Online Dictionary Resources

Reference Grammars in French, German, Spanish and Italian are available on the Education Scotland website to help support primary teachers in their delivery of a modern language.   They also might be useful for learners working at all stages and levels of the curriculum.  They are very simple to use and I think they could be really useful to teachers and learners alike  to access the materials go to the Education Scotlandwebsite  and click on the Learning, Teaching and Assessment tab  or click here to follow the link.

Head Teacher / Depute Head Teacher HWB Event, Tuesday 6th Dec, Radisson Hotel, Glasgow

The Health and Wellbeing Team are looking forward to spending a day with 100 Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers from the Central Belt.  We have inputs from Head Teachers and HMIE around leadership, planning and assessment in health and wellbeing.

We are encouraging  participants to sign up to our hwb lead community which will also give members access to the hwb-cpd community

To add to the share area click here.

To add your intention about impact after the event click here.

Remember to use the hashtag #hwblead which you can also use to tweet about the event.

Investment in young people

A dedicated Minister for Youth Employment will be established and an extra £30 million will be invested in helping Scotland’s young people into training, work or education to secure a stronger workforce for the future.

SQA Curriculum Event: Technologies

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

I attended the Technologies Day on the 1st Decemeber. To view the Glow Meet recordings from the event click on the links below (you will need to glow log in to access the recordings):

Introduction and Question/Answers

Business Education

Health, Fashion and Technology


To find out about other Curriculum Area Events during December via Glow TV click here.


I am delighted to hear that the pandas are arriving in Scotland on Sunday. This is a mark of the growing friendship between Scotland and China. The pandas offer another exciting opportunity for schools, teachers and pupils to engage with China, its language and culture. The arrival also offers opportunities to stimulate learning right across Curriculum for Excellence, e.g. environment and cultural heritage, science, literacy and creativity. The Panda Blog provides ideas related to these examples. We have already had schools indicating their interest in finding out more about the pandas and Glow offers an excellent way to share information, resources and ideas for practice. The Panda Blog is a starting point and will lead to the further development of resources. We are looking forward to working with colleagues in the zoo to provide news and updates about the pandas to local authorities and schools.

Professor Kay Livingston, Education Scotland.

To visit the Panda Blog click here.

Click below to sign up for the Glow TV Events (glow log in required):

06/12/2001 – 2:30pm: Pandaphernalia

07/12/2011 – 10am: Panda facts with DWN Eds and Competition details

08/12/2011 – 02:00 pm: Pandamentary

Click below to view The Daily What News articles:

Giant Pandas Come to Scotland

Panda – monium

Forensic Rookies, Transition and the Astrazenica Science Teaching Trust (AZSTT)

Lauren Boath, Development Officer for Sciences, was excited to attend a meeting of the practitioners participating in the AZSTT funded “Forensic Rookies” project. This was the initial briefing by Professor Susan Rodrigues of the University of Northumbria, whose main research interests are in the language of science, teacher professional development and the use of ICT to  transform teaching, learning and assessment in science. Neil Taylor, Programme Director of PGDE Secondary programme at the University of Dundee has worked with Susan and the Centre for Anatomy and Human Identification at the University of Dundee to put together a series of lesson ideas to engage learners in dialogue around science and the nature of evidence.

Working in conjunction with the University of Dundee’s Xanthe Mallet, whom many of you will recognise as one of the stars of BBC’s History Cold Case, primary and secondary classes will share information via Glow Wikis, with input from Xanthe, to solve a crime. The participating learners from schools in West Lothian, Shetland and Perth & Kinross will have the chance to share their conclusions via a Glow meet in February. Will they succeed in solving the crime?

NQT Health and wellbeing Event, Hampden, Sat 3rd December

The Health and Wellbeing Team are looking forward to spending a day with 150 NQT’s.  We have presentations from two Head Teachers about how they lead health and wellbeing in their schools and much more.

We will be launching our hwb-cpd community and are encouraging all participants to sign up throughout the day.

Anyone can sign up for a priority place for more Health and wellbeing events happening in early 2012.

To add to the share area click here

To set an intention click here

Entrepreneurial skills

This case study demonstrates how setting up and running a social enterprise through the medium of boatbuilding has broadened the horizons of a group of young people as well as providing a context for learning and relevance to the world of work.

To read more click here.

The Creativity Portal Update: “Creativity is contagious. Pass it on.”

The Creativity Portal is now a little over a year old and users are visiting the Creativity Portal for its offer of creative partnerships, resources and inspiration, as well as engaging with the Creativity Portal Glow Group behind the scenes in new and exciting ways.

