Junior Saltire Competition 2015 – Marine Energy Challenge

Young Engineers and Science Clubs Scotland encourage you to enter the Junior Saltire Competition 2015 Marine Energy Challenge.

Finalists will be invited to test their devices at FloWave’s Ocean Energy Research Facility,  which is the world’s most sophisticated ocean simulator.  

Prizes of up to £750 and unique Saltire medals are up for grabs!  

Read more in our newsletter http://eepurl.com/-Iaif


Risky Behaviours? Supporting Informed Personal Choices for Healthy Lifestyles – University of Dundee, 22 November 2014

On Saturday 22nd of November we hosted a further ‘Risky Behaviours’ event, mainly aimed at primary, secondary and further education practitioners but also attended by representatives from our Health and wellbeing (HWB) partner organisations. The event took place in the Dalhousie Building at University of Dundee and was attended by over 100 delegates from across Scotland. In keeping with the spirit of the day, we took a risk in beginning with a flash mob style performance by students from Dundee & Angus College. Working in partnership with NHS Tayside, the dance/drama project is piloting support in mental and emotional wellbeing for secondary school pupils. Some of our delegates identified this as a highlight, which provided an “uplifting” start to the day.

The day was organised into three sections using the following HWB curriculum organisers:
~ Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing
~ Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood
~ Substance Misuse

Each part of the day was introduced by a key note speaker. Firstly, Brian Donnelly (Directory of Respectme) presented a common sense approach to anti-bullying in schools with powerful messages on the nature, intent and impact of bullying. He also offered suggestions on how schools might re-think their anti-bullying policies and approaches, including online bullying. Many of our delegates stated that Brian’s speech was ‘inspirational’ and that his messages will have an impact on their future practice.

The second part of our day saw an excellent presentation from John Naples Campbell from Knightswood Secondary School on LGBT, which took delegates on an emotional journey as John gave insights into his personal experience. He called for a change in the way that homophobia is addressed in schools and offered resources and strategies to support children and young people.

Finally, Emma Hamilton from the Scottish Drugs Forum provided a very informative presentation on drug use in Scotland, with a particular focus on drugs that young people are accessing and using. Bringing us right up to date with the issues that need to be tackled, Emma offered suggestions on what schools can do and provided links to further sources of information and support.

Throughout the day 15 workshops took place showcasing examples of innovative practice, resources and strategies from a range of schools and partner agencies. Many of the workshops highlighted how partnership working has helped learners to become better informed and to develop the skills and confidence to make informed choices about risky behaviours. Details of all the workshops which took place can also be downloaded here: WorkshopDescriptors

A special thank you must also go to the range of peer educators, including those from Kirkcaldy High School, The Corner (Dundee) and LGBT Youth who gave up their time (on a Saturday of all days!) to present at this event. This was praised as a particular strength of the day, as it was felt that the contributions of the young people added depth to inputs and gave learners a voice. Many of the young people have commented on what a valuable (if a little nerve wracking) experience this was for them also.

Feedback from the event has been very positive with many participants already making use of the contacts, resources and ideas they gained from the day. Participants have also had the opportunity to put forward suggestions for future ‘Risky Behaviours’ events which will be of great use in our planning. Our next ‘Risky Behaviours’ event is due to be held in Inverness on 28th of February 2015.

Further information on this event including presentations and materials from the workshops and links to all of the partner organisations that took part can be found on the new Glow HWB Learning Community which can be accessed here: hwbrisky by searching for ‘HWB events’.

Many thanks to the representatives from University of Dundee, Dundee and Angus College, Respectme, Knightswood Secondary School, Scottish Drugs Forum, International Futures Forum, University of Dundee College of Medicine, Dentistry & Nursing, Dundee City Council, Fintry Primary School, North Ayrshire Council, NSPCC, Sexpression, LGBT Youth, Angus Council, Perth and Kinross Council, NHS Tayside, Kirkcaldy High School, The Corner, Medics Against Violence, ASH Scotland, Police Scotland and Tayside Council on Alcohol. An additional thanks goes to the Education Scotland staff who supported with presentations at this event.

Christmas Cyber Security public Lecture

The Christmas cyber security lectures, run in association with SICSA, are a series of lectures for school pupils that take place across Scotland in the week before the Christmas holidays. With up to 5 talks from leading industry figures, Police Scotland and University academics in one session the lectures provide a fun and varied introduction to the challenges facing all of us as we move towards the internet of things.   The lectures aim to use light-hearted and fun methods to promote cyber security and to highlight educational and career options in the field.

The first two times slots are for school pupils only (approximately age 14+), while the third, starting at 14:30, is a public lecture open to all.   There are public lectures at Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow universities.

· Glasgow Uni – Mon 15th Dec, 1430-1630

· Edinburgh Napier (Riady lecture theatre, Craiglockhart campus) – Tue 16th Dec, 1430-1630

· Dundee Abertay – Wed 17th Dec, 1430-1630

Registration is free and is open via Eventbrite at


Hermitage Primary School, Technology Challenge 2014

Primary 7 pupils at Hermitage Primary School, Helensburgh took part in their Technology Challenge presentation evening on Thursday 4th December, which brought their interdisciplinary topic to a close.

The project incorporated all STEM subjects enabling learners to develop their knowledge and understanding of the concepts and skills in Technologies, Maths, Language and Science. This also included aspects of PSD.

The Technology Challenge required pupils to work in cooperative groups, to plan and design a working electrical vehicle which was supported by a good business plan. Their progress was recorded in the form of a booklet and i-pad presentation. 

Vehicles had to move forwards, backwards and have working lights and were to be created within a given budget.  In addition, pupils were granted an additional £10 by the Head Teacher in order to add extra technology such as LED lights, pulley operated doors, a working lift and even a moving dragon’s head! 

Following weeks of hard work the 10 teams of 6 pupils spoke to a panel of 3 judges and an audience of invited guests.

Each team gave a presentation about their vehicle detailing their experiences of working as a team, planning and designing, working to a budget and what they felt they had achieved.

The judging panel were very impressed with the standard of work and the efforts of every team member and eventually selected  U-PoP as the winning team. 

U-Pop created a mobile recording studio which included a working recording and playback sound module. 

The delighted team members were Max Kemp, Hamish Paterson, Annika Seitz, Shannon Beaton, Esther Lopez and Rory Frew.


John Byrne National Drawing Competition launches for schools

By Ron Cowie, Senior Education Officer in Express Arts at Education Scotland.

Ever dreamed of yourself as Britain’s next great artist? Well, now is your chance to put your artistic skills to the test.

Well-known artist and playwright, John Byrne, is inviting children and young people in schools across Scotland, from P4 – S3, to take part in the first annual John Byrne Drawing Competition, which was officially launched on Friday 5 December 2014.

The aim of the competition is to encourage children and young people from P4 – S3 to increase the amount of time they spend drawing in school and at home. The competition also aims to encourage you to be imaginative and creative and really enjoy drawing!

You don’t have to follow a particular theme but John has suggested ‘A day in my life’ as a possible theme for those who want some inspiration. The drawing can be of any size but you might want to consider the size and weight if your school is going to send it in the post. You can use any kind of drawing materials but an important requirement is that your work can clearly be identified as a drawing, as this is the basis on which your work will be judged.

John Byrne was born and raised in Paisley, attending St Mirin’s Academy before becoming a student at the Glasgow School of Art. He began his career designing covers for Penguin books before moving on to designing sets for his plays and then record covers for the likes of The Beatles. An exhibition of John’s work was recently held at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh.

If you are lucky enough to be one of the three winners, you will receive one of the following prizes, as well as having your drawing included in an exhibition at Paisley Museum, alongside artwork by John, from the museum’s collection.

