Tag Archives: Skills for Learning Life and Work

Learning for the new NQs: Speak up Scotland! A Year of Science Debating

Within our recently published advice and guidance associated with the new NQs in science, there are a number of areas which would lend themselves to discussion in the classroom. What does this look like? What is the difference between learners talking, and discussing? Arguing and debating? What tools and approaches can be used to ensure learners are developing their skills in discussion, argumentation, and debate?

A teacher’s handbook from the English-Speaking Union (ESU) Scotland came across my desk this week. 2012 is  the year of the ESU’s Speak up Scotland! Science Debating project. Within this easily digestible, practical handbook are a range of techniques and approaches which can be used to structure debate within the science classroom, and include all learners within the class. It explains how to plan and structure a formal debate, if that is what you are looking for, including how to structure a speech, a format for judging the content and skills of the participants – useful for teacher observation or peer evaluation. Other approaches described include balloon and role play debates. Exemplification is given for role playdebates in bio-prospecting and badger culling.

The booklet also contains starters for debates such as:

 ”this house believes the government should fund research on planet earth rather than the cosmos” – ties in with the new National 4/5 qualifications in Physics

“this house would give up non essential flying to help curb dangerous climate change” – ties in with the sustainability elements across a number of the new NQs including Environmental Science

“this house would ban research on embryonic stem cells” – ties in with the National 4/5 qualifications in Biology and our published advice and guidance on Health and Disease.

Each section includes “fast facts”, and suggested questions to ask – does an embryo have human rights? how do we know how old the universe is? how do we control nanoparticles in our environment; or artificial organisms we create?

All of this is also available on the project website where you can  find out how schools are using the debates and the feedback from learners.

If your learners need support in building confidence to speak in front of others, why not look back to our Debating in Schools resources published in 2007 which include Building Speaking Confidence: Guidance for first-time speakers.

Food Revolution Day! Saturday 19th May


Together we can change the way people eat by educating every child about food, giving families the skills and knowledge to cook again, and motivating people to stand up for their rights to better food. Add your voice to the conversation with your best cooking and food education tip, favorite ingredient, or tell us why you support the Food Revolution and what actions you are taking.


Click here to access a helpful PDF on 30 ideas to start a Food Revolution.

Live UnLtd – Summer of Social Action Campaign

Live UnLtd support young people to run inter-generational projects, start sports, arts, environmental and community projects; projects to address bullying, isolation and much more. Some of their award winners start their own sustainable social enterprises. All projects and enterprises are run by young people themselves (those under 18 need an adviser who can be a teacher, youth worker, parent or similar). For examples of projects please see here.

Individuals or small informal groups leading their own idea can apply. Applicants must be aged 11-21 and live in the UK. Applications cannot be made on behalf of organisations such as youth clubs or schools.

Applications must:

  • Show how the project will have a positive social impact on the applicant’s community;
  • Have identified a problem and show ho the project will tackle the problem;
  • Tell Live UnLtd what specific activities the project/enterprise includes and what it hopes to achieve;
  • Show how the project provides a learning experience for the applicant.

Receiving an award allows individuals to use their creativity and learning a hands-on way which may enhance their CVs. They can also help erase the negative stereotypes associated with ‘youth culture’ in the media today while making their world a better place.

What can they apply for? The costs of running projects. For example: venue hire, equipment costs, marketing materials, travel and volunteering expenses.

Eleven to 15 year olds can apply for up to £500 and 16-21 year olds can apply for up to £5,000. Award winners also receive the support of a Development Manager.

The deadline for applications is 31 May 2012.

Contact: Gina Headden at Live UnLtd in Scotland, Tel: 0131 220 0511 [ e-mail | website ]

Advice & Guidance for NQ Technologies

As you will no doubt know, the SQA have published their final documents for National 2 – Higher. In order to support schools in the delivery of key aspects of the new qualifications, Educations Scotland have published published a suite of practical advice and guidance for teachers and lecturers.

There are new materials to help practitioners deliver their national 4 and 5 courses, although with some amendment, practitioners could use these materials at other levels too. Practitioners can also use the ideas and suggestions to apply them to their own materials as they see fit.

I think all teachers who will be delivering the new qualifications will find them useful and we would be delighted to receive your feedback. To access the advice and support from Education Scotland please click here.

To access the SQA website pages containing the final documents for Technologies please click here and selct your subject from the drop down menu.

Advice and Guidance for new National Qualifications: the nature of risk

A theme which comes through in a number of the new National Qualifications for sciences is that of risk, risks and benefits, and risk management. What does this look like for the learner? Is it a list of pros and cons or something more sophisticated?

In a BBC article from the Go Figure series, the question is posed “How risky is it if you don’t know the risks?” which explores this in the context of understanding the ‘risk’ of mobile phone use.  The article was published in June 2011 but of course the issue of mobile phone ‘risk’ was raised again in the media very recently. This could also be the basis for discussion around risks associated with

radioactivity, in the context of the Advice and Guidance for Nuclear Chemistry, or Nuclear Physics

different energy sources and energy security within Physics or Environmental Science

developments in DNA science in our Health and Disease, or Inheritance Advice and Guidance.

World of Work Wednesdays – Working in Architecture

Wednesday 25th April 2012 @ 14:00

Are you creative? Do you enjoying building and designing? Are you interested in spaces, places and the environment? Ever wonder why buildings are the shape they are? Then join our World of Work Wednesday event about the world of architecture and the built environment.

We will be joined on the day by two architects who will talk through their inspiring careers and answer any questions you may have about joining this exciting and creative profession.

Why not sign up and join us for this interesting event?

