Restorative Approaches


We are delighted to announce our upcoming Restorative Approaches conference in March 2024.

With a theme of ‘Supporting pupil and staff wellbeing through the creation of restorative school communities’ the national conference is ideal for school senior leaders and those with a remit for pupil wellbeing and nurture.

We are excited to be joined by inspirational keynotes including Michelle Stowe, founder of Connect RP, and Karyn McCluskey, Chief Executive Community Justice Scotland.

Places can be reserved now using this link.

For more information please see our RA conference blog which will be updated regularly.

Restorative Approaches encompasses a whole-community ethos, which works to promote and maintain positive relationships and resolve ‘emotional harm’ between two or more individuals. It allows all parties to be listened to, reflect on all views expressed, and arrive at a collective and agreed solution to resolve the emotional harm and move on.


WHAT IS IT?                               

Glasgow’s Restorative Approaches Framework

(GRAF) has been created to support the implementation of Restorative Approaches within a whole-establishment setting. It can be used both as an implementation guide, and also as a validated self-evaluation tool.  It builds upon and extends materials which have been piloted and used for a number of years by schools across the city. Restorative Approaches complement Glasgow City Council’s vision of ‘Towards the Nurturing City’ and inclusion policy ‘Every Child is Included and Supported’. It is also recommended practice in national guidance e.g. ‘Included, Engaged and Involved Part 2’, (2017), and has a clear and consistent evidence base within education settings.

Glasgow’s Restorative Approaches Framework  (GRAF) can be used by all sectors; early years establishments, primary schools, secondary schools and additional support needs provisions. However, adaptation for age and developmental profile may be required.


Implementation of Restorative Approaches is a whole establishment commitment to ensure greatest impact and sustainability.  The projected timescale is 3-5 years to fully embed Restorative Approaches, however validation can be awarded to an establishment once they feel they can demonstrate they have met the criteria outlined in the GRAF.

If you are interested in getting started with Restorative Approaches, you can check out our implementation flowchart and suggested reading materials:

Implementation Flowchart and suggested reading

Get started with Restorative Approaches by using the five key questions with pupils:

5 Key Questions infographic




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