  • 1st prize – Limited edition full colour print “Moonstruck” by John Byrne and £100 voucher for art materials.
  • 2nd prize- Limited edition black and white print ‘Lost and Hungry’ by John Byrne and a £50 book token.
  • 3rd prize – £50 voucher for art materials.
  • 30 runners-up will receive a certificate specially designed by John.

Entries must be received by Friday 6th March 2015 before 4pm. All entries should be posted or handed in to Education Scotland at either their Glasgow or Dundee office. Entries must be submitted through your school, with only one piece of work per pupil. On the back of the drawing you should include your name, class, teacher, school address and phone number to be eligible to win. If you’d like your entry returned, please include a stamped addressed envelope with your entry.

The winners will be decided by a judging panel including John Byrne himself. The winning entries will be announced on Education Scotland’s learning blog by 5pm on Friday 27th March 2015.

Further information and details of the terms & conditions for the competition are available here.

SCAP2020 training event

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Zero Waste Scotland, Stirling

(venue beside train station)

9.30 Registration

10.00 Welcome

Introduction of Participants

Sustainability Challenge & SCAP Knowledge Hub

Knowledge Hub Scavenger Hunt (exercise)

Learning Resources + Tools

Sustainable Design Knowledge Building

Sustainable Product Design (exercise)

12.25 Lunch

1.05 Sustainable Raw Materials + Textiles Knowledge Building

Colouration Knowledge Building

Case Study

What is needed in the education sector to move the sustainability agenda and the circular economy strategy forward? (group activity)

Q&A + Wrap Up

3.00 Close

Some assistance towards travel costs/accommodation for participants travelling significant distances will be provided by Zero Waste Scotland. Please contact Lynn Wilson if you wish to apply at Lynn.Wilson@zerowastescotland.org.uk

Spaces at the event are limited, with a maximum of 4 student participants, please book now by emailing Sally at stsp@glasgowclyde.ac.uk to reserve your place.

Scottish Education STEM Award 2015

The Scottish Education Awards celebrate the hard work and success which takes place in Scottish education. They recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people and showcase the valuable work and innovation in Scottish classrooms.

This year a new award category for STEM, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics, has been introduced. 

This category recognises establishments who are helping children and young people develop STEM skills and apply these across the four contexts for learning – curriculum, inter-disciplinary learning, ethos and life of the school and opportunities for personal achievement.

Nominations should be able to evidence the following questions and describe the impact on learners, the school and wider community:

  •  In what ways do learners in your establishment demonstrate successful application of STEM skills?
  • In what ways are learners using STEM to develop skills for learning, life and work? 
  • In what ways do you work with partners/parents/wider community to support STEM?

 Nominations for this year’s awards are now open.

Nominations close 12pm on Monday 16 February 2015.


BBC Schools Report Practice Day

There is still plenty of time to sign up for the BBC’s School Report. The next practice day is on the 11th December.


BBC News School Report gives 11-16 year-old students in the UK the chance to make their own news reports for a real audience.

It is a collaborative project run by BBC News and BBC Learning.

Using lesson plans and materials from this website, and with support from BBC staff and partners, teachers help students develop their journalistic skills to become School Reporters.

In March, schools take part in an annual News Day, simultaneously creating video, audio and text-based news reports, and publishing them on a school website, to which the BBC aims to link.

School Reporters produced a stunning array of content on 27 March 2014, with more than 1,000 schools across the UK making the news on the biggest ever School Report News Day.

The ninth News Day will be held on 19 March 2015.

Sign up to the Social Studies e-bulletin: bit.do/e-bulletin

Scottish Youth Parliament Candidates

The Scottish Youth Parliament holds elections every two years. bit.ly/SYPelections

The next elections to the Scottish Youth Parliament will take place in March 2015. The organisation seeks to promote the values of democracy, inclusion, political independence and passion. Since its inception over 1000 young people have become MSYPs.

The deadline has now passed for registering to stand as a candidate. The confirmed candidates for the 2015 SYP Elections will be announced shortly and candidates will be announcing their manifestos.

You can already follow the candidates and ask them questions on Twitter. Use this link bit.ly/sypelex This is a chance to get involved in discussions and use #SYPElex to share who you think should be elected as an MSYP.

Amnesty Youth Awards

The Amnesty Youth Awards bit.ly/132PPRy celebrates young people’s talents for human rights reporting, photography, songwriting (and performing), campaigning and fundraising.

Applications for our Youth Awards 2015 open on 8 September 2014 and closes on the 30 January 2015.

The competition is open to young people between the ages of 7 – 19 (up to and including Further Education). Students can take part in one or more categories to develop new skills and confidence to engage creatively with human rights.

Amnesty has awards and teaching resources to support five different catagories:

The Awards run in conjunction with the Times Educational Supplement and this year’s judges include:

  • Sir Richard Branson – ambassador of Amnesty’s Youth Awards
  • Sir Trevor McDonald OBE – judge, Young Reporter strand
  • Krishnan Guru-Murthy – judge, Young Reporter strand
  • Rankin – judge, Photographer strand
  • Kate Nash – judge, Singer-Songwriter strand
  • Owen Jones – judge, Campaigner strand

Scots…an important national treasure

By Dr Simon Hall, a Scots Language Coordinator at Education Scotland.

I sometime use the phrase ‘national treasure’ when I’m out and about talking to people about Scots language. There are a few reasons why I like this phrase. Firstly, Scots is indeed a ‘national’ language. It is spoken in all its rich varieties from Stranraer to Shetland, and pretty much everywhere in between. Folk in the Borders use it, and it’s used in our Scottish cities and across the Central Belt. It thrives in Angus, Aberdeenshire, Moray, Caithness and Orkney.

Scots is the ancient language of Lowland Scotland and the Northern Isles, once used in parliament, formerly spoken by kings, poets, courtiers and commoners.  Along with English and Gaelic, it is one of the three indigenous languages of modern Scotland, and you’ll hear it today on our streets, and in our offices, factories, construction sites, shops, schools and hospitals.

Of course, Scots has a vast and rich vocabulary. Some of the academic Scots dictionaries have as many as 60,000 entries. Many of the most colourful, stand-out words are what linguists call ‘lexical items’, nouns or verbs like clanjamfry, glaur, bogle, bubblyjock, threip, gilravage, dordie-lochran, mirk or moose. But there is also a range of more common verbs and everyday prepositions – mak, tak, ken, doon, owre, ahint, afore – which are also unique to our part of the world.

Scots is so much more than just our favourite Scots word; it is the sum of the parts of the lexical items, the prepositions, and the accent. In common with Norwegian and other related Scandinavian languages, Scots uses the older ‘oo’ vowel sound in words like hoose, moose or ku where English adopted ‘ou’ or ‘ow’.

Is this stuff really treasure, though? I would have to say I think it is. Scots is a unique cultural phenomenon. Along with things like traditional dance or Scottish song, it belongs in the category of ‘intangible cultural heritage’, and, as such, it is fragile, and in some danger of being forgotten in our multi-media global village. If Scots were a wild plant or a wild creature, we would be doing everything we could to preserve it. Towns and communities using guid Scots would be designated as Sites of Special Linguistic Interest.

Scots is becoming increasingly present in social media. Shetlanders use it on Facebook every day. It is popular in text. Scots Language Dictionaries has just launched a superb new Scots dictionary app. BBC Radio Orkney broadcasts in excellent Scots every morning. Translation of classic bairns’ books into Scots is at an all-time high level.

So it’s with these and other positives in mind that the team of Scots Language coordinators at Education Scotland are working to celebrate and promote excellent Scots Language education in our schools.