World of Work Wednesday and groundbreaking Life Sciences Research in Scotland

If you are interested in signing up for the World of Work Wednesday Glow meet on 9th May at 2pm on Working in Life Sciences, these articles from The Independent “Scientists rewrite rules of human reproduction” and “Eggs unlimited: an extraordinary tale of scientific discovery” may be of interest. This article describes the ground breaking work with stem cells taking place at the University of Edinburgh in partnership with Harvard Medical School, and ties in perfectly with the contexts for forthcoming advice, guidance and exemplification for new NQs in Biology.

Wednesday 9th May at 2pm

You don’t have to do the traditional route of university, and a PhD to have a career in science. It maybe seems like the kind of job for which you have to spend years and years qualifying and training. Well, this is not always the case. Young people, some not long out of school, are working in science right now and you could be too.

Science requires individuals with many skills and interests – and not all scientists work in a laboratory. The panel for this session all have different jobs and their qualifications, training and experiences are varied.

With Life Sciences, you are already at an advantage when it comes to employment opportunties. Scotland is regarded as one of the most successful countries in the world for Life Sciences. The Scottish Government have made Life Sciences a Key Priority Industry, which means that they see it as a means of us expanding our economy in the future. The industry has roles in sales, business development, research, clinical trials and many more.

Click here to sign up to the event (Glow log in required).


Learning and Teaching Energy Security

Are you working with the STEM Central to explore the role of STEM subjects in sustainability? Are you looking ahead to the implementation of Senior Phase, and planning for learning and teaching around Energy Security for learners working towards new national qualifications in Physics?  Recent news articles provide a way of keeping the learning and teaching topical and relevant, providing inspiration for exploration through open ended investigative practical or research work e.g.

Survey Finds Scottish Home Running Costs at 10 year high

Fife Energy Park to host new offshore turbine concept

New UK attempt to capture carbon

Coal fuelled power station plans for Grangemouth

Samsung wind turbine project to create 500 jobs in Fife

Scotland’s nuclear stations could stay open

Salmond Hails Hydrogen Energy Facility in Fife

The BBC’s Bang Goes the Theory episodes The Human Power Station and Exploring the Science of Fuel may also provide useful enrichment for learning and teaching.

World of Work Wednesdays – Working in Sciences

Wednesday 9th May at 2pm

You don’t have to do the traditional route of university, and a PhD to have a career in science. It maybe seems like the kind of job for which you have to spend years and years qualifying and training. Well, this is not always the case. Young people, some not long out of school, are working in science right now and you could be too.

Science is part of our everyday life and Life Sciences are particularly important, with stories on the news nearly every week telling us about new medical technologies and treatments for diseases.

Science requires individuals with many skills and interests – and not all scientists work in a laboratory. The panel for this session all have different jobs and their qualifications, training and experiences are varied.

With Life Sciences, you are already at an advantage when it comes to employment opportunties. Scotland is regarded as one of the most successful countries in the world for Life Sciences. The Scottish Government have made Life Sciences a Key Priority Industry, which means that they see it as a means of us expanding our economy in the future. The industry has roles in sales, business development, research, clinical trials and many more.

This World of Work Wednesday comes at an ideal time to enhance practitioners knowledge and understanding of this area of work, to tie in with the forthcoming advice, guidance and exemplification for new NQs associated with health and disease, and inheritance.

Click here to sign up to the event (Glow log in required).

Building the Curriculum 4: Moving into the senior phase

Building the Curriculum 4: Moving into the Senior Phase. How Skills for learning, life and work develop within qualifications

Wednesday 18th April 2012 @ 16:00 on GlowTV

This Glow Meet is appropriate for all practitioners in secondary schools, and a recording of the session will be made available shortly after the event for practitioners in colleges and community based settings

Building the Curriculum 4 supports the planning, design and delivery of the curriculum in early years’ establishments, schools and colleges. It sets out skills for learning, life and work showing the importance of developing them for all Scotland’s learners.

How can we build on skills learners have from their broad general education when they move into the senior phase? Should they be ‘naturally occurring’ or are they too important to leave to chance? During the session we will discuss how they feature in the new National qualifications, think about how they are/might be incorporated in subject areas to develop what learners need for their life now and in the future.

A key aim of this Glow Meet will be to promote discussion and to inspire practitioners to explore different approaches to skills development in the senior phase. Participants will have a key role in this session – to share enthusiasm, ideas and practice.

To sign up for the Glow TV Event click here (Glow log in required)

To read Buliding the Curriculum 4 click here.


Here’s the recording of the Glow Meet…


…and you can click here to get the PowerPoint which was used.

Cut it Out Road Safety Project

The “Cut It Out” programme is two school periods long, (one hour and fifty minutes in total), and covers the main contributory factors in Road Traffic Collisions such as speeding, drink/drug driving and seatbelt use. It aims to raise awareness and challenge attitudes in young people with regards to the dangers associated with our roads.

The programme has been designed in conjunction with education, road safety departments, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), Strathclyde Police, West of Scotland Road Safety Forum, NHS and Scottish Ambulance Service and in such a way as to be delivered by specially trained fire service personnel in partnership with other emergency services. It is a curricular based, interactive, multi-media programme designed for S5 and S6 pupils.

The programme, which relies heavily upon the interaction between students and facilitators, requires students to ultimately take on different roles and ‘investigate’ the cause and problems associated with a Road Traffic Collision. They are also asked to look at how the incident could have been avoided and to report their findings back to their peers.

If you want to know more about “Cut It Out” or want to book the programme then please contact your local Strathclyde Fire & Rescue Area Headquarters or Service Headquarters for details.


