Author: Mrs Sportelli

Primary Practitioners Literacy Facebook Group

A new Facebook group has been set up for FVWL RIC primary practitioners who have a responsibility for or a particular interest in all aspects of Literacy. As well as being able to share all FVWL RIC Literacy related news on the site it is intended to be a forum for sharing ideas, resources and supporting the learning and teaching of Literacy.
To join search for ‘FVWL RIC Literacy Primary Practitioners’ and please remember to answer the questions when you request to join!
For further information please contact Chiara Sportelli at

Paired Reading

CLPL webinar on 15th February at 2pm
This session which is aimed at support staff will equip you with skills designed to engage reluctant readers and improve confidence. A structured approach to paired reading will be provided from choosing reading material through to discussing the text after reading.

Sign up via CPD Manager or contact Chiara Sportelli at for further details.

Reciprocal Reading CLPL – Literacy Academy Online

Reciprocal reading is a structured approach to teaching strategies (questioning, clarifying, summarising and predicting) that students can use to improve their reading comprehension. The strategy is based on robust research examining what effective teaching and learning in literacy looks like and practitioners will develop a deeper understanding of pedagogical approaches that engage learners and lead to improved outcomes.