Many primary schools across a range of Local Authorities are looking at developing their ability to teach Scots within the areas of Literacy and English, while a number of forward-thinking secondary schools are pioneering the new Scottish Qualifications Authority Award in Scots Language. Another exciting development is Education Scotland’s ‘Scots Language Ambassadors’ initiative, where a team of Scots speakers from all walks of life are pairing up with schools to celebrate and promote Scots. Chefs, shopkeepers, authors, musicians, broadcasters, teachers and senior educationalists have all signed up to form friendly partnerships with schools: their ultimate aim is to promote this national treasure among the next generation of learners.

This article first appeared in the Edinburgh Evening News on Monday 8 December 2014.

A new book club to support Gaelic Medium Education

A new book club, Cuilean Cràicte, is being established to support children and young people in Gaelic Medium Education (GME).  It will be run by a group of volunteers which includes  professional publishers, translators  and parents of those in GME.  The book club will make available each month a Gaelic chapter book.  This will feature hot off the press translations of books by popular authors such as Terry Deary and Frank Cottrell Boyce.  The benefits to children and young people include

  • fostering an interest in reading
  • encouraging independence in reading
  • supporting skills in literacy and Gaelic
  • helping to improve vocabulary
  • helping to increase fluency in Gaelic.

If you wish to join the club, please do so by 15 December 2014.  A minimum number of subscribers is required to enable this club to run. For additional information, please click here.

Scottish Education Awards 2015 – now open for nominations

Nominations for the Scottish Education Awards 2015 awards are now open. Celebrating the hard work and success in Scottish education, the awards recognise the achievements of people who dedicate their lives to children and young people.

There are 17 awards available across a range of categories covering all areas of education. New awards for this year include learning for sustainability, making languages come alive and transforming lives through partnerships.

If you know of a school or teacher that deserves to be recognised for their hard work visit the Scottish Education Awards website for more information and to submit a nomination.

Nominations must be submitted by Monday 16 February 2015, good luck.

My visit to Isobel Mair School

By Graeme Logan, Education Scotland Strategic Director for School Years

I visited Isobel Mair School this morning to celebrate their achievements following their recent inspection in August 2014 and to see some of the innovative practice taking place to support the learning and development of children with additional support needs.

The school, in Newton Mearns, East Renfrewshire, is a great example of putting the rights of the child at the heart of everything they do and by using this approach to develop their curriculum they are able to offer a fantastic breadth and depth of learning experiences for the children at the school.

As part of the inspection, the school and its practitioners were praised for their use of ICT, which is tailored to suit individual children’s learning needs, and to see that in practice was really inspiring. By using interactive whiteboard and smart table technology, practitioners are able to actively involve children in their learning, and encourage them to participate, which is having a positive impact on them and their skills development.

Learners also used a variety of communication aids to help them communicate independently where they shared experiences of their learning with one another, which really engages the children and increased their participation in learning activities.

Throughout our visit I was really impressed with the level of care and attention given to each individual child, and this one to one support is vital to supporting the children with additional support needs as they move through their school career from nursery age right through to the senior phase.

With it being this time of year we visited a number of classrooms where we saw the children learning about the Christmas story using a variety of different approaches.  We were also treated to a special performance of The Gruffalo by Class Bute at an open morning for parents. It was really magical to see the children have fun and their performance received a huge round of applause which put a smile on our faces.

I’d like to say a personal thank you to all the staff, parents and children we met for giving us such a warm welcome and an interesting tour of the school. Special thanks goes to Headteacher Mari Wallace who has delivered outstanding work at the school over the last ten years, and we’ll be sad to see her go when she retires early next year.

Bite The Ballot: Leaders Live!

Bite the Ballot, the youth charity aimed at politically motivating young people, have a mission:

To drive the biggest turnout of informed, educated and engaged young voters at
the 2015 general election; calling for the next Government to make voter
registration easier, more accessible and engaging for generations to come.

Bite the Ballot insist that people aged 16-24, have been ignored by our leaders for too long.

Bite The Ballot’s giving you the chance to change this by putting your questions to them directly; live and online.
They have organised a series of live Q&A with UK political party leaders. The next one is with Labour Party leader, Ed Miliband, and takes place on the 8th December between 5.30-6.30pm. If you want to take part or watch the interviews with the Greens and UKIP then follow this link: http://bitetheballot.co.uk/leaders-live/

Interviews with the leaders for the SNP and Plaid Cymru are planned for the new year.

Educational Scotland has resources about politics and political literacy here: http://bit.ly/political_literacy

Japan Webpage Contest

This contest is open to any UK school that is teaching Japanese or doing any kind of project related to Japan. Your school does not need to be teaching Japanese to enter the contest.


To enter the contest, all you need to do is make a simple webpage about the work that your school is doing with Japanese or Japan. This could be a blog, a wiki, or a page that’s part of your school’s website.

Your webpage could feature:

  • A project with your Japanese partner school
  • A report on your school’s visit to Japan
  • A report on your school’s Japan Day
  • Japanese or Japan-related resources that you have made to help your students
  • Japanese language work made by students
  • Other Japan-related work by students, e.g. from geography, history, art, sports, music, intercultural understanding, cross-curricular lessons
  • Students’ experiences of learning Japanese or about Japan
  • An overview of Japanese at your school

All entries to the contest will be featured on the website. You will also have your chance to vote for your favourite shortlisted entries, in the online voting poll.

Cash prizes and other prizes will be awarded to the best entries. Click here for more information.

In 2010, the Public Vote Award was won by Bearsden Primary School for their Godzilla’s Den website.

Look at other past entries for more inspiration. http://www.japanwebpagecontest.org.uk/vote2011.php

(The contest is organised by the Japan Foundation London. The Japan Foundation is Japan’s principal organisation for promoting international cultural exchange.)

Air Quality walk and survey

Find out more about the work OPAL (Open Air Laboratories) do and improve your own knowledge and understanding of air quality and environmental surveys this weekend.

Lichen walk: Air Pollution indicators
7 December 2014, 1-2pm
Maryhill Park (meet at the Maryhill Road Gate), G20 0AB

Join OPAL as we walk around Maryhill Park looking for lichens and spotting species which indicate how much pollution is in the air. We will learn how to complete an OPAL Air Survey and each participants will each receive a survey pack to take away.

Please dress appropriately for our glorious Scottish winter weather!

For more information or to sign up for the walk email joanne.dempster@glasgowsciencecentre.org or call 0141 420 5010 (ext 270).

Game Masters: Teachers Preview Event

Date: Tuesday 9 December
Venue: Studio 1, Learning Centre, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
Cost: Free
Booking: Please book your FREE space by email schools@nms.ac.uk or phone 0131 247 4041. Tea/coffee and cake will be provided. Spaces are limited so please book your place as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

This session will introduce teachers to the Game Masters exhibition in preparation for visiting with a class.

The event will run as follows:

4.30pm – Registration and Refreshments

4.45pm – Introduction, practicalities about visit & overview of resources

5pm – Sarah Rothwell, Assistant Curator (Modern & Contemporary Design), introduces exhibition

5.15pm – Short tour of exhibition, followed by opportunity to explore exhibition and try games

6.15pm – Finish

More details about school visits to Game Masters: www.nms.ac.uk/schoolgames

3-18 RME Impact Review Report National Engagement Events for Practitioners

Following a series of highly successful national engagement events for school leaders, Education Scotland has arranged two events exploring the implications of the 3-18 RME Curriculum Area Impact Review Report for practitioners.

Event 1 is aimed at RME Practitioners in non-denominational secondary/special schools and will take place on Monday 2nd February 2015 in Victoria Quay, Edinburgh from 10:00-15:30

Event 2 is aimed at Practitioners in non-denominational primary/special schools and will take place on Friday 6th February 2015 in Victoria Quay, Edinburgh from 10:00-15:30

There will be additional events for Practitioners in denominational establishments, and details of these will follow soon on Education Scotland’s website.

