Glenfield Pre-five Centre – What is excellent?

Glenfield Pre-five Centre in Renfrewshire was inspected by Education Scotland and Care Inspectorate last year and received an excellent evaluation for Meeting Learning Needs.  Here the staff of the centre reflect on what it is they provide to meet learning needs.

We start our effective links with parents before children start at our centre as we believe in the importance of strong relationships with parents and families.  We visit children at home, complete all about me booklets and make parents feel welcome in our centre during their child’s settling period.  Parents and families are able to build relationships with us and these early discussions help to ensure ongoing communication.  Parents are always welcome in our centre.

We support and develop individual children at whatever stage of development they are at.  Across our staff team there is a deep knowledge of individual children and staff are skilled at responding to their needs and interests.  Staff planning reflects responsiveness and we use mind maps, discussions with children and individual observations in order to plan effectively to meet their learning needs.  All of the children who require additional support have a support plan.  This plan helps to take forward the child’s learning at an appropriate pace for their stage of learning.  Parents are fully involved in this planning process as well as room team members and outside agencies.  Staff link closely with outside agencies and have built strong, positive relationships as a result of this work.

Staff in our centre have regular professional dialogue and routinely meet to discuss observations of individual children.  Their knowledge of children enables them to plan activities which have developmentally appropriate learning intentions and success criteria tailored to individual children’s needs.  This ensures all of our children achieve success in their learning which is of paramount importance in building our children’s confidence and self-esteem.

Staff at Glenfield Pre-five Centre are totally committed to the work they do and are confident in taking on leadership roles.  This is reflected in the experiences and learning environment provided for our children which meets their learning needs in a highly effective way.

Here are the children, staff and parents enjoying sports day!
