11 Nutty facts

Nut Roast

Which nuts are used in a nut roast?

Nut roast is a common choice for the vegetarian Christmas. The main nut in nut roast is the peanut, although peanuts are not actually nuts, but legumes – the same family as beans and peas.  Peanuts grow underground.  Other nuts often used in a nut roast are walnuts and almonds which grow on trees. Nuts grow in sunny climates and are not grown in Scotland.

fairtrade-logoLook for the Fairtrade logo on nuts. This ensures that the farmers who grew the nuts receive a fair price for their product.

Nuts are a good source of protein and fibre. They also contain fats. Try making your own nut roast and packing in vegetables as well as nuts to increase the nutritional value of the roast.

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