Applications to attend these events should be made by close of business on Friday 9th January. After this date, delegates will be selected so as to ensure a varied geographical and sectoral spread.

To book a place at this event contact elizabeth.westwood@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk

3-18 RME Impact Review Report National Engagement Events for Practitioners

Following a series of highly successful national engagement events for school leaders, Education Scotland has arranged two events exploring the implications of the 3-18 RME Curriculum Area Impact Review Report for practitioners.

Event 1 is aimed at RME Practitioners in non-denominational secondary/special schools and will take place on Monday 2nd February 2015 in Victoria Quay, Edinburgh from 10:00-15:30

Event 2 is aimed at Practitioners in non-denominational primary/special schools and will take place on Friday 6th February 2015 in Victoria Quay, Edinburgh from 10:00-15:30

There will be additional events for Practitioners in denominational establishments, and details of these will follow soon on Education Scotland’s website.

Applications to attend these events should be made by close of business on Friday 9th January. After this date, delegates will be selected so as to ensure a varied geographical and sectoral spread.

To book a place at this event contact elizabeth.westwood@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk

Great Learning: a pupil-led Conversation Day

A Conversation Day planned and delivered entirely by pupils will take place at Inveralmond Community High School, Livingston, on Thursday 12 February 2015 10:00-15:30. The content and format of this day will be planned and delivered by a group of pupils from Inveralmond Community High School and promises to be an exciting, innovative and creative way to explore how we understand and deliver Great Learning in Scotland. This event is aimed at all those professionally involved in education.

Places at this free one day event will be in high demand, so apply for a place now!

Closing date for applications is Friday 19th December 2014. Places will then be allocated in consultation with the pupils to ensure good balance across geography, sectors and other factors.

If you would like to apply for a place at this event contact Vicki.McKechnie@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk.

Inspiring workshops and presentations for all year groups

File:Edinburgh Napier University logo.png


Our presentations are designed to be delivered to up to 150 people. We can happily deliver these to an entire year group. All presentations run from 40mins– 1 hour

P7 – S3 Workshops

Our workshops are intensive fully interactive sessions designed for groups of up to 30 pupils (unless otherwise stated). Workshops are 45mins—1 hour long to fit into a standard lesson.

Careers & Parents’ Evenings

We are happy to attend your careers event or parents’ evening to answer individual questions and provide literature and information on our courses. We also have presentations suitable for a group of parents & carers. Please let us know your date and we will check availability.

Edinburgh Napier University Information Stand

If you are holding a careers event or parents’ evening, invite us along, and we can bring our information stand with literature about our courses and applying. We will provide a member of staff to answer any questions.

For more information and a brochure on more about ‘what we can do for your pupils’ – studentrecruitment@napier.ac.uk

John Byrne Drawing Competition and Glow Meet

Renowned artist and playwright, John Byrne, invites children and young people in schools across Scotland, from P4 – S3, to participate in the first annual John Byrne Drawing Competition.

The competition will be launched on 5th December 2014 through a Glow meet with John. Schools across the country will be invited to tune in to hear John talk about his work, and drawing in particular, and why he keeps wanting to learn! The Glow meet starts at 10.30 am and John will be interviewed at the Tron Theatre in Glasgow. Children and young people participating in the Glow meet will have a chance to ask John questions about his life and work.

Click here to sign up for the John Byrne Glow meet!

The competition will be judged in March 2015 and the closing date for entries is Friday 6th March 2015. Prizes and certificates will be awarded and the judging panel will include John himself.

The aim of the competition is to enhance the profile of drawing in the curriculum. By targeting the range of children between P4 and S3, John wants to highlight the importance of developing drawing skills in children as they go through the developmental stages of mark making and begin to represent their world through drawing.

John eagerly hopes the competition will encourage children and young people to give free rein to their imagination and creativity through the joy of drawing.

Information about how to enter the competition and the competition rules can be accessed here. This information will also be made available to Local Authority officers with responsibility for Expressive Arts.

Glenfield Pre-five Centre – What is excellent?

Glenfield Pre-five Centre in Renfrewshire was inspected by Education Scotland and Care Inspectorate last year and received an excellent evaluation for Meeting Learning Needs.  Here the staff of the centre reflect on what it is they provide to meet learning needs.

We start our effective links with parents before children start at our centre as we believe in the importance of strong relationships with parents and families.  We visit children at home, complete all about me booklets and make parents feel welcome in our centre during their child’s settling period.  Parents and families are able to build relationships with us and these early discussions help to ensure ongoing communication.  Parents are always welcome in our centre.

We support and develop individual children at whatever stage of development they are at.  Across our staff team there is a deep knowledge of individual children and staff are skilled at responding to their needs and interests.  Staff planning reflects responsiveness and we use mind maps, discussions with children and individual observations in order to plan effectively to meet their learning needs.  All of the children who require additional support have a support plan.  This plan helps to take forward the child’s learning at an appropriate pace for their stage of learning.  Parents are fully involved in this planning process as well as room team members and outside agencies.  Staff link closely with outside agencies and have built strong, positive relationships as a result of this work.

Staff in our centre have regular professional dialogue and routinely meet to discuss observations of individual children.  Their knowledge of children enables them to plan activities which have developmentally appropriate learning intentions and success criteria tailored to individual children’s needs.  This ensures all of our children achieve success in their learning which is of paramount importance in building our children’s confidence and self-esteem.

Staff at Glenfield Pre-five Centre are totally committed to the work they do and are confident in taking on leadership roles.  This is reflected in the experiences and learning environment provided for our children which meets their learning needs in a highly effective way.

Here are the children, staff and parents enjoying sports day!

Pack Up Your Troubles: music and WW1

Read the new blog post in Education Scotland’s World War One blog. Pack Up Your Troubles explores the relationship between music and the war during 1914-18.

Listen to contemporary soundscapes composed by English group, the Tindersticks, and German avant-garde industrialists, Einstürzende Neubauten, for installations and live performances commemorating the Great War.

Follow this link: http://bit.ly/1HL2d8f

If you’ve not yet done so, remember to sign up to the Social Studies e-bulletin for all the latest information and events from Education Scotland’s Social Studies team. http://bit.do/e-bulletin

Instellar – CfE Higher Physics Resources

Instellar – CfE Higher Physics Resources

An Education pack has been created by the makers of Interstellar that helps teachers with some of the topics covered in the film. In discussion with Professor Martin Hendry from Glasgow University it became clear that this deals directly with some core topics of the new revised Physics Higher.

This guide to be available on the Glasgow Science Centre website at: http://www.glasgowsciencecentre.org/online/astronomy-activities.html. Or from the Sciences Glow site in the Higher Our Dynamic Universe folder.
Additionally Martin has written a great blog post about the film here: http://www.glasgowsciencecentre.org/science/the-science-of-interstellar.html

Engaging with Scottish schools to promote STEM

Engaging with Scottish schools to promote STEM
10am to 3:30pm, 2nd February 2015
Venue: Deans Community High School, Livingston

The Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce states in its report that ‘a focus on sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics (STEM) should sit at the heart of the development of Scotland’s young workforce’ and calls for long-term partnerships to be established between schools, colleges and employers to bring about significant change.
Similarly, higher education institutions and research groups are looking for ways to engage effectively with school communities to encourage learners to develop STEM skills and pursue further study in these areas.
There are many activities taking place nationally and schools are already engaging with a variety of partner organisations and institutions to enhance the learning and teaching of STEM within Curriculum for Excellence and to develop the employability skills of learners. However, more needs to be done to coordinate efforts and scale up successful approaches to bring about the transformative change that is required.
The purpose of this event is to:
• Share interesting and thought-provoking models of school partnerships with industry, higher education and colleges
• Create a forum for discussion regarding effective partnership working with schools to support learning and teaching in STEM areas
• Outline the national actions that are being developed by national bodies to address the recommendations from the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce.
Audience: This event is aimed at key decision makers or a nominated substitute (persons with interest in STEM School engagement) in local authorities, professional bodies, colleges, higher education, research and industry.
Programme: The event will include a stimulating mix of keynote presentations, workshops and discussion. Further details regarding speakers and workshops will be provided in due course.
To register: This is a free event. Please email STS@SSERC.org.uk to book a place. It is advisable to book early as places are limited. When booking, please remember to send details of any special dietary or access requirements.
For further information please contact Scott Bryce at scott.bryce@sserc.org.uk.