Creativity News Feeds

Nearly 700 partnership opportunities and examples of creativity in the curriculum have already been shared through the Creativity Blog – many of which are free for teachers and community learning groups.

That’s more than four pieces of inspiration and creative opportunities each school day.

You can receive the Creativity Blog in the way that suits you best:

You can also subscribe to specialist Creativity Feeds such as Creativity and LiteracyCreativity and SciencesCreativity and HeritageCreativity and DramaCreativity and DanceCreativity and MusicCreativity and Art & DesignCreativity and ASL, Creativity and Early YearsCreativity and CLD and Creativity and Social Studies.

Creativity Portal website

Nearly 15000 unique users have visited the Creativity Portal already making use of:

  • 74 quality assured creative partners responding to and investing in Curriculum for Excellence
  • 29 quality assured case studies of creative partnerships in action across all ages and areas of the curriculum
  • easy access to 106 creative resources, learning and teaching tools and sources of inspiration
  • listings of 32 national Glow Groups with creativity at their heart to inform your teaching

Creativity Portal Glow Group

Various associated Glow Groups and tools have been developed alongside the public facing Creativity Portal to engage educationalists, teachers and youth workers in sharing, discussion and celebration of creativity’s role in teaching and learning.

Creativity Forum – a national forum for all Glow users to contribute to the debate and seek answers

Creativity Archive – a national repository of creative projects and lessons that any Glow user can add to, ensuring that all our creative learning is shared and no learning is ever lost

Creativity online newspaper – a simple newspaper style newsfeed giving you at-a-glance news from across Scotland in creative learning

Glow TV’s Creativity Channel – featuring an increasing number of creative Glow Meets with authors, theatre directors, artists and creative partners

This is an exciting phase for the Creativity Portal and with changes happening all the time your feedback is as powerful as ever. You can access the Creativity Portal Evaluation tool here –, leave a comment on the Creativity Forum –, or email me direct on

If you have any questions or suggestions then please do not hesitate to ask. You can also find resources to help you promote and share the Creativity Portal’s resources with colleagues in the Creativity Portal Glow Group.

Advice and guidance on new National Qualifications,MDNO,3GU5HR,1T9Y1,1

Education Scotland is developing advice and guidance for practitioners on the delivery of courses within the new National Qualifications (NQ) framework. A new advice and guidance area within the NQ Support webpages is available, giving further information and linking to a new advice and guidance factfile and an online survey ( As part of the ongoing development work associated with new National Qualifications, Education Scotland consulted key partners to determine the type and nature of supplementary guidance which should be developed to support the new NQs. The webpages explain the support that is currently in development and the form that this will take. This advice and guidance will be published in the spring.

Entrepreneurial skills

A.G. Barr’s Food and Drink Challenge provides an insight into the entrepreneurial skills required to operate a successful business programme by encouraging young people to take responsibility and ownership of the challenge.

The project demonstrates the innovative and creative manner in which the pupils have developed a business plan that places teamwork, decision making, assessing risk, literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, technologies and leadership at the very heart of its objectives. This successful business project has enabled the pupils to develop entrepreneurial skills in a relevant, challenging and enjoyable manner whilst raising their aspirations in the wider context of skills for learning, life and work.

To read the more about the project click here.

Animation in the classroom

Model animation or stop motion animation is a great classroom activity that engages students of all ages and abilities and can support many curriculum areas.

This resource has been designed for teachers to use as a planning aid for an animation project in the classroom or/and as a printable teaching PDF resource. Each section will explain simple approaches to creating a short animated film.

To find out more click here.

To view examples of Animation in Action click here.

Creativity in the Classroom – a call out to share what works

Consider yourself creative?

The Creativity Portal is looking for examples of simple, short creative exercises that teachers and youth workers like yourself have used in the classroom and youth group settings.

It could be:

  • A creative chemistry experiment
  • The school’s fastest paper aeroplane contest
  • The imaginative alphabet
  • A 30 second dramatic warm-up

We would love to hear what’s worked for you. Get a mention on the national Creativity Portal and an invitation to future creative CPD. A wee bit of text is all it takes.

Add to the Creativity Archive here within Glow.

Or email

New Qualifications – November Update

 More detail about how each new National 5 Course will be assessed is now available. Draft Course Assessment Specifications for National 5 have been published on the SQA website and define the mandatory assessment requirements for Courses at National 5.

The purpose of the Course Assessment Specification is to ensure consistent and transparent assessment year on year. It describes the structure of the Course assessment and the mandatory skills, knowledge and understanding that will be assessed.

 Find out more about the qualifications development stages.

 Draft Unit Specifications have also been published for new Higher Courses. 

