What are we talking about? Brussels sprouts, of course!
Brussels sprouts are at their best from November through to February and we grow them in Scotland. They grow on stalks and the sprouts are picked either by hand or machine. Brussels sprouts belong to the same family as cabbages and cauliflower.
Sprouts are a rich source of Vitamin C and folic acid. One 100g serving of boiled sprouts has 103% of the reference nutrient intake (RNI) of Vitamin C – four times the amount of vitamin C than an orange, and 44% of your RDA of folic acid.
Frozen sprouts are harvested, prepared and frozen very quickly, so have all the nutrients locked in until they are ready to cook. Using frozen also means you only use what you need and the rest will save till later. If you have any sprouts left over after Christmas why not try sweet and sour potatoes and sprouts.
Support British sprout growers and buy Scottish sprouts and if you don’t like them boiled, why not try something different and shred them into a salad?