Wise up Wednesday – new online resource

Studying Scotland is a resource that will help build confidence in the learning and teaching of Scotland within the curriculum, making it a rewarding and valuable experience for both learner and practitioner.

The resource includes new and exciting learning and teaching ideas as well as resources for learning. There are ideas on how to teach about Scotland within the Early Level.

There is also a Glow page on the Early Years National site which has gathered together all early years relevant resources on this subject.

Visit today and be inspired!

School Open Day – St Paul’s High School, Glasgow

9:30am – 3.00pm, Thurs 10th May 2012

Theme:  Sustainable Development Education and Education for Citizenship 

St Paul’s High School is an inspiring example of a school that has adopted a whole school approach to global citizenship. The school’s achievements in this regard have earned it national recognition as a finalist in the 2011 Scottish Education Awards (Sustainable School Category) and as a winner of the 2009 Scottish Education Awards (Active Citizenship Category).

The school’s approach and vision for global citizenship has made an identifiable impact on learners, helping them grow in confidence and providing them with real-life opportunities to develop their skills and transform their local community. The school has supported a wide range of activities to achieve this, most notably:

  • Dedicated time within the social studies curriculum for learners to choose and engage with local community projects and tackle anti-social behaviour in the wider community
  • A strong school ethos which puts respect for others and service to others at the heart of school life and the curriculum
  • A sustained commitment to learner voice and a well-established school parliament that provides learners with decision-making powers and a budget to make things happen
  • A diverse range of activities and initiatives which support a whole school approach including a Fairtrade group, Eco-Schools group and pupil campaign group
  • Planned opportunities for personal achievement through S1 electives, S2 citizenship and S3 skills academy.

This CPD event offers practitioners and school leaders from across Scotland the chance to visit St Paul’s High School to meet with the Head Teacher, staff and learners and also tour the classrooms, buildings and grounds.

Those participating in the open day will also have time to reflect and share their own experiences.

Download Programme for St Paul’s Open Day >>

How to book

To book, please email: globalcitizens@educationscotland.gov.uk or Tel. 0141 282 5172.

Places are limited so please book early to avoid disappointment. This is a free event!

Working in our National Parks – A Series of Events

Join us for the first two Glow TV events in a series looking at outdoor learning and skills for work.

Our first session comes live from Hermitage Academy on Thursday 22nd March from 11-12pm where pupils will be meeting two employees of Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park to give you an insight into the pathways to and the roles of a planner (particularly around the built environment) and a ranger (with roles in education and conservation). You will learn what qualifications, skills and areas of expertise are required and developed in both roles and have opportunities for questioning our experts.

In our second session on Tuesday 27th March from 2pm join our panel of experts, including some pupils involved, to learn about rural skills. A similar session to the one on Thursday 22nd March is featured, along with footage of a rural skills course in action with interviews from pupils, teacher and National Park ranger delivering the course.

Hear about the skills for work opportunities and how a course such as this helps the development of a suite of ‘soft’ skills which are transferable and support transition into work. There will be opportunities to interact and have your questions answered during both sessions.

Sign up and join us in Glow TV for Working in our National Parks – live from Hermitage Academy on Thursday 22nd and Working in our National Parks – Rural Skills on Tuesday 27th March. We look forward to seeing you!

Youth Employment Seminar


Did you know that 102,000 16 to 24 year-olds in Scotland were unemployed from October to December 2011? The employment rate was 52.9% in Scotland (50.2% for UK).

FEdS is organising a seminar on Youth employability: The opportunities and challenges of a changing recruitment market on 28 March at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange, involving Education Scotland as a FEdS member  and recruitment specialist Bright Purple Resourcing. The seminar coincides with the first National Career Guidance Show to be held in Scotland, organised by Prospects and the Institute of Career Guidance. Follow the link for more information or contact coral.rayfield@feds.co.uk to book your place.

 FEdS is a small, specialist organisation that provides a neutral space where senior, experienced people from business, education and government can think creatively and work collaboratively.

FEdS was established in 1996; it has a membership of over 50 organisations and a significant network of associates drawn from a wide range of sectors. FEdS aims to create greater understanding between business, government and education, leading to better policies and practices.

World of Work Wednesdays – Explore Your Future in Oil and Gas

Do you want a career with global opportunities? Are you interested in working for a pioneering industry? Do you want the chance to earn as you learn?

Join our World of Work Wednesday event to hear from oil & gas professionals to hear what types of jobs are available in the industry and what it’s is really like to be part of a dynamic sector that offers excellent rewards for hard work!

Also you’ll get the chance to ask real-life professionals anything you’ve ever wanted to know about oil & gas.

From HR to PR, drilling to design, accountancy to apprenticeships, onshore and offshore there’s something to inspire everyone.

So why not sign up and join us on Wednesday 14th March at 2pm to find out all about it?! – WOWW – Explore Your Future in Oil and Gas

International Women’s Day – Be What You Want!

Join us on GlowTV on Thursday 8 March @ 1.45 pm

“That’s women’s work!” “You’ll need a man to do that job!”

To mark International Women’s Day, join us in challenging the stereotypes and assumptions that young people may have when considering subject choices and subsequent career paths by participating in a Glow TV event aimed at P6-P7 pupils. Sign up here

Making Connections between STEM Central & Glow Science

STEM Central provides a rich, stimulating and challenging context for learning and teaching. It makes connections between sciences, technologies and mathematics through the context of engineering allowing learners to broaden their understanding of the applications of concepts and skills developed in curriculum subjects. It allows learners to develop solutions to problems and demonstrate creativity through inquiry.

