YESC Update

The Young Engineers & Science Clubs Scotland is a Scotland wide primary and secondary programme run by the Scottish Council for Development and Industry and supported by many of its members including BP, Skills Development Scotland and the Lloyd’s Register Foundation.

Through a network of over 700 science, engineering and technology clubs throughout Scotland, from Orkney to Dumfries, pupils from P5-S2 test their problem-solving skills on a number of themed investigations. So far 12,000 members have worked alongside their teachers, real engineers and scientists on a variety of STEM projects.

Projects for the coming year include: 

2015 Junior Saltire Awards Challenge- Design and Build a Wave Energy Convertor

Free Watt’s Watt Kit – Marks the 250th anniversary of James Watt’s invention to greatly improve the steam engine

The Ultimate STEM Challenge – Primary and Secondary Challenges

Further information, advice and contact details can be accessed through the YESC website:

Disruptive Innovation Festival – must-see events this week for Educators

It’s week 3 of the Disruptive Innovation Festival: an online festival exploring emerging ideas and technologies that have the potential to reshape our economy. The Festival is curated by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

So far you will have had the opportunity to drop in on events covering ideas such as self-driving cars, powering cities with coffee bean waste, cradle-to-cradle design, restructuring the financial system, biomimicry design and the sharing economy.

This week – the penultimate week – has a strong focus on education. This includes a Headline Act by Sir Ken Robinson on Thursday where you will have the opportunity to put questions to him and hear of his thoughts for a transformed educational system. Sign up for free here:

Transforming D&T Education
04 Nov 16:00 GMT – 04 Nov 17:00 GMT
Steve Parkinson of Teach Design will host this session where he will take a look at the changing face of D&T education, and what he and his students have learned from studying the circular economy and Cradle-to-Cradle design.

Product Teardown
05 Nov 17:00 GMT – 05 Nov 18:00 GMT
Kyle Wiens will walk us through product teardown, showing us the process the iFixit team go through when rating products for their repairability. Kyle will take your questions on how designers could re-educate themselves to design for disassembly and repairability.

Transforming Learning: Beyond the $1,000 Pencil
06 Nov 13:00 GMT – 06 Nov 14:00 GMT
Join the renowned Alan November to hear how we can equip our students to take responsibility to manage a large proportion of their learning, and to help others to learn.

The Circular Economy Workshop
06 Nov 17:00 GMT – 06 Nov 18:00 GMT
Watch this video to learn how the circular economy can be introduced to a large group of students by taking a group work approach. Download the presentation and lesson plan so you can replicate the session in your setting

Education: What are the new stories?
06 Nov 17:30 GMT – 06 Nov 18:30 GMT
Is the traditional narrative of school, qualifications and a ‘good job’ still relevant? Oliver Quinlan doesn’t think so, but he wants to hear from YOU in this session as he asks for the new stories around education

Watch this quick video summary of what else is in store for educators this week at the DIF:

Art and Design Advanced Higher Exhibition

Tramway and The Visual Arts Studio is hosting an exhibition of work submitted to the Scottish Qualifications Authority for the Art and Design Advanced Higher qualification in June 2014. The work comes from pupils across Scotland, and represents the talents of Scotland’s next generation of artists and members of its creative community.

Education Scotland is promoting and supporting the exhibition and encourages young people, parents and teachers from across the country to take the opportunity to visit the show.

Thu 30 October – Sun 9 November. Tue – Sun 12 noon – 5pm (6pm weekend). Please note, the exhibition is not open on Monday.

25 Albert Drive, Glasgow, G41 2PE
0845 330 3501

Game Masters – The developmeny of Video Games – National Museum of Scotland

Exhibition at the National Museum of Scotland

5 December 2014 – 20 April 2015

The exhibition explores the development of video games through interviews with game designers and rare original game artwork, as well as looking forward to how independently produced games are leading the way in design, aesthetics and game play.


Exhibition Gallery 1, Level 3


Adults £10
Concession* £8
Child £6.50 (under 5s free)
Family of 3** £23
Family of 4** £28
Students*** £5 (Tuesdays only)

Members go free!

National Art Pass holders receive 50% discount (only available in person and by phone).

* Concession prices apply to 60+, students and unemployed with ID, disabled people. Carers of disabled people free.

** Must include at least 1 adult and 1 child

*** A valid NUS or Young Scot card must be shown

Further details about the exhibition can be found at:

Restorative Approaches National Conference

Glasgow City Council would like to invite you to our first Restorative Approaches National Conference. This conference is for everyone working with children, young people and/or families. It will be of interest to those who are involved in relationship-based interventions, working with young people and adults to help resolve conflict, repair emotional harm and utilise reflective practice within schools and communities.

Click for Margs' Profile

We are delighted to bring Marg Thorsborne, a leading expert from Australia in the area of Restorative Approaches, to Glasgow. Marg will deliver keynote speeches over the course of three days. These will incorporate an overview and implementation of Restorative Approaches. She will also facilitate, through a series of workshops, how this practice can help promote and maintain positive relationships in our daily interactions with adults, children and young people.

We are delighted that Marg is spending most of her time in Scotland at this conference, in addition to her further training events with Education Scotland and other local authorities.

The conference in Glasgow will take place over three days, with each day having a particular focus.

Click here for the Conference flyer and booking form.

Celebrate Success

Join us live from Glasgow City Chambers on Thursday 30th October to hear from learners and athletes about their Games experiences and future ambitions.

9.30 – 10.15 – Team Scotland athletes share their stories and answer your questions. This interactive session will feature athletes from a variety of sports

10.30 – 10.45 – Keynote from Paige McMahon

10.45 – 11.30 – Young people from Rathen and Kinlochbervie present their own Games journeys and speak about their personal success as well as their ambitions and hopes in the wake of the Games.

Register to take part in this event.

Remember you can see all the scheduled Glow TV events in Glow Connect!

Computing Clubs for Girls – Primary and Secondary!


Free to the first 50 schools to sign up!

CC4G – Computer Clubs for Girls – is a fully resourced scheme of work from e-skills UK, developed with teachers, supported by role models from leading employers and specifically designed to encourage girls to take on the digital world with confidence.

The resources cover a variety of topics, from coding to e-safety, web design to music video production, are fully supported by teacher guides, and can be used to deliver extra-curricular clubs or to support lesson time activities.

Running CC4G doesn’t need any specialist IT expertise or software, it’s fully curriculum-compliant, and girls love it.

