Teachers’ notes

front-pageWhat is the Foodvent calendar?

  • This calendar was put together by a number of food partners with support from Lorna Aitken and Con Morris of Education Scotland.
  • Each window  features a Christmas food with background information about the food.
  • Each of the days is ‘sponsored’ by colleagues from the Good Food Champions course who will encourage collaboration on the Good Food Learning group on Glow Yammer. We will do this by adding a special tag for each day (#foodventday1, #foodventday2, etc) to the conversation

 Got it, how do we take part?

  • Join the Good Food Learning group on Glow Yammer and encourage your learners to do the same
  • ‘Open’ the window each day and study the information.
  • Encourage learners and colleagues to share their learning, recipes, questions, ideas and learning outcomes on the Yammer group.
  • If you need your Glow details reactivated, see this page How do I get a Glow login?



How can I plan ahead?

You can see the latest conversation below. <Log in with your Glow email address if you see the Yammer login option>

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