Expressive Arts – National Working Groups

The National Working Groups (NWGs) for Art & Design, Dance, Drama and Music came together in a joint meeting for the first time at Atlantic Quay in Glasgow. The main focus for the morning session was to start work on a draft resource that will support the development key practical skills in each area of the expressive arts. The conversations centred on identifying and considering how to exemplify the practical skills in expressive arts throughout both broad general education (BGE) and senior phase. Draft documents for each area of the expressive arts were compiled and will be made available through the Expressive Arts National Network Centre in the coming weeks http://bit.ly/eannchome (GLOW login required)

Discussion in the afternoon session centred on the ‘Creative Space,’ model. The groups viewed examples of the model in action at Kiddiwinks Nursery in Fraserburgh. Music NWG member Anne Milne played videos of children in the nursery engaged in exploring music outdoors.

The “creative space” model encourages teachers to allow children to develop their skills in expressive arts through exploration, investigation and research and through partnerships with arts people in the local community and beyond.

Research tells us that one of the best ways we can help teachers to develop expressive arts skills in learners is to provide clear and accessible support that builds teacher confidence and draws on positive past experience.

The afternoon session was concluded with input from Con Morris from Education Scotland. Con demonstrated to the group the new Expressive Arts National Network Centre, a one stop shop that provides support and resources and connects all the expressive arts networks. All the outputs from the national working groups will be made available on the network centre.

Evaluating and Improving our Curriculum – Primary (your feedback is welcomed!)

Following the successful launch of our new Primary ‘toolkit’, we would welcome your suggestions ​for future primary support.

You can e-mail the Primary team at Primary@edscot.net

This e-mail address also appears in ​the ‘How to use it?’ section on the first page of the toolkit located here. ​

If you are unfamiliar with this resource, please take some time to look through it and discuss it with your colleagues.

Supporting Outdoor Learning in Secondary Schools – Speyside High School, 15th November 2015

On Saturday 15th November the second of our ‘Supporting Outdoor Learning in Secondary Schools’ events took place at Speyside High School in Aberlour. The day began with an opening presentation from Nigel Engstrand, Head Teacher, Speyside High School who shared his thoughts on the relevance and importance of learning outdoors and discussed the commitment that Speyside High School has made to outdoor learning.

Throughout the day 12 workshops ran offering participants a variety of practical ideas on how to use outdoor learning approaches across the curriculum. Examples included using the outdoors to develop literacy skills, outdoor learning through physical education and physical activity, creativity in the outdoors, taking science outdoors and progression in outdoor learning from S1-S6. Many workshops also highlighted how partnership working had also helped enrich outdoor learning experiences. Details of all the workshops which took place can also be downloaded here: Workshops – Detailed descriptors

Representatives from 11 partner agencies also took part in the market place providing a wealth of information on further resources available to support outdoor learning.

But the undoubtable highlight of the day was the captivating keynote speech delivered by S4 Speyside High School pupil Zeki Basan. Zeki, a junior ‘Ray Mears’, provided a fascinating talk on bush craft (or the term he has coined ‘Bushology’) in which he shared his vast knowledge of the medicinal properties and practical uses of the wild plants and trees which exist in the local Speyside countryside. Most inspiring was Zeki’s candid account of how a meeting with Ray Mears together with his own passion for the natural world and thirst to learn more about it helped him to overcome his own personal barrier to learning.

Many thanks also to the other Speyside High School pupils Lee Tarling, Annemiek Daggert, Connel Laing and Elliot Gould who kindly gave up their Saturday to help meet and greet the participants and to share their experiences of outdoor learning at Speyside High School.

Feedback from the event has been very positive with many participants already making use of the contacts, resources and ideas they gained from the day:

“It was good meeting such positive teachers and outdoor learning providers. Seeing a school being successful in incorporating OL in the curriculum and not making it an add on.”

“Having young people involved and sharing their passion was the most engaging part of it.”

“I have already discussed using the local farming community with a geography colleague who wasn’t sure where to start.”

“I have an increased awareness of the value of outdoor learning within school and will work with others to improve, increase, support good practice.”

Participants have also had the opportunity to put forward suggestions for future outdoor learning events which will of great use in our planning.

Further information on this event including presentations and materials from the workshops and links to all of the partner organisations that took part can be found on the new Glow Outdoor Learning Community which can be accessed via: http://bit.ly/1umiCug. From here click on the tile ‘Previous events’ to access the sites for the Supporting Outdoor Learning in Secondary Schools events.

Many thanks to staff from Moray Council, Speyside High School, Banchory Academy, Kemnay Academy, Grantown Grammar School, Royal Highland Education Trust (RHET), The National Trust for Scotland, Horseback UK, Cairngorms National Park Authority, The John Muir Award, Field Studies Council, OPAL, Grounds for Learning, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, Adventure Aberdeen, Classroom Outdoors, The Outward Bound Trust, Abernethy and Angus Education Service.

Millport: Primary Fieldwork Weekend

38 primary teachers from 8 different local authorities landed on the Isle of Cumbrae between the 14-16th November for a fun packed weekend of Outdoor Learning. The Social Studies fieldwork skills CLPL was held at the Field Studies Council centre in Millport. The course was fully funded by Education Scotland and organised in conjunction with Scottish FSC manager, Daniel Moncrieff, and his team.

FSC Scotland delivers Primary, Environmental, Biology, Adventurous Activity and Geography courses for over 5000 students a year. The course built on this expertise and introduced participants to a range of different fieldwork activities which can be used with primary school students. The course was aimed at primary teachers and educators who wanted to further develop their skills to support and lead outdoor learning.

On Saturday, the course focused on Biodiversity and school grounds activities. Engaging activities to illustrate geographical processes included Kung Fu, Geosquishing and Sensory Mapping.

A trip to the Rocky Shore included a competitive scavenge for seal life, making Rocky Shore Real Estate adverts, using string quadrats to compare different areas of plants, and using found objects to create environmental beach art.

The afternoon consisted of fun interactive games helping to explain food chains and food webs, digging for  and collecting worm data (using one of the free Citizen Science Opal packs), a trip to the aquarium to study plankton under the microscope and an energetic game of Star Orienteering.

On Sunday the focus was on Energy and the Viking history of the island. The Viking activities included landscape poetry, sound maps, family dramas and a superb  Viking Changing Rooms activity where groups had to piece together the interior of a Viking home.

The Energy activity introduced annotated sketches and photos. The groups explored the advantages and drawbacks of different energy production methods present on the Clyde (including wind, coal and nuclear) and considered possible and probable futures over the next 100 years based on these activities. IPads were used to GPS log and annotate photos and to film imaginative stories explaining the litter objects found on the beach from the perspective of someone from 2600!

The feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive:

“I was not confident in my ability to come up with and deliver creative lessons which targeted the relevant CfE outcomes for Social Studies. With all the great ideas for games and activites I can transfer these skills to pretty much any outcome (with some tweaking of course).”

“The best bit was the practical nature of the whole weekend. It gave the opportunity to feel like the pupil and how they would benefit from all the different types of learning we experienced.”

“Daniel was absolutely fantastic at delivering every experience. His humour and intelligence go hand in hand.”

“The resources needed were easily accessible, cheap and did not require specialist knowledge.”

“I loved the rocky shore activity because it is something I could easily adapt at the allotment – searching through leaf piles and logs, etc.”

“I loved how they brought the history of the Vikings to life, incorporating Social Studies, literacy and Drama. I plan to adapt this activity next term during the Victorians IDL topic.”

“I enjoyed the course enormously. The course instructors were enthusiastic, passionate and very helpful. I look forward to taking outdoor learning to a higher level and delivering meaningful and engaging learning experiences to children.”

“Excellent opportunity for teachers to not only gain experience and knowledge of outdoor learning but it also provided an opportunity for teachers to get together and share experiences informally without paper work and expectations.”

The Education Scotland Social Studies team plan to run more opportunities in the future for primary and secondary teachers to improve their fieldwork skills.

Sign up now to the Social Studies E-Bulletin so you don’t miss out: http://bit.do/e-bulletin

Log on to the Social Studies Network on Glow to share your thoughts on Outdoor Learning: http://bit.do/socialstudiespl

Contact Daniel and his staff at Millport FSC for more information about class visits and OPAL Survey packs: enquiries.sco@field-studies-council.org

Keep Scotland Beautiful – Community Grant

Keep Scotland Beautiful

‘Our Community Grant’ is now OPEN!  Using proceeds from the single use carrier bag charge collected by Tesco Scotland, grants fixed at £250 are available NOW to local groups, to make small improvements to their local environment, bringing people together and raising a smile.   Eligible projects will include local action to improve the local environment, delivered in an environmentally sustainable manner, involving and benefitting the community, and will be volunteer led.  The deadline for applying is Monday 15 December.  Visit www.keepscotlandbeautiful.org/communitygrants for details.

Royal Conservatoire of Scotland post – Transitions 20/40 – Apply Now

Transitions 20/40 is supported by the Scottish Funding Council and offers fully funded training for talented people living in Scotland who wish to study the performing or production arts at higher education level.

Transitions 20/40 students can study programmes in:
Ballet (for ages 11–17)
Drama (for ages 15+)
Music (for ages 12–18)
Production (for ages 15+)
Screen (for ages 15–18)

To be eligible to apply for Transitions 20/40 you must live in certain Scottish postcode areas. You can check to see if your postcode is eligible by clicking here.

Applications are now open and you can apply online. If you have any questions about Transitions 20/40 or how to apply please telephone 0141 270 8303 or transitions2040@rcs.ac.uk.

Application deadline: Friday 5 December 2014.

Updated N5 and Higher Resources guides for Biology, Chemistry, Human Biology and Physics

The highly popular Resource guides for N5 and Higher have been updated with the latest SQA information and new links.

Two versions are available on the Sciences Glow 365 site http://bit.ly/glowsciences

Got some good links to share? Then post using the edit online feature on the editable resource guide.

Or use the pdf version for Education Scotland’s latest update.

These guides can also be found on the NQ Course Materials portal at the following links

Higher Biology

Higher Human Biology

N5 Biology

Higher Chemistry

N5 Chemistry

Higher Physics

N5 Physics

An invitation – Expressive Arts Conversation Day

Expressive Arts Conversation Day 3 will take place on Friday 12th December 2014 at the Insight Institute, Strathclyde University, Glasgow.

Education Scotland and the Scottish Government are keen to take stock of where schools and nurseries and their Teacher Education Institute partners are with regard to developing practitioner confidence and capacity in relation to expressive arts.

The purpose of the day is to
•    explore the current national position with regard to developing practitioner confidence and capacity in relation to expressive arts
•    consider what challenges and opportunities are emerging and how these are being addressed
•    identify areas that require further support and what that support needs to look like.

If you would like to attend the event, please contact Ron Cowie, Senior Education Officer, Expressive Arts.
We expect around 40-50 colleagues from across education sectors and partnership bodies to participate on the day. A programme for the day will be sent out to participants along with confirmation of attendance.

Education Scotland Conversation Day – Future approaches to inspection and a revised edition of How Good Is Our School? (3rd edition)

Education Scotland is undertaking a review of its approaches to inspection.  Over the coming months, Education Scotland staff will be engaging with stakeholders to consider future approaches to inspection to ensure they take account of recent changes and current priorities in education.  The review will look at all the different types of education settings currently inspected by HM Inspectors, and is not just about school inspection.  We are also seeking stakeholder views on how we can further improve approaches to improvement through self-evaluation through a revised version of How Good Is Our School (3rd edition) which we aim to publish in autumn 2015.  To include as many people as possible in this process, we are carrying out a range of consultation activities, including a series of regional conversation events starting in November.

The first event is being held on Tuesday 25 November 2014 – 10.00 – 15.00 at St John’s Academy, North Inch Community Campus, Gowans Terrace, Perth, PH1 5BF, if you wish to attend please contact Andrea Fraser andrea.fraser@educationscotland.gsi.gov.uk by close of play Wednesday 19 November.

Early Years and Primary Science

The sciences Glow 365 site continues to develop and is being populated with many resources to support the sciences curriculum.

A tile entitled Primary/Early Years Science is now available on the site through which you can access our newsfeed, resources and blog page. All are easily accessible and provide up to date relevant information for practitioners in each sector.

Our latest blogs include details about grants from the British Science Association, how to access the new FREE primary ReachOut CPD programme and you can download the recent Supporting Primary and Early Years science Glow Meet.

To access the site http://bit.ly/glowsciences  

The site is work in progress and further developments will be introduced as the Glow 365 platform takes shape

You can also access information and discuss the latest developments with colleagues through the   Learning Together site www.bit.ly/learningtogetheredscot

#primary science

It’s Our World – mass participation arts project

It’s Our World is a mass participation arts project that aims to create the UK’s largest online collection of artwork celebrating the environment, as seen through the eyes of its future custodians, aged 4–19 years.

The purpose is to inspire children and young people to speak out for positive environmental action by creating artworks to bring their local landscape, coastline or neighbourhood to life. Participants are also encouraged to consider their environmental impact and to take the lead in living more sustainably, with online resources available from www.itisourworld.org.uk

It has been developed in support of The Campaign for Drawing with the active involvement of over 20 environmental, educational and arts partners. Amongst those involved are The UN World Environment Day, The Eden Project, The Scottish Wildlife Trust, Keep Britain Tidy (Eco-Schools), The John Muir Trust, Jupiter Artland, The National Society for Education in Art & Design and The Royal Photographic Society.

Subject matter can be approached in a variety of ways including observation, outdoor learning, multiple perspectives that reflect local landmarks and neighbourhoods, critical thinking about environmental impacts and ways in which to lead more sustainable lives. Artworks can Include close up studies of natural forms, sweeping landscapes or studies of urban environments, in any medium including painting, drawing, textiles, printmaking, graphics and photography. Use of recycled and natural materials is especially encouraged in creating collages, mosaics and 3D artworks.

The Online Gallery is now open for submissions until end of May.  Uploaded artwork will be showcased on digital ad screens across the UK from UN World Environment Day 5th June 2015

It’s Our World can be linked across subjects to help deliver curriculum outcomes, and be a creative aspect of any outdoor activity.

