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How is beef produced?

Some people opt to break from tradition and choose beef for their main meal instead of turkey. Beef from animals born and reared on assured Scottish farms carries the Scotch Beef PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) logo. Scotch Beef PGI is sourced from farms that meet stringent criteria regarding animal welfare, feeds and natural production methods.  Remember, ‘Scotch Beef’ isn’t the same as ‘Scottish beef’! ‘Scotch Beef’ is an assurance of quality and great taste, so look for the label when you buy your meat.


A typical Scotch Beef PGI farming system involves suckler cows (beef breeds farmed to produce beef rather than milk) farmed on low-input grassland. Feeding livestock over the winter is a really important job.  The cold temperatures and the wet/snowy weather means that the grass does not grow and the soil can become really muddy.  So, livestock are often kept indoors and fed hay, silage and concentrates.  When livestock is inside the farmer has the daily job of feeding and making sure the animals have clean bedding so they stay healthy.

Nutrient Rich

Red meat, like beef, is a natural source of protein, iron, zinc and B vitamins.   100g of lean beef (avoiding the fat) contains:

  • 175kcals

  • 32.2g Protein

  • 5.1g Fat

  • 2.5mg Iron

Love beef, hate waste

Remember you can use any leftovers from your roast to make a whole range of exciting recipes from a great steak sandwich to chilli or even a heartwarming Scotch Broth. Check out some leftover recipes like Scotch Beef and black bean chilli. Also, why not visit Love Food Hate Waste to find out more ways you  can reduce waste over the holidays.

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