Feedback on these documents can be given via Have Your Say until 31 January 2012. The final versions of all SQA draft documents will be published in April 2012.

Cheers for credit unions!

This resource illustrates the development of financial capability using pupil-run credit unions. The activities address experiences and outcomes within Curriculum for Excellence and help schools and early years’ establishments make connections across learning.

This 3-18 resource will support staff in embedding financial education in the curriculum, supporting family learning and promoting partnership working within the community.

To find out more click here.

16+ Learning Choices Coordinators’ Meeting

67 delegates (16+ LC Coordinators, Education Scotland colleagues from Communities Team, colleagues from LA CLD, HMI, Scottish Government, local authority colleagues) attended the network event in Perth on 23rd November. The purpose of the event was to embrace the positive input that CLD can make to 16+ Learning Choices.

There was an input from Rosie Whelan, Scottish Government and a presentation from Kenny Lindsay, CLD Manager, Children and Young People, Dundee City Council, round table discussions and speed networking workshops from representatives from 8 LA CLD representatives.Kenny Lindsay CLD Presentation 16 plus LC event Perth 23 11 11

Attached is Kenny Lindsay’s presentation from the network event.

STEM Central…in Motion

As they have the opportunity to explore STEM Central, we find practitioners using the ideas and adapting to suit the learners’ interests. At Madras College in St Andrews, it began as an electric car context, but PT Physics Sean Duffy and his colleagues have adapted to use in the context of electrical systems for satellites. More to follow in the STEM Central in Motion Glow Group.

Institut Français d’Ecosse – Rencontres théâtrales 2012

Rencontres théâtrales is an inter-school drama competition which has been organised by the Institut Français d’Ecosse in co-operation with Local Authorities.

This competition was created to provide an opportunity for pupils to practise French in a fun way, to carry out a project as a team and learn to work in a group.

The competition is open to Scottish primary and secondary pupils who are studying French. There are two categories, which cater for pupils from P3 to S6:

Primary:           P3 to P7 (length of the play between 5 -10mn)

Secondary:      S1 to S6 (length of the play between 10-15mn)

In 2012, the “Rencontres Théâtrales” for both primary and secondary classes, will take place

 Thursday 1rst March 2012, Broughton High School, Edinburgh.
 Wednesday 28th March at Bucksburn Academy, Aberdeen.
 Monday 11th June in Glasgow at Whitehill secondary School, Glasgow.
 at Millburn Academy, Inverness (date tbc)

If you would like your learners to take part then I’ve posted the application forms in a folder in the resources and sharing section of the National Glow group.  To access the forms please click here

Santa Glow Meet

The Santa Glow Meet is back again for another year. This time, our good friend Santa will be coming to Glow users LIVE from the infant department at Fallin Primary near Stirling and he will be answering your questions LIVE through Glow TV. This was a hugely popular and successful event last year and Santa got lots of tricky questions from Glow viewers, as well as those in the school.

Sign up, prepare some questions and get ready to see Santa LIVE through Glow.

To find out more about the Glow Meet and to sign up click here. (Glow log in required)
To visit the Glow Group click here. (Glow log in required)

Active Learning in Modern Languages

I was delighted to be able to make a good practice visit to the Modern Langauges Department at St Ninian’s High School in Kirkintilloch.  Diane Stokoe amd her team set up a carrousel of various activities that promoted active learning around the theme of ghosts. 

Instead of going to their normal classes, S2 pupils, assisted by S6 helpers, spent the morning in the assembly hall doing vocabulary building games such as ” à la pêche” or “Le pas de grand-mère”, following French recipes for “gooo”, or finding their way round a” maison hantée”.

The learners really enjoyed this fun-filled, creative approach to learning a language.

To view one of the activities please click here

To see my post on the chalk face blog please click here        



Daily What Headline Competition

Your chance to win a Kindle and see your work published

All you have to do is to think up a catchy headline, with no more than eight words, to go with the featured story.

The winning entry will be picked by the editor-in-chief of the Herald & Times newspaper group, Jonathan Russell, from a shortlist chosen by the Daily What News team.

Our winner’s headline will be published with the story on the Daily What News website, and will appear in the Herald newspaper. The lucky writer will also get a Kindle e-reader, courtesy of the Herald & Times group.

Deadline for entries: midnight on Thursday 1 December 2011

The winner will be announced on Friday 9 December 2011.

To find out more about the competition click here.

Scots Language in the Early Years

Do you know what ‘cow’,  ‘dog’ or ‘vest’ is in Scots? If not tune in and watch again on Early Years Glow TV. We had a fantastic session with Matthew Fitt this morning, lots of establishments tuned in and took part by burlin’ roon  and shoutin’ oot!