Java Fundamentals training

In addition to sponsoring CC4G licenses, Oracle is offering teachers from each school within this scheme free Java Fundamentals training using the Alice and Greenfoot development environments.

The course lays the foundation for students with little or no programming experience to learn the Java programming language, introducing fundamental programming concepts and terminology in an easy, engaging manner.

Sign up now for a free one year account

The first 50 schools in Scotland to respond will each receive a free licence, sponsored by SDS and Oracle, to run CC4G for a one year period, plus free Java Fundamentals training from Oracle. To see for yourself how good CC4G is, register for a free trial at

This offer will not last long and licenses will be assigned on a first come, first served basis. Please contact CC4G with any questions and to confirm your acceptance:

CC4G is run by e-skills UK, the Sector Skills Council for Business and Information Technology. We work on behalf of employers to ensure the UK has the technology skills it needs to succeed in a global digital economy. Our work covers software, internet & web, Computer Games, IT services, telecommunications and business change. At e-skills UK we help people achieve their goals every year through our programmes, research and initiatives – at work, school and in further and higher education.


Updated N4/5 Physics support materials from Aberdeen City Council

Many thanks to Aberdeen City Council for sharing even more resources to support Physics learning and teaching at National 4 and 5. These materials have been posted on the NQ Course Materials Portal and can be found using this link.

Staff are encouraged to draw on these materials, and existing materials, to develop their own programmes of learning which are appropriate to the needs of each individual school.

The materials include National 4 and National 5 teacher guide and a complete set of problems and answers for:
•Electricity and energy
•Waves and radiation
•Dynamics and space.

These resources will soon be shared through the Sciences Glow 365 site
Do you have something to share? Contact for further details on ways to share.

Home Economics & Science staff Teach Meet Dundee Science Centre Tuesday 11th November

Teach Meet for Home Economics and Science staff offering support around Broad General Education, National Qualifications, positive destinations, progression with assessment. Presenters include Education Scotland, Scottish Food & Drink Federation, Food Standards Scotland, SQA, University of Abertay, SSERC & Dundee science Centre to name but a few.

Also included in the session will be a ‘Science of Gin’ presentation, discussing the use of botanicals to produce different styles.

TUESDAY 11th NOVEMBER 4.30pm – 7.30pm Dundee Science Centre.

Sign up here –

N4/5 Chemistry in Society support materials from Aberdeen City Council

Many thanks to Aberdeen City Council for sharing even more resources to support Chemistry learning and teaching at National 4 and 5. These materials have been posted on the NQ Course Materials Portal and can be found using this link.

The materials include teaching and learning activities for:
•Metal Chemistry
•Electricity and Chemistry
•Plastics, Polymers, Ceramics
•Plant Nutrients and Fertlisers
•Nuclear Chemistry
•Chemical Analysis

Also in the package are updated materials for Volumetric Calculations. These materials will also be shared on the Sciences Glow 365 site.

Do you have something to share? Contact for further details on ways to share through Education Scotland’s Sciences Glow 365 site and NQ Course materials portal.

Equality in the Sciences

The Education Scotland Sciences 3-18 impact report stated as an ‘aspect for development’ in Scottish Sciences was that ‘staff in secondary schools need to recognise and act on gender imbalance in physics and the biology where it exists’
To support Science departments action this as part of their development needs The Institute of Physics (IOP) has produced a support pack that supports teachers in planning to encourage increased participation of girls studying Physics.
The misconceptions amongst some teachers regarding the implementations of addressing such imbalance is –
– that this would be at the detriment of boys into Physics, which is not the case as these programmes are looking at an increase in girls on top of existing numbers, not as a balance of existing class numbers
– Focussing on Girls is in itself gender biased. These programmes are about how teaching pedagogy can improve perceptions of the subject amongst girls without affecting the perceptions of boys. In short, teaching pedagogy in Physics education has in past been biased towards the interests and needs of boys without intending to do so.
Some stats –
5% of young people who took up modern apprenticeships in STEM careers last year via Skills Development Scotland were girls. (Scottish Resource Centre for Women in SET (2010))
73% of female STEM graduates do not continue in STEM careers in comparison to 48% of male STEM graduates. (
If gender equality in Sciences is part of your local, school or Science departmental improvement plans and you would like advice and support to use the resources then please contact Alison McLure of the IOP,

Free Science and Food CLPL at Dundee Science Centre

Education Scotland in partnership with the Scottish Food and Drink Federation and Dundee Science Centre have create a series of Career Long Professional Learning events about Food Science. These events would be particularly relevant for those teaching N5 and Higher Biology, Chemistry and Environmental Science as well as those teaching Higher Health and Food Technology and Hospitality.

1. Cooking Bus Career Long Professional Learning at Dundee Science Centre 10th – 14th November 2014
Free 3 hour CLPL sessions available during 10th – 14th November 2014 – open to teachers and support staff. For more information and how to sign up for a workshop.

Please note the date and time you sign up for – your place will be confirmed in October.

2. Home Economics & Science staff Teach Meet Dundee Science Centre Tuesday 11th November
Teach Meet for Home Economics and Science staff offering support around Broad General Education, National Qualifications, positive destinations, progression with assessment. Presenters include Education Scotland, Scottish Food & Drink Federation, Food Standards Scotland, SQA, University of Abertay, SSERC & Dundee science Centre to name but a few.
Also included in the session will be a ‘Science of Gin’ presentation, discussing the use of botanicals to produce different styles.
TUESDAY 11th NOVEMBER 4.30pm – 7.30pm Dundee Science Centre.
Sign up here –

Get with the Programme

Get with the Programme

An evening of resources, ideas and discussion for computing classes and STEM clubs in primary and secondary schools.

With sessions and discussions from:

Skills Development Scotland

Code Club

Abertay university

Apps for good

FREE Professional Learning session for education practitioners

Thursday 30th October 2014, 1615-1830 at Dundee Science Centre

Delivered by


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sponsored by

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Bookings can be made by contacting, or calling 01382 868609/10.