For moderation purposes PIN Codes have been issued to every school and college  in the UK to access the gallery and upload artwork.   Please contact patzi@juniper-pre.co.uk if you would like a code to share your students’ work.

‘The John Muir Trust is delighted to be part of such an inspirational and ambitious project. It’s Our World is already stimulating more artwork as part of the John Muir Award. Anything that encourages a sense of place, and helps us to value and care for what’s around us, has to be worth getting involved in.’ Rob Bushby, John Muir Trust

Outdoor Learning in Argyll

15 primary schools from the Oban area have taken part this year in an Outdoor Learning Programme  delivered by Stramash, the Oban based social enterprise and charity.

“The programme uses the unique environment of the west coast of Scotland to help inspire the next generation to enjoy and engage with all the great outdoors has to offer. The programme offers a range of outdoor experiences for children & young people that challenge and inspire, enrich the learning that takes place inside the classroom and supports the personal, social and emotional development of each individual.  This supports Curriculum for Excellence, providing experiences which stimulate learning, connect to the natural environment and encourage active, healthy lifestyles. The programme is varied and tailored to suit each school. We have delivered the programme in forest, woodland and coastal environments and the children have participated in a variety of activities including hillwalking, orienteering and sea kayaking as part of the programme.” Outdoor Learning Manager, Stramash

Stramash have created a film to tell the story of the programme. To view the film click on this link http://vimeo.com/110570839

Disruptive Innovation Festival

Hopefully you will have had the chance to see some of the outstanding sessions available as part of the online Disruptive Innovation Festival which has been running from 20th October to 14th November 2014. For those of you that have not managed to catch any of the sessions or missed some due to other commitments we are delighted to announce that many of the events have been recorded and will be available to view for another 30 days.

Visit the DIF website archive at DIF Archive to access the sessions that are still available until 14th December 2014.

Here is a small sample of some of the events that will be available to view until 14th December:
• 3D Printed materials and the Circular Economy
• Internet of Things
• Circular Economy Classroom Activity
• Biomimicry Classroom
• William McDonough (Cradle to cradle): Redesigning the Future
• Jeremy Rifkin: The Next Industrial Revolution
• Mark Miodownik: Made to be Made Again
• TU Delft: Pioneers of Design -Longer Lasting Products
• Sir Ken Robinson: Inspiring a Generation

Please share this information with colleagues who might be interested: STEM subjects, Geography, Business Education, Economics, Modern Studies and anyone interested in inter-disciplinary learning.

If you are inspired to introduce your pupils to the circular economy but would welcome some help in getting started please do not hesitate to contact me by email at jen.barrett@ellenmacarthurfoundation.org

Complex Conversation

On 12th November, Education Scotland brought together 35 delegates from all over Scotland to discuss and engage with others about best practice in making provision for those with complex needs.   Delegates heard an update from the Doran Review from  Laura Meikle of Scottish Government, considered good practice, listened to four examples of good practice from Isobel Mair School, Stanmore House School, Southcraig School and Mavisbank School.  The presentations featured on curriculum, learning and teaching, assessment and support through  inclusive practices.  The event was valued and practitioners asked for other ones to follow. Delegates mentioned that they enjoyed the exchanges with fellow practitioners and felt that Education Scotland has a key role to play in ensuring more successful partnership working across services through GIRFEC practices. Another Conversation is to be organised for 3rd December and details will be circulated.

Royal College of Surgeons Edinburgh, Christmas Lecture 2014- The Definitive Human: Using Computer Graphics to Improve our Understanding of Human Anatomy

Digital Design Studio (DDS) is a specialist department of the world famous Glasgow School of Art.

Launched in 1997, DDS focuses upon true-realistic digital 3D visualisation in the areas of Medicine and Architectural History. It produces images which are faithful reproductions of the real object in digital 3D, images with which the public can truly engage and interact. 

Join Professor Paul Anderson on Monday 1st December 1.50pm for the Glow Meet where he will examine how computer graphics can be used to improve our understanding of human anatomy for both training, educational and research purposes.

For further information about DDS http://bit.ly/1v03hBA

The Only Constant is Change!

By Alastair Delaney, Chief Operating Officer and Director of Inspection

Maybe that’s a cliché, but we are certainly seeing huge changes across all sectors of education in Scotland at the moment.  And as Education Scotland’s Director of Inspection, it is my job to ensure that inspection takes account of all these changes, and remains fit for purpose over the next three to five years, and beyond.

So that begs the question – what is the purpose of inspection?  Education Scotland is clear that the purpose is three-fold:

  • to give assurance to stakeholders  (notably parents when we are talking about school inspection) that learners are getting the high-quality education they deserve – and if that is not the case, to ensure  improvements are made as soon as possible;
  • to build capacity for improvement through professional dialogue with practitioners and sharing good practice; and
  • to provide advice to education policy-makers, based on first-hand observation of learning and teaching, and of what is working well in practice.

Education Scotland evaluates education in a wide range of sectors and settings across Scotland. Our inspection and review programmes include:  early learning and childcare settings; primary, secondary, all-through, special and independent schools; educational psychology services; strategic scrutiny at local authority and community planning partnership level; public and private colleges; community learning and development; voluntary services; teacher education; careers information, advice and guidance: and prison education.

The review we are currently undertaking includes all of these sectors and settings – and clearly it is important that we involve our stakeholders in considering how we might inspect in future. We have no firm proposals for change at the moment, as we are keen to explore a wide range of ideas for possible future approaches to inspection and hear the views of everyone who has an interest.

The highly successful Scottish approach to quality improvement in education attracts much attention internationally. It is based on our national consensus that: educational establishments and services evaluate the quality of their own work and plan for improvement where necessary; local authorities support and challenge the establishments and services in their areas to improve; and that these processes are backed up by rigorous, external inspection carried out by Education Scotland’s inspectors. These approaches are perhaps something that we take for granted – but they are recognised as world-class.

So why do we need to review what we do?

If we want to remain world-class, on-going review of our approaches is essential. Since I was first appointed as HMI in 2000, there have been massive changes in how we inspect. And this process of change needs to continue.

In recent years, our approaches to inspection have recognised the growing strengths in self-evaluation across all sectors of Scottish education. For example, since 2008 we have started school inspections by asking headteachers to tell us about their strengths and how they are working to bring about improvement, then planning our inspection activities accordingly.

Our current inspection models give high priority to the user-focus agenda by involving staff, parents, learners and community partners in the inspection process. They emphasise the need for inspection teams to establish and maintain positive relationships with the staff in establishments and services being inspected, and to work in partnership with staff to ensure the process is a positive one and leads to improvement – the “with not to” agenda.

There have been significant changes to the delivery of education through such developments as Curriculum for Excellence and GIRFEC. The Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce report brings us new challenges across all sectors relating to the skills for work agenda. And then we have the Children and Young People’s Act, the Statement of Ambition on adult learning, the National Youth Work Strategy and college amalgamations. We also need to take account of societal changes in the use of technology, changes in demographics, the sustainability agenda and the challenge of ensuring greater equity in the outcomes of Scottish education – to name but a few of the wider issues we need to take into account.

At the same time as this review of inspection, we have started work to produce the next edition of How good is our school? and we want to get your views on this important development too.

We have already held meetings with key stakeholders, including a meeting of a new External Reference Group in September and a seminar at the Scottish Learning Festival. A series of regional conversation events begins in November.

You can find out more about this consultation by visiting the Future approaches to Inspection and Review pages on our website.

I look forward to hearing from you!

A-Z of Attachment and Resilience

South Lanarkshire Council, Psychological Service, have kindly given permission for their “a-z of attachment and resilience” publication to be shared on the early years section of the Education Scotland website. Elizabeth King, Principal Psychologist, is featured in the latest edition of Early Years Matters and this resource compliments the attachment theory and practice that she talks about in her article.  The “a-z of attachment and resilience” is in PDF form and can be found by clicking the link below.