If you would like to know more visit the Glow TV ‘discussion’ section of our Early Years National Glow site and download the hints and tips on how to explore Scots more in your classroom/playroom.

Here are some useful links too:

Scotland’s Songs for Early Years

Scotland’s Stories


Thank you for tuning in!

Curriculum Area Events on Glow TV

SQA, in partnership with Education Scotland, are holding a series of curriculum area events to discuss the new national qualifications and give practical support on their implementation. The events are also an opportunity for practitioners to give their views on the new qualifications. Places have been allocated to local authorities and their schools, independent schools and colleges. The events are part of a range of support to help local authorities and individual centres prepare for implementing the new qualifications.

The events will take place on 29 November, and 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13 December. Each event will be streamed live on Glow via the SQA Glow Group.  Most events and workshops will be shown live and recorded for watching again later.

A number of resources will be available following each event, including opportunities to hear some of the discussions from the day.

National Quality Assurance Group Training

The Assessment Team have been working to prepare for a National Quality Assurance Group (NQAG) training event tomorrow.  NQAG members comprise practitioners from all Scottish Government sectors and representatives from education authorities, the college sector, higher education, Education Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority.  The NQAG quality assure material before it is published to the National Assessment Resource (NAR).  A quality mark is added to materials that NQAG identify as particularly strong examples.

Curriculum Update at Glow Key Contacts

Today I went along to the Glow Key Contacts Meeting to give an update about new resources from the Curriculm Team  at Education Scotland. 

You will find the presentation I used here. (Glow log in required)

The resources I highlighted included:

Education Scotland’s Learning Blog

Chalkface Blog

STEM Central

Marks on the Landscape

Come and meet Debi Gliori!

Debi Gliori lives in Scotland. Debi is well known for both her picture books and her novels for children and has been shortlisted for all the major prizes, including the Kate Greenaway Award (twice) and the Scottish Arts Council Award. Debi was the Shetland Islands’ first Children’s Writer-in-Residence. She published her first book in 1990 and since then has published so many successful books that she has lost count. She has written and illustrated No Matter What, The Trouble With Dragons, Stormy Weather and, most recently, The Scariest Thing of All for Bloomsbury.
In this session she will work with pupils from Primary 2 at Haddington Infant School – why don’t you join her?
Yes I would love to join her! (29.11.11 @ 1.30pm)
Can’t join in at the time? Remember to watch again!

Wonderful New French resources for MLPS

Are you teaching French in Primary school?  Do you want to make your lessons more interactive?  Are you concerned about how to ensure your learners have good pronunciation and can develop their listening skills?    Look no further!!!

Some very kind, not to mention talented, people at Dumfries and Galloway council have spend a huge amount of time creating Activeboard flipcharts for every topic covered by the materials in the in the resource packs originally developed by Glasgow City Council.  All the activities have been recorded by native speakers and the sound files embedded in each flipchart so that perfect pronunciation is available at the click of a mouse button!

The files will only open if you save them first onto your PC , then open your Promethean software, click on file and then browse for the saved flipchart file. 

The flipcharts can be used as templates, developed and changed in any way teachers see fit to meet the needs of their learners.  They should be compatible with other interactive whiteboard software.

Many thanks to Janice Byers from Dumfires and Galloway Council for making these resources available to everyone and to Glasgow City Council for giving permission for the reproduction of their graphics.

To access the materials, please click here.

If you use the materials, please let me know how you get on by posting a comment below, or by sending me an email to

National Science and Engineering Week

Organised by the British Science Association, National Science and Engineering Week aims to inspire the next generation of scientists with a programme of fun activities. It will run from 9-18 March 2012 and will explore the theme ‘Our World in Motion’.

The event highlights how the sciences and engineering relate to our everyday lives. With over 4500 events and activities attended by 1.7 million people in 2011, it is one of the UK’s biggest celebrations of science, engineering and technology.

To take part in 2012, you can either plan your own event or ask a local organisation to take part.


STEM Central
High-quality resources, teaching ideas, videos and interactives to develop learning experiences relating to Scottish engineering.


British Science Association
Find out more about National Science and Engineering Week.


STEM Central at SSERC

Sciences Development Officer, Lauren Boath, is looking forward to sharing STEM Central developments at the SSERC Conference at the Carnegie Conference Centre on 2nd December 2011. A busy and interesting programme, Education Scotland is pleased to be included to discuss STEM Central and participate in the day.