Comann Luchd-Teagaisg Àrd-Sgoiltean (CLAS)

Tha blog aig CLAS a tha feumail dha tidsearan àrd-sgoil a tha a’ teagaisg Gàidhlig no cuspair tro mheadhan na Gàidhlig.  A’ measg na tha air a’ bhlog tha

  • Na naidheachdan as ùire a thaobh Foghlam Gàidhlig
  • Fiosrachadh mu Co-fharpaisean sgrìobhaidh
  • Fiosrachadh mu ChLAS (Mionaidean, foirmichean ballrachd)
  • Stòrasan feumail airson a chleachdadh le clasaichean

Visit, the blog for the Association of Teachers of Gaelic for useful information relating to:

  • Gaelic Education
  • Sharing of learning resources
  • Minutes of CLAS meetings

Forest Kindergarten Training

The Forestry Commission Scotland offers training for early years’ staff in developing forest kindergartens. The training consists of a one day taster course for Heads and Managers of nurseries and a three day training course for nursery teachers and early years practitioners.

One Day Taster Course – The taster course gives promoted staff an introduction to the philosophy of Forest Kindergartens, an opportunity to consider controlled risk taking and discussion of the value of learning in nature using natural materials in woodlands or other green spaces. The content of the course consistently refers to the Early Years Framework and Curriculum for Excellence. This course gives promoted staff the opportunity to consider their role in supporting staff in developing forest kindergartens and sharing information with parents and the wider community. Part of the day is held indoors and the remainder outdoors.

Three Day Course – This course is designed to support staff in embedding forest kindergarten as part of their Pre-Birth to Three and Curriculum for Excellence practice. The course gives staff the opportunity to share their hopes and concerns, discuss controlled risk taking and understand how this approach embraces the Rights of The Child. Participants learn about the Scottish Outdoor Access Code, challenging outdoor experiences that can be offered and ways that the Curriculum for Excellence supports experiential outdoor learning. The course gives staff a theoretical overview and the opportunity to engage in practical outdoor activities. Staff also visit an established forest kindergarten and discuss practice with staff who have completed the course and are now experienced forest kindergarten leaders. Part of the course gives staff opportunities to consider responsive planning approaches and ways in which woodland experiences can impact on indoor practice and the nursery outdoor environment.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed the past three days. All my inhibitions and fears about taking children off site are well and truly gone. The course was delivered to a very high standard and I know I’ve learned a lot”

“I was not really a fan of getting outdoors and getting dirty but now I understand the benefits it has for the children and I am motivated and excited to get started”

Forestry Commission Scotland Support – Forestry Commission Scotland offers this course to all staff delivering the curriculum for Excellence at the Early Level in nurseries and schools. Ongoing on-site support continues from FCS to assist staff in identifying suitable woodland or green space and involve staff teams, parents and carers and the local community. FCS can also participate alongside staff to support them in developing the quality of their session. Each participant receives a training pack and pen drive loaded with essential information. This  includes awareness raising materials and activities to engage children, staff, parents, carers, and the local community.

A new Training for Trainers course is being prepared so that existing forest kindergarten leaders can deliver training alongside forestry commission staff within their own local authorities. North Lanarkshire and Renfrewshire staff are currently co-presenting the 3 day course.

There is an opportunity for staff to continue developing their knowledge and skills through supplementary courses lasting one and a half days each to learn how to use ropes, fire and tools. In future a course on The Pedagogy of Forest Kindergartens will be offered

Forest Family Bags are also being created to support families using woodlands with their children and a Transition pilot programme is about to be developed to support the continuation of forest kindergarten into primary one.

For further information on any of the above please contact: Marian Cairns, Acting Central Scotland Education Officer, Central Scotland Conservancy Email: Tel: 01698 368553, Mob: 07747474790

GLOW 365: RM Unify Launchpad and Science

Log on to GLOW 365 and explore the various RM Unify tiles which support learning and teaching in the sciences.

Tiles include:

Twig, which provides films and learning materials which have been mapped to the CfE Experiences and Outcomes for Sciences, Maths and Geography

Tigtag the complete online resource for primary science 


Scale of the Universe and NASA  which includes video clips of the first moon landing

The tile giving access to the ever popular TED talks will ensure your lessons stimulate debate and discussion, while the TED lesson creator allows you to create an animated lesson to enthuse and inspire your learners.

The NAR tile gives access to exemplars on science assessment and you can access our sciences Glow meets through the Glow TV tile.

Use your Glow password, log on to the RM Unify Launch pad and explore all the materials available to support the science curriculum.

GIRFEC Training for Trainers Events (Free)

Scottish Government are offering funded training opportunities for professionals working with disabled children and their families to learn about and then become ambassadors for GIRFEC.

The purpose of the workshops is to enable a broad range of practitioners from the third sector to deliver information workshops for children and young people or parents and carers to inform them about GIRFEC and what it means for them; to bring GIRFEC to life, to make it real for them. The workshop will cover everything from organising an information session to the contents and materials (which are provided for you) to the continued support and guidance after the ‘training for trainers’ workshop concludes. We hope we can work together to deliver the information sessions.

These sessions are completely free of charge, as they are funded by the Scottish Government, run for around three hours and are intended to provide you with the necessary tools, knowledge and materials to run your own GIRFEC Information Sessions for children and young people, parents and carers.
If you would like to attend any of the sessions below please contact
The venues are limited so get in fast to ensure your space.
Dumfries – Monday 17th November, Station Hotel 13.00-16.00
Edinburgh – Tuesday 18th November, Eric Liddell Centre 13.00-16.00
Glasgow – Friday 21st November, ALLIANCE Hub, Venlaw Building 13.00-16.00
Inverness – Monday 24th November, Highland Hospice, Netley Centre 13.00-16.00
Perth – Wednesday 26th November, AK Bell Library, 13.00-16.00

Twig and Tigtag Updates

Twig refresh now live!

Education Scotland and Twig World are delighted to announce the launch of the newly updated and refreshed Twig On Glow website, which coincides with the switch over to the new Glow platform.  Twig continues to bring you stunning film footage and learning materials for sciences, maths and geography all linked to Curriculum for Excellence. Twig has already started the process of mapping the content to the national qualifications and there are quick links now available in the top menu bar. More links will be added as further content is mapped, for instance to the newly included Science Experiments films.

Faster loading

As well as the refreshed design interface, users will find that the new Twig On Glow site loads faster, the mind map responds more quickly and the films cache more effectively which will improve streaming. 

