continue reading →
November 22, 2015
by Comments Off on Too much pressure on children?
Thus With the introduction of standardised testing in Scotland are we further removing children from their childhood and just instilling the pressure of education earlier. The belief is that these tests will increase attainment in schools. The results of these test will also be published to create league tables for primary schools. However, I feel […] Continue reading →
November 18, 2015
by Comments Off on Children are the real teachers
As someone who is a regular Facebook user, I see a lot of weird and wonderful videos on my timeline on a daily basis but this one has to have been my favourite by far. This child is having a conversation with her mum after her parents have gone through a divorce and her depth […] Continue reading →