NAR 3B Development Work

The National Assessment Resource continues to be developed by teachers and practitioners.  The Education Scotland Assessment Team are preparing to work with nominated participants from local authorities throughout Scotland in phase 3B of NAR development work.  This phase of NAR exemplification is focused on assessment for larger groups of learners–within a whole class, school, and across associated school groups.  Support material which is being used at the first NAR 3B event can be found on the National Assessment Glow Group.

CPD @ KGS – an inhouse programme of Glow Shorts at Kirkwall Grammar School, Orkney

Jean Ward, DHT at Kirkwall Grammar School in Orkney has been making good use of our CPDShorts by creating an innovative programme of lunchtime sessions based around them.

The Glow CPDShorts – thought pieces on current issues in Scottish education – were held on four successive Wednesdays at lunchtime; all staff were invited to bring their lunch. These sessions are quick and informal – in order to make the most of time available the sessions are “flipped” with some suggested advance reading or watching.

Jean has kindly shared her programme with us. CPDShorts are freely available to all members of CPDCentral, so if you are a CPDLeader in your school, why not try them out as part of your collective CPD plan and get some lunchtime learning going on!

Wed 2 November. CPDShort 3 – Advancing Waves – what should education be about?

Presenter, John Connell

Wed 9 November. CPDShort 13 – Coaching and mentoring in the context of PRD

Presenter – Bob Cook’s paper on GLOW and the following YouTube links:

(or just ‘search’ coaching and mentoring on YouTube for many more excellent presentations for discussion)

Wed 16 November. CPDShort 8 – Sharing – the moral imperative

Presenter – Dean Shareski

Wed 23 November. CPDShort 4 – Motivating all learners

Presenter – Alan McLean


Although each meeting attracted only a small audience, it was important to those who came that they could share discussion in an informal setting. It was noticeable that most participants were from smaller departments with limited opportunity for professional dialogue.

Please get in touch if you would like more details.

Jean Ward

The Historic Scotland Free Ticket Giveaway

This weekend (Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of November) sees Historic Scotland allow visitors to access over 40 of Scotland’s top heritage attractions for free.

To obtain tickets, you need to register in advance at Historic Scotland’s website to download their free weekend pass. This pass gives free access for up to two adults and three children to all ticketed Historic Scotland properties on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th November.

Sites which the pass include cover Historic Scotland’s winter ticketed attractions such as Edinburgh Castle, the newly refurbished renaissance palace at Stirling Castle, and Urquhart Castle on the banks of Loch Ness.

For further information and full details, see Historic Scotland’s special website:

Enterprising Science & Technologies

The aim of these materials is to support teachers who wish to undertake interdisciplinary learning for children and young people from pre-school to age 15, by providing high quality guidelines for planning.

Making connections across learning 3-15

The principal focus is on science and technology, while making appropriate, relevant and purposeful links to other areas of the curriculum. The project has been developed as a partnership between the Association for Science Education and the Technology Teachers’ Association, led by HMIE and with professional support from Learning and Teaching Scotland.

Ideas maps

‘Ideas maps’ are used as the basis for developing related activities and experiences for the sciences and technologies. The approach offers choice, flexibility and stimulus for teachers to develop their own ideas. The ideas maps provide a good start for interdisciplinary teaching and can contribute to connected, meaningful learning for children and young people.

The project provides many opportunities for cross-subject working in secondary schools, and for collaboration between primary and secondary establishments. The potential for involving parents, employers, entrepreneurs and community organisations as partners is significant – each topic highlights these opportunities and suggests where this would be of benefit.

To find out more about the resource click here.

To visit the Glow Group and access the resources click here. (Glow log in required)

Physics Revised Advanced Higher support

Work on the support for the revised Advanced Higher Physics continues, with teacher and learner support being developed and due for publication in spring 2012. Areas for support include new Space and Time, and development is being carried out by practitioners from schools across Scotland, in conjunction with partners from higher education and SSERC. A real team effort!

St Andrew’s Day Debating Championship 2012

On Monday 28th November, the annual St Andrew’s Day debating championship will be held in the Scottish Parliament with students and senior pupils from universities and schools across Scotland competing in debating heats covering a range of issues important in today’s society.

The Final will take place in the Debating Chamber chaired by the Presiding Officer with the opportunity to win the specially engraved Scottish Parliament Quaich. This year, for the first time, all schools across the country will be able to follow the progress of the competition on Glow throughout the day and then watch the final, streamed live on Glow TV. This is an exciting opportunity for pupils to get involved in a high quality debate and to learn more about debating.

The programme of the heats that will be covered throughout the day as well as an opportunity to sign up and take part is available in Glow TV. Sign up and join us!

Action on Youth Unemployment


The Scottish Government will work with some of Scotland’s largest employers to deliver an action plan to improve employment prospects for young people.