New content on Tigtag

People and Places is the new Tigtag module for geography. Matched to Curriculum for Excellence, the module includes 223 films covering six topics:

  • Environmental awareness and care
  • Future of energy
  • Human impact on the environment
  • Human geography
  • Physical geography
  • Mapping

Imperial College London and Tigtag launch free online resource to help Scotland’s primary school teachers with science

 Primary school teachers can sign up now at

Thinking like a scientist is a valuable skill. Analysing information, asking good questions and recognising how evidence wins arguments; all these things help people make better decisions. The time to nurture this skill is when children are naturally most curious about the world around them – when they are of primary school age.

According to a 2013 National Science Learning Centre report, only 5% of primary school teachers have a science degree, and teachers themselves say that their confidence to give inspiring science lessons rises when they have access to appropriate training, guidance and resources, to help them plug the gaps. 

That’s why Imperial College London ( and education technology provider Tigtag ( have come together to support every teacher to deliver the science curriculum.

Through Reach Out CPD (Continuing Professional Development) teachers can learn directly from Imperial experts about the science they need to cover in the classroom. Offering concise topic knowledge, short films, experiment ideas and more, this new resource aims to equip all primary teachers with the skills to excite children about science.  All training is delivered online in handy 20-minute units, so busy teachers can top up their knowledge anytime, anywhere on a computer, tablet or smartphone.

At the end of a course, teachers can download an official Reach Out CPD certificate endorsed by Imperial College London – one of the world’s leading science universities. 

Reach Out CPD is free to Scottish teachers and will remain so!

Sign up now at

More awards for TWIG

Twig World has been nominated as one of the Top 25 Most Innovative Companies within Digital Education in a new report by Total Education, the global educational technology event company. The report was compiled by interviewing experts in the major education markets around the world including teachers, industry professionals and keynote speakers. Twig World is one of only four content providers in the report.  This latest acknowledgement adds to a growing list of accolades for the company. Twig World has won many international education awards including the prestigious Bett Award for the past three years running.  Anthony Bouchier, CEO of Twig World says: “To be selected with the likes of Google and Microsoft just three years after launching our first product is a huge achievement and testament to the talent of our teams in Glasgow and London.  We are still at the start of our mission to empower teachers and learners as digital resources reach the classroom – there’s a much more to come from us in the years ahead!”

The report is available at

Primary Science on Glow 365

The new Primary Science Glow 365 site is currently under development but at the moment we have a Primary /Early Years blog page which is easily accessible and provides up to date relevant information for practitioners in each sector.

Our latest blogs include how to access the new FREE primary Reach Out CPD programme and you can  download the recent Supporting Primary and Early Years science Glow Meet.

To access the site  and remember your  glow password 

The site is work in progress and further developments will be introduced as the Glow 365 platform takes shape

‘Our Environment Competition’ resources

The team working on ‘Our Environment‘ competition on Scotland’s Environment website are beginning to add learning resources to their competition page.

This includes learning journeys, helpful hints about ‘What SE Web can do for you’, a page of useful links when planning your competition entry and briefing notes with helpful information for teachers. More resources and links are being added every week to this.

Remember the compeition is your chance to

  • find an environmental problem that you want to fix (or a potential problem you want to prevent)
  • describe the problem
  • work out what you want to change, how that could make us healthier and happier
  • work out how you are going to make it happen.

…and you could win £1000 for your school or group!

Disruptive Innovation Festival

The online Disruptive Innovation Festival (DIF) is working with organisations, universities and individuals from all over the world to spotlight and explore the disruptive innovations that are shaking up industry and creating new opportunities in the economy. Many of the sessions during the festival have been crowd-sourced from global contributors and emphasises the opportunity for interaction and engagement with these ideas. Throughout the four weeks, the DIF provides thought-leadership, advice, short courses, design challenges, resources and networks for new or budding entrepreneurs, designers, makers and doers. The DIF will also welcome participation from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s network including business, policy makers, academics and designers who are contributing to and participating in the DIF 2014.

Of particular relevance from a STEM perspective are the following sessions:

[27 Oct] Eben Bayer – An Entrepreneur’s Story

[29 Oct] The Circular Economy: an educator’s guide

[30 Oct] Systems thinking and restorative agriculture-at scale

[30 Oct] Assembly Line or Mind Gym? Where is education going?

[3 Nov] Mark Miodownik – Made to be Made Again

[6 Nov] Sir Ken Robinson – Inspiring a Generation

[6 Nov] Education: What are the new stories?

[12 Nov] Janine Benyus & Michael Pawlyn – Biomimicry

[Throughout] Experts on Demand

[Throughout] Design Challenges

People sign up to receive news about the DIF at

All of the sessions are free to attend, and most will be made available for a short period of time after the event.

Higher Computing Science – half day events

As part of Education Scotland’s ongoing support of the new national qualifications a series of half day events for Higher Computing Science have been organised for later this year.  These events are a follow up to the very successful national conference held in May of this year.  The main aims of the events will be to:
•    examine a range of appropriate approaches to learning and teaching
•    exemplify new course content
•    discuss areas of course content where further support may be necessary.

The events will take place as follows:

7 November, Denholm House, Livingston

9.30 – 12.30
1.00 – 4.00

10 December, Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow

9.30 – 12.30
1.00 – 4.00

To register your interest in attending one of these events please contact

Teacher Education team working in partnership and developing links

Education Scotland’s Teacher Education Team have been busy working with a range of partners.


The Teacher Education Team were recently involved in organising a Scottish Learning Festival (SLF) satellite event at Moray Council.  John Carnochan, one of the Keynote speakers from the SLF, travelled to Elgin to speak to Headteachers and Local Authority staff on the topic of Leadership – ‘Leadership, it’s a personal thing’.  Many members of staff spoke highly of John’s contribution and considerable dialogue took place after the presentation on the development of leadership capacity within the context of Moray Council’s schools.  Following this presentation, colleagues from Moray will contribute to the Learning Festival which will be taking place in Aberdeen in February 2015, based on some of John’s ideas.

Work with Local Authorities and schools

Keen to develop our links with Local Authority and school personnel, members of the team have continued to offer support to various establishments around the themes of Professional Review and Development and Professional update, and Career-long Professional Learning. Recent input has been given to the staff of Paisley Grammar School on ‘A Coaching Approach’ to Professional Review and Development.

Storlann Conference

Continuing the theme of working closely with practitioners, the team was represented recently at an annual conference organised by Storlann – the organisation which has been charged with coordinating the production and distribution of Gaelic educational resources throughout Scotland.  The conference in Aviemore, which was attended by a large number of Gaelic educationalists, offered a range of presentations and workshops for attendees.  The Teacher Education Team – along with Beverly Leslie, a Head Teacher from Perth and Kinross Council – presented two workshops on Professional Learning to primary and secondary teachers.