Glow Science (Glow login required) is an online resource comprising hundreds of short films. The resource is for teachers and for learners from age 8 to 14. Their films are mapped to Curriculum for Excellence outcomes and experiences, and cover all four science disciplines: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science.

If you visit the Glow Science Section on STEM Central in Motion you will find out STEM Central and Glow Science can be used together to support learning and teaching.

Glow Meet – Employability Skills in the Early Years


We would like to say a big thank  you to all who tuned in to our Glow Meet yesterday it was one of the most successful Glow Meets we have ever had, with all attendees sharing their enthusiastic comments and questions, particularly in relation to assessment and tracking. Also thank you to Lorraine Munro from Dens Road Primary School in Dundee who shared her expertise in the early years.

Due to the success of this Glow Meet we are really keen to organise another to follow on from yesterday’s discussion so watch this space!

In the mean time, to continue the discussion and share your thoughts, ideas, suggestions and questions click here and join our discussion forum.

To Watch Again Click Here

We look forward to hearing from you.

Transform Toolkit

Education Scotland has published a new online resource,
Transform Toolkit. The toolkit has been created by National Theatre of Scotland and Education Scotland to give every school and community the chance to create their own transformative experience.

Transform is an initiative which gives opportunities to schools and communities to work collaboratively on a large-scale creative project and allows participants to engage with and learn from artists from a range of creative industries.

Transform can be carried out by using the range of suggested tasks provided in the toolkit and/or with CPD support from National Theatre of Scotland. You can use the toolkit as a guide and it is designed to allow you to pick and choose the appropriate activities for the participants.

STEM Central and Research Recommendations

How can teachers engage with the recommendations of a recent research pilot by the Department for Education and carried out by the Centre for Education and Industry at the University of Warwick (CEI), the International Centre for Guidance Studies at the University of Derby (iCeGs) and Isinglass Consultancy Ltd? This three year programme of work sought to explore the potential to embed STEM careers awareness in the early stages in early stages of secondary education.

STEM Central demonstrates opportunities for using engineering to learn through enquiry and investigation in curriculum areas and interdisciplinary studies. STEM Central  provides opportunities to embed learning of STEM across traditional subject boundaries, and offers opportunities for all learners to understand the wealth of learning and career opportunities offered by STEM.

Using the careers based videos can enrich teachers understanding of opportunities STEM offers their learners, and assist in planning for learning and teaching which prepares our young people to 

“gains the skills and aspirations essential for building the UK’s economy and to help them participate in an increasingly scientific and technological society.” (Good Timing: Implementing STEM careers strategy in secondary schools, November 2011)


Planning for Learning, Teaching and Assessment in RME

A new resource has been developed to support practitioners in planning for effective learning, teaching and assessment in RME. This resource takes you through the process of unpacking the Es and Os to gathering evidence. There are tasks for staff to undertake and help develop your thinking. There is also an interactive powerpoint presentation and templates for you to use. The resource can be found by clicking here.

Think of a Learner…and a loop the loop

Education Scotland’s Sciences Development Offier joined up with SSERC to work with Physics teachers from South Lanarkshire during their recent in-service days.

The Think of a Learner toolkit, under development to aid practitioners in self evaluation and engaging in professional dialogue, to explore in more depth the guidance and advice on CfE from the perspective of the individual learner, was used to stimulate and structure interesting and challenging discussion. This toolkit, designed to be used for individual, department, Faculty or whole school CPD,  addresses the most common questions and queries arising around new NQs and bridging from the BGE to Senior Phase. The theme was continued with some hands-on work including the amazing invisible test tube and new ideas for physics of motion using a loop the loop track and a neat piece of free software called Tracker.Jar. Together, we explored how learning and teaching in a three year Senior Phase can offer opportunity to build on prior learning and support the learning in achievement his or her potential.  

Many thanks for the teachers who worked hard on each of the two mornings, and to South Lanarkshire and SSERC for working in partnership with Education Scotland to support teachers with CfE.

Health and wellbeing Glow Meet Wednesday 22 February 1615-1700

This Glow meet will provide CPD support to deliver the aspects of HWB that are the Responsibility of All. 

You will have the opportunity to hear about the building blocks of HWB to develop a whole school approach and a shared understanding of Responsibility of all.  This shared understanding can help teachers and partners to consider assessment in HWB, in particular on those aspects that are the Responsibility of all.

There will be the opportunity to post questions throughout the meet.

To join your colleagues, please click here. (Glow log in required).

3D Modelling Software

I recently had the opportunity to visit the Craft, Design and Technology Department at Queen Anne High School to see how they used 3D modelling software in S1 and how this progressed into the Senior Phase. 

To find out more about my visit view the video on the Chalkface Blog.

S2 Business & Enterprise

On Wednesday (08/02/12) I had the opportunity to visit Claire Grubb a Business Education teacher from Kincorth Academy in Aberdeen. Claire described how they have re-written their second year Business and Enterprise Course using the Technologies and Social Studies Experiences and Outcomes. She also describes how they assessed the learning.

To find out more about my visit view the video of Claire on the Chalkface Blog.

Early Years Glow Meet – Building the Curriculum 4: skills in the early years

Wednesday 29th February
4.00pm – 4.30pm

This Glow Meet is appropriate for all early years practitioners.
Building the Curriculum 4 supports the planning, design and delivery of the curriculum in early years establishments, schools and colleges. It sets out skills for learning, life and work demonstrating how they are embedded in the experiences and outcomes.
Can we build employability skills in the early years? Should we be thinking about these within the early level? During the session we will speak to a practitioner who, in partnership with her colleagues, helps children develop the skills they need for their life now and in the future.
A key aim of this Glow Meet will be to promote discussion and to inspire practitioners to explore different approaches to skills development in the early years. Participants will have the chance to ask the panel questions and share ideas.
Hope to see you there!
Click here to sign up and find out more!