A to Z of Attachment and Resilience 2014 South Lanark

Royal Academy of Engineering:Deployable Structures Kit

The Royal Academy of Engineering provides leadership and promotes excellence across all fields of engineering.

The Academy has a diverse range of partners and a long history of delivering STEM enhancement and enrichment programmes in schools to inspire the next generation of engineers and technicians.

Teachers can access resources created by teachers and engineers that aim to engage school students with science, technology and mathematics by placing these subjects in engineering contexts

The most recent resource is Deployable Structures.

These resources allow the learning of maths within the engineering context of deployable structures. There are a range of Third level maths topics covered including density, nets, transformations, scale, conversions, circles, area, compound shapes problem solving. A source of challenging material for Second Level learners.

The resources consist of a teacher’s guide to explain how the activities could be used, six activities and two case studies about engineers involved in deployable structures. Please read the safety advice in each activity.

Further information about the Royal Academy of Engineering resources can be found at


The search is on for Scotland’s Youth Worker of the Year

Youth workers and volunteers are being encouraged to nominate entries for YouthLink Scotland’s National Youth Worker of the Year Awards 2015. The awards will showcase the remarkable work that is being done across Scotland.

Nominations for each of the ten award categories are open now until Thursday 18 December. The winners will be announced and celebrated at the awards dinner in March 2015.

To find out more information about the National Youth Worker of the Year Awards 2015 and to download a nomination form, visit the YouthLink Scotland website

Launch of the Digitally Agile National Principles

Launched on 5th November, the Digitally Agile National Principles, are a national framework of guiding principles for the use of digital technology and social media in Community Learning and Development (CLD).

These are a key output of the third phase of the Digitally Agile CLD project delivered by YouthLink Scotland, Scottish Community Development Centre and Learning Link Scotland, supported by Education Scotland.

They are intended to support CLD teams and organisations to create an empowering environment to use digital technologies and social media as part of their practice; effectively, safely and creatively. For more information visit, www.digitallyagilecld.org @DigitallyAgile

Glow TV’s Watch Again Service for Higher Physics

On Monday 3rd November, at Ardrossan Academy, Professor Martin Hendry, Head of the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Glasgow, gave a talk on the astronomy and cosmology content in the CfE Higher Physics course.

The talk can be seen on GlowTV’s watch again service by following this link.


STEM @ university contacts

As part of the Scottish Universities Deans of Science and Engineering education groups work to support Scottish Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education in schools many Universities in Scotland have recently set up a single e-mail address for teachers who have STEM related enquiries. It is not expected that the person receiving the initial e-mail at the University will always give a direct response but it would be expected that they ensure a response is made from a related department within the University or to direct you to the appropriate contact within the University.
University of Aberdeen – STEM@abdn.ac.uk
University of Abertay – STEM@abertay.ac.uk
University of Dundee – STEM@dundee.ac.uk
Glasgow Caledonian University – STEM@gcu.ac.uk
University of the Highlands and Islands – STEM@uhi.ac.uk
University of Glasgow – STEM@glasgow.ac.uk
University of Edinburgh – STEM@ed.ac.uk

For a brief overview of STEM study options within each University please refer to the following brief document. (Please always refer pupils to University prospectus and websites as this document may not always be up to date).
Please feel free to share this information with other colleagues in STEM departments.’

EDF Energy – Award winning Education Programme

EDF Energy has three main aims:

  • inspire young people to choose more sustainable life style
  • promote STEM as a career choice
  • demonstrate the importance of having low carbon energy supply

EDF have produced a variety of resources to support STEM education which can be accessed through The Pod

The most recent resource supports the WW1 centenary year.  

Many schools are looking at what the war meant for the country in 1914 and the impact it had on people’s lives at the time and in the following years.
Engage your learners using a power point presentation showing how electricity was used during both World Wars.

The slides describe how some of the equipment developed during the wars – such as radar and the enigma machine has gone on to shape our modern world.

Further information can be accessed through http://jointhepod.org/resources

Award for Leadership in Gaelic Medium Education (GME)

There are still a few places left on the Award for Leadership for those teaching in GME.  On this programme, you will gain a valuable insight into what it takes to be an effective leader.  This course gives an opportunity to gain a nationally recognised qualification from the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).

The programme will be delivered in two sessions, 4 & 5 December  and 26 & 27 February on the Isle of Skye.  For more information and to apply, please contact Kate McArdle on 01463 238 088 or kate@theacademy-ssea.org.

Tackling bureaucracy in schools

This article by Education Scotland Chief Executive Bill Maxwell was published in The Herald on 4 November 2014.

As anyone with an interest in education will know, this past year has been hugely significant in the re-shaping of learning experiences for our young people as we continue to implement Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).  Teachers should be proud of the successes achieved in delivering the new National Qualifications whilst simultaneously delivering the highest number of Higher passes ever awarded. The scale of change has certainly been challenging, but I think we can all take heart that we are now seeing learners benefitting increasingly from a curriculum that will equip them better than ever before with the skills and knowledge they need in the modern world.

As we chart our way through the next stages of this journey, it will be vitally important that we keep our intended destination in focus. That means keeping the big picture of the overall aims of the CfE at the forefront of our plans. We have seen issues arise where there has been a tension between a natural desire for structure and reassurance through a period of change and the need to realise some of the key aims of CfE. This has been crystallised, for example, in instances of over-complex planning or assessment practices, standing in clear contrast with the core aim of CfE to create a learning environment in which teachers have more time to teach more flexibly, and pupils have more time to deepen their learning.

Two reports published by the government in the past year have set out recommendations for addressing this issue. We were able to respond quickly to these reports with a range of enhancements to the programme of national support being provided by the key national bodies. These were set out fully in an updated national implementation support plan, provided to all local authorities last month.  We all know, however, that action at local level, drawing on national support, is absolutely key to ensuring success. We know that the quality of support which local authorities and their headteachers provide to their schools has a huge influence on the experience of teachers, pupils and parents and so the national implementation plan also highlights a range of expected local actions. Further research into this issue will be considered by the Tackling Bureaucracy Working Group in the coming weeks.

I am determined Education Scotland will play our part in promoting effective implementation to the full.  It is extremely important that our inspectors are consistently challenging overly-bureaucratic approaches whenever they see them in schools. Where we do find them, we are offering practical assistance to schools and local authorities to help them revise their approaches. We have a growing range of good examples on our website to help schools learn from their counterparts elsewhere.

On the key issue of assessment, our assessment team, working closely with the SQA, has provided advice to support teachers’ understanding and confidence in the new process of assessment. We intend to continue to do this until every school in the country has a clear, simple, effective process in place matched to their curriculum model.

One of the challenges in any major change process can be navigating the increasing range of guidance and support which tends to accrue over time. That is why one of our priority actions over the last year has been the creation of an easily accessible online portal for advice and support materials, which guarantees easy and comprehensive access to the latest support available.

In the year ahead, we are continuing on a journey which will no doubt have its own challenges but I am confident that all the partners involved in this transformational reform programme are committed to ensuring its success. Teachers, parents, young people and the public at large can rest assured that if we stick to the task these changes have the potential to move our education system from being good to being truly great.

Young Engineers and Science Club Scotland are Recruiting

The YESC are recruiting for part-time Regional Coordinators – one for the central belt and one for Dumfries and Galloway.  Details are on the website as well as on S1 Jobs. 

We are looking for people with a teaching, science or engineering background to support expansion of our club network.  Please forward details to anyone you think might be interested. 

Closing date for applications is 7th November.

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