NDLF Stakeholder Engagement

The first meeting of the National Digital Learning Forum took place on September 19th, followed by an official launch at the Scottish Learning Festival.

Its purpose is to engage stakeholders in exploring and recommending approaches to digital learning. A wide range of representative bodies participate in the forum, including Scottish Government, CALL Scotland, SQA, NASUWT, Young Scot and serving teachers.

The TESS carried an article relating to the forum on 3/10/14 How expert forums will keep the CfE revolution rolling

Robert Macmillan, a Fife principal teacher of social subjects and vice-president of the Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, who is on the digital learning forum, said it was “essential” that such groups genuinely involved classroom practitioners and not “the usual suspects”.

How does that engagement take place – what does it look like – how do we ensure it leads to change? You tell us! If you are interested in sharing your views and getting involved please contact Pam McDowell

Building the West Barns Primary School curriculum part 2

Developing the Life and Ethos of West Barns Primary School

Over the past 12 months at we have been working with pupils, families and the wider community to help us develop a clear rational for our curriculum based on shared values of respect, happiness, confidence, responsibility, safety and friendliness.  The school continues to develop open and supportive relationships with children and their families.  We are now beginning to see the impact of many months of hard work on the life and work of the school.

This year we have introduced Learning Journeys which will support pupils in reflecting on their learning and identify their next steps as well as recording their wider achievement.  We are sharing these with parents and families on a regular basis and encourage them to add their own comments, photos, certificates etc. and help their child set health and wellbeing targets.  This will provide parents with a great opportunity to become more involved in their child’s learning and achievements. By the end of this first term we are already seeing pupils engaging more in discussing their learning, identifying their strengths and next steps, thinking of strategies to help them move forward and evidencing their achievements.

Learning journeys

Parents and families also recently helped our Primary 4-7 pupils understand the importance that literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing skills will play in their adult lives.  Pupils interviewed adults as part of the Family Homework task (download parents survey). Pupils then worked together to process and present the information.  This gave our children a greater understanding of why it is important to master these basic skills during their school years.  Younger pupils have been thinking about what jobs they would like to do when they are older and which skills they will need.  Staff continue to make the links between the children’s learning and skills for learning, work and life.

Family homework task

This year we felt it was essential that we looked at how we could better promote emotional resilience in our pupils.  We are using a whole school approach to health and wellbeing through using Edinburgh City’s ‘Creating Confident Kids’ resources ( ).  The Headteacher is working with all classes to develop a whole school approach through active learning and school assemblies.  The Playground Committee has also been looking at ways that we could better support pupils during break times through developing games and activities and have introduced their own Playground rules.

Playground rules

The whole school community are now working together to develop an ethos of positive behaviour to promote effective learning and wellbeing across the school.  This year, before choosing new House Captains, pupils were asked what attributes they valued most in a leader.  The results were unanimous – pupils wanted role models who showed respect, kindness and responsibility.  Candidates then used these findings to inform their election campaigns and now have a clear remit of what the school community expects from them in their new roles.

Most valued attributes in a leader

Our recent pupil survey showed us that our children wanted to contribute more to the life and work of the school.  We are now giving all our pupils the opportunity to exercise their responsibilities through playing an active part in one of our 4 school committees.  We have timetabled quality time and invested in resources to ensure that pupils have real opportunities to participate responsibly in decision-making, contribute as leaders and role models and offer support and service to others through meaningful projects that will benefit the school and our wider community.

Although we have an open door policy here at West Barns and welcome communication from parents, we were keen on trying to involve our parents more in the day to day running of the school.  Our Parent Council have recruited many volunteers through the West Barns Helping Hands scheme which involves parents, families or neighbours offering their help in a variety of different ways from creating resources, digging the garden, mending toys, making curtains and helping organise events.  We are seeing many more parents and families becoming involved in the school and we are making headway with many new projects thanks to their help.

Next month see how our curriculum rationale is being developed.

Game On Scotland Glow Meet: Celebrate Success

Join us live from Glasgow City Chambers on Thursday 30th October to hear from learners and athletes about their Games experiences and future ambitions.

9.30 – 10.15 – Team Scotland athletes share their stories and answer your questions. This interactive session will feature athletes from a variety of sports

10.30 – 10.45 – Key notes:  Young people present their own Games journeys and speak about their personal success as well as their ambitions and hopes in the wake of the Games.

Register for the event and join us live on the day.

Particle Physics in Higher and Advanced Higher – CPD

Particle Physics features in the new Higher and Advanced Higher courses.
For those who would like to brush up on your knowledge of this topic, a Glowmeet will be run on November 6th a 4 pm (“doors open” 3:30 pm) featuring Dr Aidan Robson of Glasgow University. Aidan will cover the theory for the new courses and will then answer questions from participants.

If you would like to join the Glowmeet, please let us know by emailing with your Glow username and your school email address.
This is the first of a series of Glowmeets covering new Senior Phase topics. It is the result of a partnership between Education Scotland, SSERC, STEMNET and SUPA

Our Environment Competition

Our Environment Competition has been launched by Scotland’s Environment Web

How Would You Make Our Environment Better?

“Take part in Our Environment Competition. Show us how you would make our environment better and win £1000! ”
The competition is open to young people of school age. It opens on 24th September 2014 and closes on 31st March 2015.

Young people need to:

  • find an environmental problem that you want to fix (or a potential problem you want to prevent)
  • describe the problem and collect data
  • work out what you want to change
  • work out how you are going to make it happen.

Entries should:

  • be ambitious & inspiring;
  • be of a high quality and well presented;
  • engage with other members of  your school or community; and
  • have a legacy potential.

The competition provides an engaging way of involving young people in their local environment and environmental issues.

It enables a focus on investigation and analysing skills.

It allows children to participate in scientific discussions and topical science.

There are four age categories:

  • First level
  • Second Level
  • Third and Fourth Level
  • Senior Phase

Individual or group

You can develop an entry as an individual or as a group.

School or outside of school

  • You can enter as part of a school project (a class, school group or individual)
  • You can enter as part of a group out-with school (e.g. youth club, Scouts, Guides, a group of friends), or as an individual

You can submit your entries from 1st January 2015.  Remember the closing date is 31st March 2015.   If you submit your work by the end of February 2015 you will be eligible for a £100 prize draw.