S1 Business Enterprise

On Wednesday (08/02/12) I had the opportunity to visit Elizabeth Still a Business Education teacher from Kincorth Academy in Aberdeen. She described to me their S1 Business Enterprise Course, this programme involves the class running a small enterprise activity.

To find out more about my visit, view the video of Elizabeth on the Chalkface Blog.

Health and Wellbeing Showcase, Thursday 9th February, Aberdeen

The Health and wellbeing team welcomed over sixty practitioners to our Showcase event. 

We had a packed day celebrating good practice across the health and wellbeing organisers. There was a marketplace where many of our partners were available to discuss how they can support schools, these included Active Schools, British Heart Foundation, The Red Cross, Organ Donation, Sustrans, Health Working Lives and Scottish Crime and Drug Enforcement Agency.  

Alison Hammerton from Outdoor Learning enthused with ideas that stimulated how schools can deliver health and wellbeing by taking the curriculum outside. Click here to go the Outdoor Learning Blog for updates.

We finished the day with a keynote speech from Craig Brown, former Head Teacher and current Manager of Aberdeen Football Club.  He shared some tales of football fun whilst integrating the key messages of health and wellbeing and gave us all a laugh too.

We hope our delegates gain a lot from the day and would encourage them to sign up to our HWB Community where we will share the presentations from the day and partner contact information. Click here to sign up to the community.

Also don’t forget to join Education Scotland on Facebook and Twitter.

Entrepreneurship in Enterprise

On Wednesday (08/02/12) I had the opportunity to visit Lauren Hay a Business Education teacher from Kincorth Academy in Aberdeen. She described to me their Enterprise Project with the Wood Family Trust. This programme focused on the entrepreneurship aspect of enterprise and intergrated entrepreneurship across the curriculum.

To find out more about my visit, view the video of Lauren on the Chalkface Blog.

Aberdeen Uni investigate STEM Central

Yesterday (08/02/12), I visited the University of Aberdeen to complete a Technologies workshop with BEd3 & PGDE students. We began by discussing the misconceptions surrounding Technologies within Curriculum for Excellence, and spent the rest of the time looking at draft second level learning journeys for STEM Central. The students thought the website was easy to use, they liked how there were suggested learning intentions and success criteria and also felt that there was lots of ideas that they could adapt to their own lesson planning.

You can find the presentation here. (Glow log in required)

We ended by looking at some of the other resources available from Education Scotland to help with teaching Technologies:

STEM Central in Motion

Technologies Staffroom (Glow log in required)

Glow Science (Glow log in required)

Technologies area of the website

Exploring Climate Change

Weather and Climate Change

Working in the Energy Sector

Obama’s aide offers food for thought

One of Barack Obama’s key aides will head the line-up for the Scottish Government’s 2012 National Food and Drink Conference.

Dr Janey Thornton, the US Department of Agriculture’s Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition and Consumer Service, will discuss the benefits of collaborative working for both Scotland and America at the event in Perth on March 7.

Also joining Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead on the conference platform will be Dr Joao Breda from the World Health Organization. He will assess how Scotland is progressing in relation to some of the world’s top food and drink issues.

Completing the line-up at the event – which celebrates Scotland’s high quality food and drink sector and its many innovative businesses and producers – will be one of Scotland’s top chefs, Nick Nairn, as well as entrepreneur Fraser Doherty of SuperJam, who turned his teenage hobby into a successful business.

Click here to download an application for the event.

Adolescent Health and Risk Behaviours Symposium

Adolescent Health and Risk Behaviours Symposium
Policy, Research and Practice

 Wednesday 29th February 2012

Royal Society of Edinburgh, George Street, Edinburgh

9:30am – 3:30pm

If you would like to register for a place, please complete and return this form to Renee Ingram (renee.ingram@scphrp.ac.uk).

Climate Change Debate Glow Meet 3: Adapting to climate change

2pm – 3:15pm, Monday 6th February 2012

If the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report is anything to go by then flooding, droughts, heat waves and extreme storms are likely to occur more frequently through to the middle of the century and beyond.

Are we powerless in the face of increasingly extreme weather or will human ingenuity, resourcefulness and spirit provide us with solutions to help us ride the storm? What steps are our government and public agencies already taking to prepare us for the changes coming? How can the poorest countries adapt with limited resources?

From floating houses to massive flood defence schemes there is already much work underway. Will it be enough? In this, the last in a series of three national Glow meets, learners will have a chance to air their views and put searching questions to our panel of experts including:

–          James Curran MBE, Chief Executive, Scottish Environment Protection Agency

–          Anna Beswick, Public Sector Officer, Adaptation Scotland

–          John Sharp, Schools Education Officer, SCIAF

Visit http://bit.ly/climatedebatethree to register, post your questions in advance and join the Glow meet on the day. This Glow meet is aimed at learners in upper primary and secondary schools.

For resources and videos on climate change visit Weather and Climate Change, Exploring Climate Change, STEM Central and Climate Change on Glow.

Other events in the series included:

–          Glow meet 1: Our changing weather and climate view recording here

–          Glow meet 2: Climate science – evidence versus controversy view recording here

My Oil and Gas Career Website

If you’ve been working with the STEM Central contexts, or perhaps want to find out more about potential careers in the Oil and Gas industry for advising learners, OPITO’s new careers website www.myoilandgascareer.com has arrived at the right time. The site is a one-stop-shop for information on careers within the oil and gas industry.