Finance Secretary John Swinney joined Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) Chairman Lord Smith at the company’s headquarters for the joint publication of The Smith Group report into youth employability.

Mr Swinney outlined Scottish Government action to address youth unemployment with a record 25,000 Modern Apprenticeship places this year and in each year of this parliament, and the ‘Opportunities for All’ programme which guarantee a training or learning place for all 16-19 year olds.

The Smith Group has been active since 2005, advising and guiding Ministers in successive administrations on education policy, enterprise in education and youth employment issues. Their latest report can be found here.

[ website ]

Glow event: BBC L.A.B. Radio Workshop: Make a Sport Podcast

Watch again and think about future sports podcasting

 Over two Mondays in November and December, we want you to work with us to make your own radio programme or podcast – on a sporting theme. We’ll be hosting two workshops in the L.A.B at BBC Scotland, and you can join in from your classroom. Click here to sign up.]

Click here for more info

The latest Early Years Glow meet

Our Glow meet, “Towards the Vision: Developing Literacy in the Early Years” was a great success.

Join in the interesting discussions here.

Grant Gillies, Literacy Development Officer at Education Scotland spoke about Bloom’s Higher Order Thinking fans. Find out about the Kilmalcolm case study here:

Find Bloom’s Higher Order Thinking fans here:

Case study: How Preston Lodge is helping to spread the food and health message

The food and health strand of the new curriculum is an opportunity and a challenge to many schools, especially those primary schools where the topic may not have been tackled previously and where facilities and resources are limited.

In Prestonpans the primary and secondary schools in the area are addressing this by getting together to share expertise. The result has been a series of CPD ‘twilight sessions’ run by Preston Lodge High School for the benefit of its cluster of five primary schools. And it seems to be working.

Home economics teacher and health and well-being co-ordinator Liz Nichol explains that when teachers at Preston Lodge started examining what was needed for food and health from early years right the way through to age 18, they quickly realised they needed to work with their primary school colleagues.

“I thought: we already have the food and health specialists in secondary schools in the form of home economics and food technology teachers and this really lends itself well to a cluster approach with the secondary teachers helping the feeder primary teachers.”

Such an approach would also be mutually beneficial. “We could help ensure what was being delivered in the primary setting fitted with the secondary syllabus and vice-versa.”

Over a period of two weeks Liz and her colleagues held four CPD sessions on different topics in the food and health strand of the curriculum. Between 10 and 15 teachers from the feeder primary schools attended each session.

Three of those topics aligned with the main syllabus topics – nutrition, safe and hygienic practice and food and the consumer. The fourth was devoted to practical food skills and during the two-hour session teachers were shown how to create different recipes, ranging from a couscous salad to Caribbean fruit cake.

This session, which was very practically based, was extremely popular with the teachers, Liz reports. “We allowed staff to take over as much as possible. We also showed how different the approach would need to be if you were teaching primary year one compared to primary year six.”

The emphasis throughout was on a “can do” approach, she adds. So although teachers were told about the importance of an initial risk assessment, they were also assured that if done sensibly it should not run foul of health and safety and that the skills being imparted were sufficiently generic for any teacher to employ.

Teachers also started to realise this was about imparting particular skills rather than having to make a meal from start to finish, says Liz. One teacher found it particularly instructive to learn about some of the techniques for cutting vegetables, for instance. “She realised this could be used to make simple things like a dip or vegetable crudités. She’s now thinking: we can do this on a skills basis.”

Liz and her colleagues have followed up these initial sessions with two further refresher sessions and the evaluation has been positive. “They are saying we can do something here.”

Preston Lodge already encourages children from the feeder schools to work with secondary pupils on food and health topics and it is hoped the cross- fertilisation will continue.

This can sometimes be an eye-opener. For example, it is clear to Liz when she demonstrates cutting, coring and peeling an apple that many of the children – who are 10 or 11 – have never done this before, at school or at home.

She encourages them to take any chance they can to cut and peel fruit and vegetables when they are at home because that will help prepare them for what they will be expected to undertake once they are at high school.

She is delighted that food and health now play such a central part in the new curriculum. And she is optimistic that in time this can start to have an impact on the rising tide of obesity.

“I think children are becoming much more aware of health issues and their potential impact,” she says. “But although they often know what they should be doing, actually putting it into practice is a different story. But if everybody is approaching it in a similar way it will definitely have an impact in the long-term.”

Contact details:

More information: practical food skills 

Food and Health Alliance – How CfE supports learning about Food and Health

The Food & Health Alliance is a Scottish network that engages a variety of people from different sectors and professions who are all involved with food and health work. It helps to inform people, connect people with others, and aid policy development and implementation.