You should submit your entry by going to the competition website. The website will ask you to fill in a simple form and then upload your application.

There is a £1000 prize for the best group entry from all the age categories, and a £100 prize for the best individual entry, money which you can use to further develop your ideas and make them happen.

In addition, there will be two prizes for each age category, one for the best individual entry and one for the best group entry.

All winners will also be invited to attend a celebration ceremony. Further information can be found on Scotland’s Environment Web.

Supporting Outdoor Learning in Secondary Schools

Supporting Outdoor Learning in Secondary Schools
When: Saturday 15th November 2014
Where: Speyside High School, Aberlour
Time: 9:30am-4pm

In the revised GTCS Standards for Career Long Professional Learning teachers are required to “understand and develop the most appropriate contexts for learning including outdoor learning and be able to apply appropriate pedagogies for these environments”. This event aims to support this and build confidence and capacity in the delivery of outdoor learning in secondary schools.

Throughout the day participants will have the opportunity to attend a variety of practical outdoor workshops delivered by teachers and outdoor partners. These workshops will showcase outdoor learning approaches and will demonstrate how these can be incorporated into practice.

A market place and other networking opportunities will allow practitioners to meet with outdoor partners and find out more about the range of resources available to further support outdoor learning.

This is a free event open to secondary staff in Scotland – in particular those who are starting out on their outdoor learning journey and wish to develop their confidence in taking the curriculum outdoors. There is an expectation that those who attend this event will be willing to share their learning with colleagues in their establishment.

Registering for this event:
If you wish to attend this event please register online by Wednesday 29th October @

Early registration is advised as this event is likely to be very popular. Workshop choices will be sent out at the start of November.

If you would like further information about this event please contact:
Fiona Cruickshanks, Development Officer, Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning with the National Parks – Senior Pupil Residential, 2nd – 5th September

At the beginning of September the Senior Pupil Residential took place at Lagganlia Centre for Outdoor Learning in Glen Feshie. This residential which is now in it’s fourth year is part of the Outdoor Learning with National Parks project and was jointly funded by Education Scotland, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park Authority, Cairngorms National Park Authority and the Forestry Commission Scotland. In total 14 schools from across seven local authorities took part in this residential with 64 pupils and 11 staff attending. The aim of the residential programme is to consider the ways in which residential experiences can challenge and support pupils in the senior school, with a focus on leadership, personal development and National Parks. Pupils from as far afield as Portree to Portlethen, Crieff to Clydebank and Banff to Blairgowrie worked in groups throughout the week to complete a range of problem solving and team building activities. All pupils took part in an overnight camp with only a bivi-bag and tarpaulin for shelter! As part of this year’s residential the pupils also had to collaborate with their group to present their thoughts on key issues such as ‘What are the benefits of outdoor learning?’ and ‘How can National Parks engage effectively with young people?’ Pupils also worked towards the John Muir Award and are now completing the final Sharing stage of the award back in their schools.

Feedback from both pupils and staff attending the residential was overwhelmingly positive:

“One of the aspects I benefited from was the opportunity to meet new people form all over Scotland, become more open-minded due to the different areas in which we live, create new friendships, boost my confidence and improve my knowledge of the National Parks.” Pupil

“This week has had a huge impact on the pupils’ social skills and their leadership skills.” Teacher

“The impact on the learners has been massive – they have developed so many skills but especially their ability to come out of their comfort zones and interact with new people from different areas across Scotland.” Teacher

Improving RERC: Religious Education in Roman Catholic Schools National Engagement Event

The Curriculum Area Impact Review Report for Religious and Moral Education/Religious Education was published in February 2014. The report highlighted strengths in RERC in Scotland but also identified some significant aspects for improvement which are the responsibility of senior leaders across all sectors. The report is available here.

A national engagement event has been arranged to explore the implications of this Impact Review Report, consider what high quality RERC looks like and how improvements in RERC can be realised, and support continuous improvement in RERC through effective self-evaluation and high quality leadership.

This free one day event is aimed at Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers across early years establishments, primary, special and secondary Roman Catholic schools and will take place as follows:

8 December 2014: The Europa Building, Glasgow

Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

If you would to book a place at one of these events, or would like further information about the events, please contact

Big Biology Day Scotland – the Science of Life. Sunday 12th October

Life, the world around us and the search for extra-terrestrials will be explored though a range of hands-on activities at Big Biology Scotland on Sunday 12th October 2014.

This free event for all ages, at Mugdock Country Park from 10:00-15:00, will include outdoor activities such as a Bug Hunt, Sun spotting, Rocket making and Bird ringing.

Inside the visitor centre, budding biologists can get busy making Crafty Critters and DNA bracelets. Older visitors can learn more about health with ‘Bacteria Combat’ and ‘Meet a GP’.

The theatre will host films and talks from ‘Meet the Scientist’ and the Cosmic Way Roadshow where you can explore the origins of life in the stars.

To celebrate National Fungus Day (also on Sunday 12 October) Mugdock park rangers will run a Fungi Foray from 13:00-14-30 and Jaw Brew and Battlefield Bakery will be on hand all day to show how the yeast fungus is vital to brewing beer and baking bread.

Big Biology Day Scotland is one of six science festivals taking place all over the country as part of Biology Week 11-18th October 2014, organised by the Society of Biology.

Dr Mark Downs, Chief Executive of the Society of Biology, says: “Biology affects us all: biological research has helped provide food, medicines, vaccinations, and much more. We have organised Biology Week to share our fascination with the world around us.”

For more information visit:

Primary and Early Years Science Glow Meets and Professional Learning Twilight Sessions

Following the publication of its 3-18 Curriculum Impact Report for Sciences in September 2012, Education Scotland organised a series of conversation days where priorities for action to secure improvements in science education nationally were identified.
Key aspects for development emerged, which included primary and early years practitioners requiring:
• support with the initial planning for learning and teaching in the sciences
• guidance and exemplifications for assessment in the sciences
• support in delivery of topical science
• planning and delivering Citizen Science
To address each aspect the sciences team will be hosting four Glow Meets, complimented by a series of professional learning twilight sessions.
The first Glow meet Supporting the Sciences: planning the primary & early years science curriculum took place on Wednesday 17th September 3.45 – 4.30pm.
Revisit the Glow Meet through or download the presentation through our new Glow 365 primary science site
Dates, times and venues for the complimentary twilight sessions are:
Glasgow, Education Scotland Offices, Optima Building, 30th October 4-6pm
Dundee, Dundee Science Centre, 4th November 4.30-6.30pm
Aberdeen, Mile End Primary School,10th November 4-6pm
Dumfries, Lochend Education Centre, 13th November 4-6pm
Edinburgh St Augustine’s High School, 20th November 4-6pm

Glow Blog Migration

The Glow Blogs migration export will start on 19th September 2014

Any new posts or content added to blogs after that date will not be migrated to the new service. It is therefore advisable that if you do add to a blog that you keep a copy of the text/images.