Myoilandgascareer.com is aimed at anyone looking to find out more about entry routes into the sector and details the breadth of careers available. As well as providing information on training and development; the site offers a range of education tools as well as an ‘ask a professional page’ which allows users to post a question to be answered by an industry representative within 5 working days. Filmed case studies focussing on what it’s really like to work in oil and gas (both onshore and offshore) are provided by industry employees – ensuring the site is informed by those who have first-hand experience of working in the sector.

The ‘Future First Survey’ shows 60% of young people choose career advice, work experience or employment skills as issues the education sector should focus on to better prepare students for future careers. This illustrates the vital service myoilandgascareer.com will play in opening up the wealth of opportunities available to young job seekers.

If you are keen to help learners explore their future and plan pathways into oil and gas, or to enhance your understanding of the STEM careers on offer in this industry, why not begin the journey at  www.myoilandgascareer.com .

BEd4 at UWS investigate STEM Central

Yesterday (31/01/12), I visited the University of the West of Scotland (UWS) in Ayr to complete a Technologies workshop with  BEd4. We began by discussing the misconceptions surrounding Technologies within Curriculum for Excellence, and spent the rest of the time looking at draft second level learning journeys for STEM Central. The students thought the website was easy to use, and the available ideas on the website made it easy to plan a lesson.

You can find the presentation here. (Glow log in required)

We ended by looking at some of the other resources available from Education Scotland to help with teaching Technologies:

STEM Central in Motion

Technologies Staffroom (Glow log in required)

Glow Science (Glow log in required)

Technologies area of the website

Exploring Climate Change

Weather and Climate Change

Working in the Energy Sector

STEM Central and STEM Careers

With announcements like those below indicating the health of Scotland’s renewables future, what better time to explore the contexts in STEM Central for use with learners?

This Interactive Map of Renewable and Alternative Energy projects in the UK would make a good starting point for discussion.

Osborne unveils £103m renewables funding for Scotland

Renewables growth ‘to continue’ in Scotland during 2012

Samsung wind turbine project to create 500 jobs in Fife

Health and Wellbeing Profiles 2010, Scotland Overview Report

Click here to access the 2010 health profiles, along with complementary profiles focussing on children and young people. These profiles highlight the considerable variation in health between areas and help identify priorities for health improvement. The profiles give a snapshot overview of health for each area using spine charts (which show how the area compares to the Scottish average), and allow further understanding of the results via rank charts and trend charts.

World of Work Wednesdays – Working on the Stage

We started off our new season of World of Work Wednesday events looking at Working in the Theatre and we now move to looking at other careers that you can have – and in particular working on the stage!

Artistic Director, Stage Manager, Marketing Manager are all jobs within theatre and roles you may have heard of. But what does it really take to do a job like this and how do you get a foot in the door? Join Andy Arnold, David Sneddon and Lindsay Mitchell from the Tron Theatre for World of Work Wednesdays. Don’t miss out on your chance to ask these professionals all about the different aspects of their jobs.

So why not join us on Wednesday 1st February from 1.45pm – Sign up in Glow TV.

Health and Wellbeing Showcase – Carnegie Conference Centre, Thursday 26th January 2012

The Health and wellbeing team are welcoming a hundred practitioners to the first of our Showcase events.  We have a packed day celebrating good practice across the health and wellbeing organisers.  There is marketplace where some of our partners are available to discuss how they can support schools and we have a keynote speech from Dr Rosemary Geddes, Research Fellow for the Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy at the Medical Research Council in Edinburgh.  Also Julie Wilson from Outdoor Learning will stimulate ideas about how schools can deliver health and wellbeing by taking the curriculum outside.  Click here to go the Outdoor Learning Blog for updates.

We hope our delegates gain a lot from the day and would encourage them to sign up to our HWB Community where we will share the presentations from the day and partner contact information.  Click here to sign up to the community.

Also don’t forget to join Education Scotland on Facebook and Twitter.

Young talent on course to solve real engineering problems

On 11th January I was invited along to the Engineering Education Scheme Residential at Strathclyde University.

Young talent from secondary schools across Scotland returned to the University of Strathclyde to take part in the Engineering Education Scheme (EES) workshop on the 10th & 11th January.   As a key part of the 6 month project, the EES workshop offers a unique opportunity for the whole team of students, teachers and mentor engineers to work together over the 2 day residential period to jointly solve complex engineering and technical problems. Working together the teams develop their knowledge on the practical application of theory learnt in school and gain an understanding of business and industry.

The learners have opportunities to develop key life and employability skills such as team work, project management, presentation skills, report writing and leadership.

The Faculty of Engineering at Strathclyde University hosted the event and supported the 16 teams by providing the workshop facilities and technicians on hand to assist with project development.

The organisations and academic institutions taking part in the EES programme this year are Aggreko Manufacturing, BOC Ltd, ClydeUnionPumps, Coherent Scotland, Doosan Power Systems, EDF Energy, Heriot-Watt University (Department of Chemical Engineering), Howden, Rolls-Royce. Selex Galileo, University of Edinburgh (Department of Electronic & Electrical Engineering), and the University of Strathclyde (Departments of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management (DMEM); Electronic & Electrical Engineering: Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering (NAME); and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering).

The teams will now work on testing and finalising their project and attend the celebration event at the University of Strathclyde on April 23rd. Learners will present the final outcome of their projects and a working prototype to panels of judges and guests from industry and compete for the best project award.

