Category: PSE – Other

Our December FVWL RIC/Education Scotland SWAY Newsletter

FVWL RIC /ES December SWAY Newsletter

Just a reminder of our equity themed December SWAY Newsletter which showcases some of the amazing work going on across our Forth Valley and West Lothian Regional Improvement Collaborative (FVWLRIC). You can see the work across our FVWLRIC workstreams, locally and nationally. This is #OurRIC so please get in touch if you would like more information, have any suggestions or if there is something you would like to share for upcoming February newsletter.


PSE Other- First Level Lessons


Sense over sectarianism – Primary school workshop lesson pack | Learning resources | National Improvement Hub (

This resource consists of lessons to explore issues around sectarianism in a safe and challenging environment. Four key questions are addressed:

  • What is sectarianism?
  • How does sectarianism manifest itself in our community?
  • How does sectarianism impact on individual and society?
  • What actions can I take to deal with sectarianism?

Counter Extremism

This resource has been developed in collaboration with school practitioners, extremism experts, the Department for Education and the Home Office. It is designed to reflect recent developments around extremism and empower staff to safeguard pupils as part of a whole-school approach to implementing the Prevent duty.


Educate Against Hate

Government advice and trusted resources for schools to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.