The new service should be up and running by Oct 3rd 2014

The data from the current blog servers will be exported on the 19th of September and migrated to the new service ready for the go live date.

We’re making every effort to achieve the deadline of the new service for 3rd October. If anything changes, we will get in touch immediately.

This is not technically a content freeze as users will be able to add to their blog, rather it should be considered as a procedural content freeze.

Ultimate STEM Challenge

Ultimate STEM Challenge

Brought to you by BP, the Science Museum and STEMNET

The Ultimate STEM Challenge is a brand new competition brought to you by BP, the Science Museum and STEMNET.

We are asking teams of two to four students aged 11 to 14 from across the UK to put their Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths skills to the test and win some fantastic prizes, including an invitation to a celebratory event at the Science Museum in London, £500 for their school and Science Museum goodies.

Take part in the Ultimate STEM Challenge

BBC iWonder – Would we starve without bees?

BBC iWonder – Would we starve without bees?

The importance of bees

Ever wondered where all the food that you eat comes from? Well it might surprise you that a significant proportion is provided by bees one way or another.

If you look at the plate of food on your dinner table, bees have played their part either pollinating the many vegetables and fruits we eat directly, or pollinating the food for the animals that we then consume. And that’s not all bees do for us – honey and wax are two other important products that come courtesy of bees.

But honey bees are disappearing globally at an alarming rate due to pesticides, parasites, disease and habitat loss. If these little insects that help provide so much of the food we eat were to vanish, what would we do without them?

Education Scotland Vacancies

Development Officer Posts – Community Resilience and Learning for Sustainability

Working in a team led by a Senior Education Officer, Development Officers work in partnership with colleagues from across the education sector, Scottish Government and other national organisations to develop, promote and support effective and innovative approaches within their specialist areas. We invite applications from highly motivated and enthusiastic individuals to support ongoing curriculum development in relation to the following two areas:


This role will support the implementation of the recommendations in the Learning for Sustainability Report. Candidates should have an excellent knowledge of a number of aspects of the learning for sustainability agenda including: global citizenship, outdoor learning, sustainable development education, international education, children’s rights and play. The post-holder will also play a key role in supporting the activities of the National Implementation Group for Learning for Sustainability and will work closely with colleagues in the Learning Directorate of the Scottish Government as well as in Education Scotland.


Flooding and other extreme weather events have affected many areas in Scotland and it is important for schools and their wider communities to be prepared for emergency situations like these. The post-holder will be responsible for liaising with key contacts in local authorities and other national and regional bodies to help learners and their school communities to become more resilient. This post requires an individual who will bring enthusiasm to the role and who is skilled in working in partnership with others. A detailed knowledge or previous experience of community resilience activities is welcome but not an essential requirement as a suitable induction and training programme will be provided.

 The successful candidate for each post will remain on their employer’s salary rate, terms and conditions. They will continue to be paid by their employer and will remain an employee of their organisation during the period of secondment.

Candidates should have an excellent knowledge of Curriculum for Excellence and be able to contribute to its continued development and implementation. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills will be required for both posts and candidates are expected to hold a relevant degree and have experience of teaching in a school.

Secondment duration for each post: 23 months.

Location: Successful candidates can choose to work from any of the Education Scotland offices subject to local availability.

Closing date for applications: Midnight on Sunday 5 October 2014

Further information about the posts and how to apply is available from the education Scotland website:

Applications should be returned electronically to

Updated and editable N5 resource guides for Sciences

Shared in the N5 folders of the GLOW 365 Sciences site, , two versions of the updated National 5 Resources Guide for #NQChemistry, #NQBiology and #NQPhysics. Both contain all the amendments to the National 5 Course and Unit Support notes from SQA in June. One is a static pdf version, commissioned by our writers, the second is a word version editable online, for all of us to share our best links and support each other in providing the best learning and teaching for the N5 sciences.

National Museums Scotland launch Secondary Schools Renewable Energy Programme

National Museums Scotland have launched a programme of Challenge Days for pupils undertaking their National Qualifications in Physics, based on the topic of renewable energy.

The days have been created by National Museums Scotland, working with experts from the energy industry. They will provide pupils with the opportunity to meet and interact with real-life scientists and engineers, plus hear from a keynote speaker about their career path and experiences. Working in groups, pupils will solve challenges around four types of renewable energy: hydro, wind, marine and solar power.

Throughout the day, each group will take part in two challenges and then feed back their findings. Industry experts then choose one winning group. Each pupil receives a certificate for taking part, and the winning group receives a prize for their school and themselves.

The Challenge Days are at National Museum of Rural Life on Thursday 23, Friday 24 & Monday 27 October 2014. Those at National Museum of Scotland are on Monday 3 & Monday 17 November 2014.

There are also two twilight CPD sessions for teachers being held on 1 October at National Museum of Rural Life and 2 October at National Museum of Scotland.

Get Energised is made possible by the generous support of the ScottishPower Foundation and all sessions are free, but spaces are limited. To book a place contact or phone 0131 247 4041

More information available on

Dance National Working Group

The Dance National Working Group (NWG) met for the third time on 2nd September at the Optima, Glasgow. Notes from the meeting are attached below.

Dance National Working Group (NWG) Meeting Notes

The Implemento document attached below summarises the ‘futures’ discussion we had in relation to dance education 3-18. From the process we have identified key areas for development and action.

Comments and suggestions in relation to all the above documents are very welcome.


Implemento Outputs

The draft action plan document explains how we arrived at the actions and next steps for the group to take these forward.

Dance NWG Draft Action Plan

The Dance National Working Group will meet again at the joint NWG meeting on 27th November at Atlantic Quay.