Keeping you up-to-date on food and health news, including what’s happening in all sectors.

Connect people with each other across all food and health areas in Scotland. By bringing people together, we help to share information and experiences, help make links and provide a chance to network across different sectors.

Connect people to policy by increasing the awareness and understanding of food and health policies. Our aim is to raise the profile of food and health and provide opportunities to influence policies.

Click here to read an article about Food and Health in the curriculum.

Get Debating for St Andrew’s Day

On Monday 28th November, the annual St Andrew’s Day debating championship will be held in the Scottish Parliament with students and senior pupils from universities and schools across Scotland competing in debating heats covering a range of issues important in today’s society. The Final will take place in the Debating Chamber chaired by the Presiding Officer with the opportunity to win the specially engraved Scottish Parliament Quaich. This year, for the first time, all schools across the country will be able to follow the progress of the competition on Glow throughout the day and then watch the final, streamed live on Glow TV. This is an exciting opportunity for pupils to get involved in a high quality debate and to learn more about debating.

Sign up here to follow the debate on Glow TV.

For more information on developing your own debates in school click here.

Resources for St. Andrew’s Day

St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland. Find out more about the Saint, view an animated version of his story, and discover why the Saltire is Scotland’s national flag. Find out more information on Education Scotland’s Celebrating St. Andrew’s Day Website.

Click here to find St. Andrew’s Day resources.

On Monday 28th November, the annual St Andrew’s Day debating championship will be held in the Scottish Parliament with students and senior pupils from universities and schools across Scotland competing in debating heats covering a range of issues important in today’s society. To find out more click here.

Other Education Scotland resources include:

Scotland’s Songs

Scotland’s Stories

Moving Image Education

Moving Image Education (MIE) is fast becoming an integral part of 21st century literacy and modern teaching practice. Using moving image texts as a source in addition to the written word has been proved to vastly increase wider literacy skills, confidence, engagement and fun in the classroom.

Education Scotland is working in partnership with Creative Scotland to make moving image education more accessible and active within Glow.

We now have a Moving Image Education National Glow Group which is steadily being populated with information, resources and CPD opportunities. Work is also underway to engage with Glow users across Scotland and encourage them to participate in interesting and relevant topics of discussion through the group’s Glow Forum. We look forward to seeing you on Glow.

NAR Familiarisation Events

The Assessment Team have been running regional National Assessment Resource (NAR) Familiarisation events.  These engagements have provided a practical opportunity to learn together how to perform a variety of online tasks within NAR.  The sessions have also explored how NAR can be used as a CPD resource to develop: an understanding of sound assessment practice; a shared understanding of standards and expectations;  the capacity to make sound judgements which can be consistently applied.  Material from NAR Familiarisation events can be found in the National Assessment Glow Group.

A RIGHT wee blether – What Did You Do?

Have you and your class been taking part in a RIGHT Wee Blether? If so why not join our Glow Meet and share with us what you have been doing?

We all hope you have enjoyed blethering with your 2 to 5 year olds. In this Glow Meet you will see Tam Baillie, Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People in Broxburn Primary and Nursery talking to staff and children about how they took part, join us to show us your wee books about him and tell us your stories!!

We will also be looking at some of Our Wee Stories which have been returned to the office and if we’re lucky the blether bear will be there too!

So sign up and join us in Glow TV on Thursday 24th November from 11-12pm.

STEM Central and engineering careers

Wondering how engineering connects with your teaching in sciences, technologies, maths, or other curriculum areas? We will shortly be publishing a series of videos on STEM Central useful for practitioners and learners. Titles such as “Why Engineering?”, “Getting Started in Engineering” and “Inspiring Space Engineering”, all with a Scottish flavour, exploring routes in engineering, skills required for success in engineering and the future of engineering in Scotland and beyond.

Wise up Wednesday!

The Early Years team here at Education Scotland have so much to talk about! We have been very busy with our Early Years Saturday conference and the first of our new programme of glow meets.

Early Years Saturday Conference

The conference was a great success and this was greatly reflected in the delegates comments. The conference presentations from Ms Lean Mann, Scottish Government, Professor John Frank, Scottish Collaboration for Public Health Research and Policy and Dr Margy Whalley, Director at Pen Green Research Development & Training Base and Leadership Centre are all in the ‘conferences’ section of the Early Years National Glow Group.

We have also provided useful links for you to follow in relation to the day.

Glow meet – Towards the Vision: Developing Literacy in the Early Years

We had a very successful Glow meet yesterday. Many people tuned in with their staff and took part in conversations. We will add a review of this onto our Glow discussion forum tomorrow. Thank you to everyone who took part and if you couldn’t make it, please click here to watch again.

