1 Pick a Perfect Parsnip

How are parsnips grown?

Parsnips are grown in Scotland and are at their best after the first frosts.  The parsnip is a root vegetable and is harvested by machines from November until February.

What to look for?

Look for the Scottish flag, for the most local, in-season parsnips.  You can also buy organic parsnips.  Not sure what ‘organic’ is all about? click here to find out more.

Are they good for us?

Parsnips pack a nutritional punch, providing plenty of essential vitamins and minerals including folate, potassium and some vitamin C.  100g parsnips have 28% of reference nutrient intake (RNI) of vitamin C.  They are also a good source of dietary fibre. Just one medium cooked parsnip provides nearly 5g, which is more than the same amount of most ‘high-fibre’ breakfast cereals. Most of the fibre found in parsnips is soluble; soluble fibre is known to help keep the heart healthy by reducing levels of cholesterol in the blood. Just watch how much oil you use in the roasting process.

What about the waste?

Parsnips are grown locally, and if you ensure they are clean they do not need peeling so there is no wastage. You can help by ensuring you only buy what you need and opt for loose rather than bagged parsnips. Why not try a creamy vegetable crumble or curried roast vegetables.

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