
The central sharing hub for #UoDedu teacher education students at the University of Dundee

September 14, 2016
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Why do I want to become a Primary Teacher?

I have been a chef for the last 5 years and now I decided was my time to live my dream and become a Primary Teacher.  I worked hard throughout school to get the my grades and also do lots of work experience but unfortunately was unsuccessful in all 5 University choices at the time.  I decided […]

September 14, 2016
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Why teaching?

Well, it’s amazing to think that this time last year, I was making one of the biggest decisions of my life; what was I going to do once I left 6th year? Now, a whole year later, here I am at the University of Dundee about to start my big adventure into the world of teaching. It was pretty […]

September 14, 2016
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Why teaching?

I chose to study primary teaching because when I am working with children I am at my happiest. The more I work with different age groups and bigger classes the more I develop as a person.  I realised early on that a standard office job wasn’t for me. I needed to be making a difference and helping […]

September 14, 2016
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My Road to Teaching

School is coming to a close, and suddenly you’re faced with the question: what are you going to do with your life? There are meetings with your guidance teacher, lessons on how to apply for university. Endless university visit days to help you decide where you want to go. Everyone else seems to know what […]

September 14, 2016
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Why teaching?

I have always been interested in being a Primary Teacher.  At school, I enjoyed studying a wide breadth of subjects, from English to Maths, from Art to History.  Teaching, therefore, seemed the obvious choice of career for me, as choosing to follow just one path of study was far too difficult. I was also fond […]

September 14, 2016
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Hello world!

Welcome to blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Glow Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

September 14, 2016
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Hello world!

Welcome to blogs.glowscotland.org.uk – Glow Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

September 13, 2016
Comments Off on Discovering the ‘M’ word…

Discovering the ‘M’ word…

On Monday I started my second year at the University of Dundee (time is going too quickly!) which means I am now one step closer to achieving my dream and goal of becoming a primary school teacher. This year I have chosen the elective titled “Discovering Mathematics”. I have taken a piece of my previous blog […]

September 13, 2016
Comments Off on Stand and Deliver!

Stand and Deliver!

Stand and Deliver For this TDT we were asked to watch the film Stand and Deliver, which I had never heard of. We were then to answer the question – Why is Jaime Escalante different? There were many reasons why I think he is different. The first thing that I noticed in the film is […]

September 11, 2016
Comments Off on Fungal foray in Edzell

Fungal foray in Edzell

I am always encouraging student teachers to embrace learning so feel that where possible I should try to live this principle myself. However it is easy to forget this at times. When I was young I loved learning about natural history and as a ‘grown up’ I still love poking about in streams and rock pools. Another interest of mine is wild food (partly because it is free!) so when I heard about the Dundee Naturalists‘ fungal foray to Edzell I thought I’d tag along and try to learn something new. I have been on a few of these trips before and when at university my thesis supervisor was a microbiologist with a passion for fungi and I found the subject interesting. Because of this I was able to identify the odd obvious species, such as puff balls, but I was keen to know more. The trip would also be a chance to learn more about how people learn.

Edzell fungal foray
The woodland just outside of Edzell runs along the North Esk river and was a great spot for the foray. The first thing I learnt was the extent to which different species inhabit slightly different habitats depending on the conditions. The hedgehog fungus likes mossy banks, in slight shade, and that is where we found them just above and below the main path. I also discovered that some of the things I thought I knew weren’t quite right, such as the reason why fungal, also known as fairy, rings form the way they do (apparently this is due to mycelium under the ground and not the spore dispersal from above it). This is important in science education as addressing, and correcting, misconceptions is central to the successful application of constructivist principles. Possibly the most important thing I’ll take away from the day (other than the tasty specimens we foraged!) were ideas to use in my own teaching. I am going to introduce the education students to the four examples below and ask them to work out which three are edible and which one is poisonous. This might seem an odd activity but I hope this will demonstrate how people can attempt to construct their understanding, based on prior knowledge, experience and ideas. You could have a go yourself and post your answers below!

fungal foray forage edzell
Overall I had great day and must thank Jim, Stevie, Gordon and the other highly knowledgeable Nats who helped us identify the fungi, especially the edible ones, and for organising the trip. I think I learned quite a bit and best of all my Sunday breakfast the very next morning was pretty tasty. If you want to find out more about foraged foods there are a range of websites and experts who you can follow on social media, enjoy!

September 11, 2016
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Review of first year placement

I have just finished my first placement.  I spent six weeks in an upper year’s class.  Overall I have enjoyed my placement.  However there were days when I found it very difficult.  It was a real learning curve.  But saying that I am glad I did it and overall I’m sure it has improved my […]

August 25, 2016
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Experiences of Placement

My first year placement was rather enjoyable. I had an excellent Primary 5 class with a teacher who was more than willing to help whenever I needed it. The school itself was incredibly supportive of everything that I had to complete. What did I learn? This placement was definitely a huge learning curve for me. […]

July 4, 2016
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Sharing research and blogging

I am currently sitting in the University of Dundee School of Education and Social Work research conference. I have heard about some great research covering topics including children’s voice, views of science education and transition from school to higher education. As I’ve become more experienced as a researcher I have gained a far better understanding of how to learn from this. It is also great to see the expertise within the department.

Derek ESW conf 2016

And this brings me to why I am blogging when I should be listening. Well the presentation from Education Lecturer Derek Robertson talked about the value of what could be called a ‘living blog’ which itself embodies people engaging, and owning their own professional development. So by blogging (and tweeting and dare I say even posting on Facebook) during presentations I have the chance to reflect on, then share the ideas and research people have been working on – and most importantly help me learn about learning. So next time I see a student using social media in a lecture, I might not judge so quickly!

June 22, 2016
Comments Off on The Shape Detective says Teacher Education is Good

The Shape Detective says Teacher Education is Good

In the not so distant past, I, as a fresh faced teacher education student was introduced to the idea of context creation as a way to create a framework that could make learning accessible, relevant exciting and purposeful. At that time there were two documents that were being used to articulate the thinking behind context creation […]

June 15, 2016
Comments Off on The Flexible Learner – Teaching and Learning

The Flexible Learner – Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning Since I arrived at Dundee my understanding and appreciation of the difference between instrumental and relational learning has increased exponentially. In reading the ideas from Colley et al. (2002) I feel glad to see them advocating learning as a social and relational process. Having recently attended the Scottish Mathematical Council’s (SMC) Stirling […]

June 15, 2016
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The Flexible Learner – Blended Learning

Blended learning What is it? This term is generally applied to learning and teaching that occurs both face-to-face and through an online interface. The majority of the courses on which I teach have this blend of approaches to a greater or lesser degree. Most of the PGDE and MA modules are face-to-face with materials collated […]

June 2, 2016
Comments Off on Enhancing learning with technology (part 2 in an occasional series)

Enhancing learning with technology (part 2 in an occasional series)

You may have read my earlier post about my ‘erratic’ relationship with technology. However I am gradually gaining confidence and utilising tech to support my learning, and teaching. I still don’t ‘do’ Facebook and my entry level smart phone won’t let me use WhatsApp, which certain friends find hilarious. WhatsApp is an interesting example as […]

May 28, 2016
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Glow Blogs – One Year On…

As the end of the academic year draws to a close, I thought now would be the perfect opportunity to post about my experience as a ‘blogger’. As the new blogging system was introduced to us in September, I have now been blogging for a whole academic year! It is very rewarding to see how […]

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