Don’t forget to sign up to watch Matthew Fitt read stories and sing songs and rhymes in our next Glow meet on Tuesday 29th November at 10am.

Exciting CPD opportunity offered by the Council of Europe


How language learning can prepare children for 21st century citizenship

This is a five day workshop taking place in Greenwich from February 27th until the 2nd of March next year.  Successful applicants will have the unique opportunity to meet,work and discuss with colleagues from all over Europe.

The general aim of the training activities of the Pestalozzi Programme is to train education professionals to become multipliers for Council of Europe standards and values in education.

The workshop will include plenary sessions from a policy maker and a researcher working in the field of multilingualism and intercultural understanding.  The terms of reference will include not only “foreign” language teaching but also the teaching of English and community languages.   This will provide a framework for discussion and debate.

You will also hear the perspectives of some key stakeholders – for example employers, civil society representatives. (Head) teachers and young people about the value (or otherwise) of languages.

 Since the workshop is also intended to have practical outcomes there will be opportunities to visit London schools to observe examples of teaching, to discuss with other practitioners and provide evidence of what can be done.

 Finally the participants themselves will be invited to present examples of work they have done – reports, activities, projects – in this field.   

The Council of Europe will pay all travelling costs to the venue but not accomodation or subsistance.

If you are interested and would like further details please visit the Modern Languages National Glow group.  I’ve posted information in the Resources for Sharing section in a folder marked CPD.  Alternatively you can click here to follow the link.  (You will need your Glow password)


Falkirk Council – Agreeing Standards INSET

Falkirk Council have uploaded moderation CPD material from a recent INSET to the National Assessment Glow Group.  The Primary and Secondary material contains a short introductory interview with Carol Paton, Curriculum Support Officer at Falkirk Council:

CPDMeet 41 – Using Glow in the Classroom

We’re pleased to say that the programme of CPDMeets will be restarted with an offering from the Stepin community.

On Thursday 1st December at 7pm two of the mentors for this community will lead a session on using Glow in the classroom. You will be in the very safe hands of some expert practitioners here, so please come and join them as they share a bit of their Glow magic! Some of you may have seen Olivia Wexelstein talk eloquently at SLF in September about the amazing work her primary learners have been doing using Glow for projects, blogging and portfolios, and Caroline Breyley from Shetland uses Glow regularly with her school to forge and maintain local and international links.

Sign up as usual to this opportunity on Glow

PS. You can find a number of recorded CPDMeets and other online CPD on Glow here Might be worth a bookmark on your browser

Big Share-In on CPDCentral, today!

Once again, we need your wisdom! Think of all the ideas, insights and interesting CPD practice that are hidden away in your brain, on your computer or your local web sites. Go on, bring them to the fore for the benefit of all Scottish educators!

Here’s how

1. log into this page on Glow ( the shortcut is before 4.30pm on November 22nd
2. click the big, green Share Now button

3. fill in a form for every item you want to share (you can attach documents or weblinks to the form)

4. stop when you’ve run out of wisdom or your fingers get sore! 😉

5. the shared items appear on CPDCentral I-share area


1. some of us will be ‘hanging out’ from 4pm onwards in the a CPDMeet room (if you want a chat or help)

2. you can add a targetted keyword (hashtag) to your shared items which will add them directly to other communities linked to CPDCentral. Hover for example . You will find a list of the current hashtags here

700 and counting and a free, on-demand CPD service!

The post in which CPDCentral welcomes its 700th member and launches a free, CPDRequest service!

CPDCentral membership reached the 700 mark yesterday. Our 700th member is Joe Kane (a thoughtful and innovative faculty head from John Ogilvie High School in South Lanarkshire whom I have also had the pleasure to meet). Among many other things, Joe is interested in harnessing the power of a learning round to continue to embed learning through technology in his school.

To celebrate our 700th, we are offering our 1% CPD service, CPDRequest.

image (cc) bengrey on FlickrThe National CPD Team at Education Scotland will arrange CPD for you on any topic, for free, if you can get 1% of the CPDCentral membership to join you in this topic. Here’s how it works:

  • you come up with a topic and its likely impact on learning where you are
  • 6 other CPDCentral colleagues join you
  • we source an interesting practitioner in your topic area
  • we arrange an online CPD opportunity for you (usually a CPDMeet)
  • the CPD is made available to all CPDCentral members through our online CPD catalogue

Oh, and for goodness sake, don’t tell a soul. We’ll be snowed under with requests for all this relevant CPD with real impact on learning! 😉

Remember, 7 is the magic number!

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