Visit the scheme’s website to find out more or contact EES Coordinator for Scotland George Foster (e-mail g.foster@etrust.org.uk)

Get Set Network and Ticketshare

I am pleased to attach as usual the latest figures for Get Set registration and network membership together with lists of those schools in your authority which are either ‘not yet registered’ or ‘registered but not yet networked’.  You will see from the overall Get Set report that there are now extra columns detailing the final tally of schools which successfully applied for membership of the network before the 16th Dec ticketshare deadline.  The overall figures show a healthy 39% of eligible schools nationally and a rise to 65% of registrations.   Well done for all your efforts in making this happen!

 As we move into 2012 there is still plenty of time to apply (click here!)and take advantage of many more rewards and opportunities including Get Set goes global, World Sport Day and the Torch relay.  Please continue to encourage Get Set network membership!

Scottish Athletics

Scottish athletics have recently launched a new national schools athletics programme booklet to provide  guidance and support for schools in Scotland offering athletics opportunities.

National Schools Athletics programme

Pasta Geometry

Pasta + mathematical equations = food as a context for interdisciplinary learning?

“With over two hundred elaborate diagrams and photographs, as well as a few words on regional provence and cusine,” writes George L. Legendre in “Pasta by Design,”  the book “offers a surreal interpretation of the everyday experience of making and eating pasta.  “Here is a selection of photographs, mathematical equations and descriptions of unusual pasta shapes from the book.

See them in action by following this link.

Living Streets Competition

Walk Once a Week – WOW – Badge Design Competition

2012’s WoW badge design competition is here, and we’re delighted to confirm that the theme is ‘AROUND THE WORLD‘. We are inviting schools to get their pupils’ creativity flowing and design what could be one of the official WoW badges for 2012/13.

Each winner will have his or her design transformed into the monthly WoW badges worn by hundreds of thousands of children across the country, and will be invited to an awards ceremony and fun day out in London in May 2012.

Our annual WoW badge design competition is one of the UK’s biggest art competitions, with over 150,000 primary school children taking part to design badges for a specific theme. Each participant school is invited to submit three entries for consideration. In 2011 our judging panel viewed over 1,800 fantastic entries on a Sport theme; our biggest competition yet! The deadline for receiving entries will be 16 March. 


Engineering Education Scheme Residential

Last week I was invited along to the Engineering Education Scheme (run by EDT), Residential Workshop at the University of Strathclyde. At the residential S5/6 learners from around 15 schools across Scotland were brought together, along with engineers, teachers and engineering support from the University in a supportive environment in order to design prototype solutions to the industrial problem set by a company.

The Engineering Education Scheme in England & Scotland is an EDT Programme which links teams of four  S5/S6 learners and their teachers with local companies to work on real, scientific, engineering and technological problems.

The scheme provides learners with an in-depth experience in science, engineering and technology that will enable them to make an informed decision about their future studies and career.

This will be achieved by giving the learners, in a 6 month programme;

  • Hands-on work experience as part of a team
  • Experience of problem solving, working on a project that is relevant to a local company
  • Use of a university’s engineering workshops to develop, build and test solutions to the problem
  • Professional skills lectures on Communications (written, verbal and visual) and Project Management
  • The opportunity to develop technical skills and see school physics, chemistry, technology etc applied in an industrial environment
  • An opportunity to meet professional and graduate engineers, scientists and technologists
  • Experience in presenting their solution, in a formal verbal presentation and formal written technical report, to a panel of senior professional engineers

During the six-month project phase, learners are encouraged to show industrial enterprise, creativity and innovation whilst gaining extensive experience of problem-solving, team-working and project management. Key life skills are developed within the context of the world of work.

Personal development education realised through work related learning is at the core of this high quality educational enrichment scheme. Find out how your school can get involved in the project.

New Literacy across learning materials

New reading support materials for first and second levels and new Literacy across learning materials to support the third and fourth levels are now available on Glow.

First and second level materials

‘Reading to Learn; Learning to Read’ are new reading support materials to support first and second levels. They are now available in Glow: (Glow log-in required).

These materials include practical ideas to develop and support reading at first and second level, active learning strategies for teaching reading and a wide variety of approaches to support reading.

Specific areas covered include:

  • reciprocal reading.
  • hot-seating.
  • before, during and after reading activities.
  • the Thinking Reader.

Third and fourth level materials

New Literacy across learning materials to support the third and fourth levels are now available in Glow. (Glow log-in required).

These materials include information on:

  • practical strategies and ideas to develop literacy across learning
  • listening and talking strategies
  • writing across the curriculum
  • recording literacy across the curriculum
  • analysing moving image texts
  • reciprocal reading strategies
  • information literacy
  • Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
  • links to additional resources.

Seafood Scotland Launches Schools Art Competition

Seafood Scotland has teamed up with the 6th World Fisheries Congress to offer a competition that encourages school children to learn more about the relationship between scientists and fisheries, and how this helps to protect the marine ecosystem.

High school and primary school pupils taking part in Seafood Scotland’s ‘Seafood in Schools’ pilot project are being asked to design a T-shirt for delegates at the Congress, which will be held in Edinburgh in May 2012. The design must illustrate the association between seafood and science.

Prizes for the competition are sponsored by Seafish and include £1000 worth of science equipment for the winning high school and £500 of equipment for the winning primary school.

The pupil responsible for the overall winning design will receive a presentation T-shirt at the Congress, followed by a VIP visit to Deep Sea World at South Queensferry. A runner-up will be presented with their own design on a T-shirt and also visit the aquarium.

Jon Harman, Seafish director of development, said: “Seafish is committed to improving awareness and understanding about the importance of the seafood industry amongst all consumers, young and old.

“This competition is a creative, innovative way of encouraging school children to get excited about fisheries and science, so we are delighted to offer our support.

“This is a great way to make learning fun, and to ensure that the pupils gain a sense of how science is being applied in real life to protect our marine ecosystem for the future.”

Click here to read more.

101 apprenticeships in 100 days

Young Working Lives focuses on finding employment for work ready individuals between the ages of 16 to 25 that are not currently in education, employment or training.

The ‘101 apprenticeships in 100’ days is a challenge set by Stirling’s local More Choices More Chances Partnership to create 101 apprenticeship opportunities in 100 days.

100-in-101-groupThe challenge has been welcomed locally as well as being recognised by the Scottish Government. The launch event was attended by MSP Angela Constance, Scottish Government Minister for Youth Employment who commented; “I am thrilled and delighted to support the campaign. It is an excellent example of local partners and employers working together and giving young people a strong start to their working lives and I look forward to
hearing about the success of the campaign”

The ‘101 in 100’ programme is a great way to help fill current vacancies within a company and to ensure the workforce is appropriately skilled. It is also a great opportunity to support local young people who are ready and willing to work, but finding it difficult to compete against sometimes-higher skilled or more experienced applicants.

Click here to read more.

South Ayrshire cook off

Councillor Hywel Davies, Lifelong Learning Portfolio Holder said: “These young people showed exceptional talent in the kitchen when they took part in the competition.

“South Ayrshire is known for great hospitality and wonderful places for residents and tourists to eat. Tourism plays a huge part in sustaining our local economy and ensuring we have outstanding people who can create new dishes, put a modern twist on traditional ones and cater for all tastes in future years is very important.

“The competition called for the students to use literacy and numeracy skills combined with their flair and talent for culinary creation.

“Cooking is a skill that will stay with these young people for life, whether they become professional caterers or enter another profession, the knowledge they have gained will be of great use to them.”

To read more click here.

STEM Ambassadors in Scotland

If you haven’t tapped into the amazing, free resource that is the STEMNET  network of STEM Ambassadors, why not make a plan to explore using the STEM Ambassador scheme with STEM Central  to support, enhance and enrich teaching and learning in sciences, technologies, engineering and maths?

Tansy Hammarton, Principal Investigator, Wellcome Trust Centre For Molecular Parasitology at the University of Glasgow, is one of over 2500 STEM Ambassadors registered in Scotland. Tansy’s work as a STEM Ambassador was recognised at the House of Lords on 13th December 2011, where she was one of three UK finalists for the award of The Most Dedicated STEM Ambassador.

The Scottish STEMNET Awards will be run in the summer term. This is an opportunity for you to nominate Most Dedicated Teacher, Most Dedicated STEM Ambassador and Most Dedicated Employer in Scotland. For more information, see the 2011 Scottish STEMNET awards.

Young Scot Extra

 Young Scot is working in partnership with the Scottish Government to help increase young people’s confidence in being more financially capable by providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions and choices around money-related issues.

As part of this work, Young Scot is delivering four seminars to demonstrate how Young Scot Extra supports the senior phase of the Curriculum for Excellence, and how it can assist those working with young people post-school and involved in 16+ Activity Agreements in delivering financial capability information to young people. The seminars also aim to provide an opportunity for practitioners to get involved in the discussions around young people and financially capability, and to help shape the services and information Young Scot Extra offers.

The events will take place between 10am and 12pm on:

  • 18 January – The Mitchell Library, Glasgow
  • 19 January – The Discovery, Dundee
  • 20 January – Oasis Youth Centre, Dumfries and Galloway
  • 23 January – 6VT Youth Café, Edinburgh

Contact: Rachel Eddington at Young Scot, Tel: 0131 313 2488 [ e-mail | website ]

Making the Difference in Partnership conference, 3rd February 2012, Glasgow

Making the Difference in Partnership is a CPD opportunity exploring collaborative approaches to improving outcomes of young people who are most disadvantaged and may require more choices and more chances.

Delegates will have the chance to participate in practice workshops, hearing how a range of providers are working in partnership to develop young people’s skills for learning, life and work.

Nominations for attending this event are being sought from a wide audience including: education authorities, schools, community learning and development and third sector organisations.

As you may be aware, Building the Curriculum 4 states that:-

Curriculum for Excellence can best be delivered through partnership working. All establishments should work with partners and share a common understanding and language around skills development and application. Together, they should plan and deliver learning and other experiences which meet the needs of individual children and young people.

This event will provide an excellent opportunity for delegates to find out about a range of partnership approaches to delivering this agenda that could be replicated in their area.

Please  use this link to complete the online booking form by 20th January 2011. Please note spaces for this event may not be allocated on a first come first served basis.

For more information please contact Neil McIntosh or Sheila Doogan.


Students with an eye for design have the chance to grab a prize – by producing a logo for a logo for Scotland’s National Food and Drink Conference.  The winning logo will be printed on shopping bags and promotional material for the March conference.  And the winning student will receive £300 – with £100 each for two runners-up. 

Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead said:

“Scotland produces some of the world’s finest food and drink and the National Food and Drink Conference is a great opporutnity to highlight what we have to offer.

“This competition is a great opporutnity for young people to get involved in something which directly links food and learning.  Food and health has such a central place in Health and Wellbeing within Curriculum for Excellence – which takes a much wider approach across the whole schoolf rom 3 to 18 years.

“Through this competition, students will have the chance to showcase their creativity whilst helping us showcase our world class larder”

Click here to read more.