Glow TV at SLF

Once again Glow TV will be at the Scottish Leraning Festival to bring you the seminars that you can ‘t attend yourself!

This year we will be focussing on the new Glow tenancy and how you could use it effectively in your classroom:

SLF 2014 – Online Learning Spaces – Wednesday 24th September at 4.15pm
SLF 2014 – Using Glow and Office 365 to Support O365 – Thursday 25th September at 9.15am
SLF 2014 – Glow in Action – Thursday 25th September at 12pm
SLF 2014 – Glow the Evolution Continues – Thursday 25th September at 1.15pm

We hope that you can sign up and join us live or if not Watch Again!

Britain from Above

Britain from Above is a four year heritage lottery funded project to conserve, digitise and make accessible a collection of historic aerial photographs taken by pioneering company Aerofilms Limited.

The Aerofilms collection is a unique archive of 1.2 million historic aerial photographs, dating from 1919 to 2006 and documenting the changing face of Britain in the 20th century.

The aim of the project is to protect the most vulnerable pieces in the collection, which includes the first 95,000 photographs of the collection, dating between 1919 and 1953.

In this Glow TV event meet members of the Britain from Above project, as they answer questions about their work in the heritage sector, and the path they took to get there.

Learn about all of the different jobs within this one project, and the ways that they work together to reach their goals. Join us on Tuesday 23rd September at 10am in Glow TV or Watch Again if you can’t join us live.

Children and Families Conversations at SLF 2014

The Children and Families team have two conversations that they would love you to come along to.  The conversations take place in Conversation Area B and are as follows: Wednesday 24th September

15.30 – 16.00 Early learning and childcare Sian Neil, Senior Education Officer and Shona Taylor, HMI

Thursday 25th September

15.00 – 15.30 Family engagement in learning Sian Neil, Senior Education Officer and Susan Doherty, Development Officer

Please come along!

Free Community Resilience Conversation and Networking Event – Inverness October 7th

Community Resilience Education – Free Conversation Day and Networking Event

09:30 (for 10:00 start) – 15:00, Tuesday 7th October 2014

Venue: Thistle Hotel, Millburn Road, Inverness, IV2 3TR

Education Scotland is excited to be hosting a second community resilience conversation and networking event with a view to developing a shared, partnership approach to provide 3-18 resilience education opportunities.

The day aims to bring together members of the Scottish Government, emergency planning and civil contingencies teams from local councils, representatives from local education authorities, and members of other key organisations to consider the potential of community resilience as a rich and exciting context for teaching and learning. Key contexts for focus include flooding, severe weather and pandemic flu and the impact they can have on communities and how we can take steps to mitigate against their impact through educating learners.

We would also like to extend this event invite to school representatives (members of management teams, or teachers who have been, or are interested in engaging in community resilience education) to explore how we can take forward resilience education. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Conversation activities will provide delegates with opportunities to network and engage in professional dialogue in relation to developing more resilient individuals, families and communities. Selected examples of good practice will be shared through engaging presentations delivered by Education Scotland, Scottish Government, local councils and schools.

All interested delegates should register online at the following link: to confirm attendance and inform us of any special dietary or access requirements you may have.

If you have any further questions or your school is/has been involved in community resilience projects or initiatives and you would be interested in presenting at the event to share your practice with others, please contact Jennifer Moore at:

WW1 Teacher Forum (Where teachers can create, collaborate and innovate…)

The WW1 Teacher Forum is a secure online community where teachers who are involved in WW1 education can update, share and discuss with each other information and approaches to teaching and learning. This includes the organisation of WW1 commemorative events and visits to WW1 related sites.

Some of the features you will see in the site include:

•           Useful Resources

•           School Project and Visits

•           Relevant Web Links

•           Career Long Professional Development

•           Newsfeed.

To see what is happening all you need to do is click on: (Log into Glow first with your username and password before using this link

Glasgow Science Centre Events




Teachers Tea and Scones


8th October 2014

4pm –6.30pm

You’re invited to meet Glasgow Science Centre’s education team, experience our shows, components of our education programme and chat to some of our executive team over tea and cakes. We’d also like to introduce you to colleagues from Cineworld, Skills Development Scotland and Whitelee Windfarm Visitor Centre, who contribute to making the Science Centre a significant education resource.

Please register your interest at

World Space Week,

4th-12th October 2014

Education activities suitable for P4-S6

Celebrate World Space Week by joining us for our space themed programme of activity. Get hands on in the Lab and explore how we can use Invisible Science to view deep space or join us in the Fantastic Forces science show where we investigate the forces needed to get a rocket into space. Stargaze in our Planetarium or experience a multimedia musical feast amongst the stars with guest presenters Let’s Talk About Space. Pupils can also engage with cutting edge research happening right here in Scotland through our Meet the Expert programme.

Please call our bookings team on 0141 420 5003 for more details.

Behaviour management strategies for the Science classroom

Behaviour management strategies for the Science classroom

Managing classroom or laboratory behaviour can be one of the most challenging aspects of teaching. Join the National Science Learning Centre this autumn for a free, high quality, five week online continuing professional development course to help you improve students’ behaviour.
Watch the video and register

Good Brain, Bad Brain: Parkinson’s Disease

Good Brain, Bad Brain: Parkinson’s Disease

Learn the fundamentals of Parkinson’s disease; what causes it and what we can do to ameliorate the symptoms.

This free online course is aimed at anyone with an interest in finding out the fundamentals of Parkinson’s disease; how it affects people, what causes it, what we can do to try and ameliorate the symptoms and what we don’t yet know about it.

As one of the most prevalent neurodegenerative diseases, most people at least know of one person who has Parkinson’s disease.

As the population ages, so the number of people with it will increase. Many people will be able to give a vague description of how that person is affected but may not know why. In this course we will consider how the normal principles of how neurones work and communicate are altered in the parkinsonian brain and why this leads to the symptoms that we see. We can then apply this knowledge to thinking about how current therapies work.

Finally we can think about where the holes in our knowledge are and the importance of this for improving our ability to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

Future Learn – Basic Science: Understanding Experiments

Basic Science: Understanding Experiments

This practical, hands-on course is aimed at school aged learners to help them start thinking like a scientist by carrying out experiments at home and making scientific observations.

They will carry out simple experiments to extract the DNA from fruit or vegetables, observe osmosis in action and bake a potato to destruction! They’ll also investigate how different liquids behave when frozen and how much water an everyday food item contains.

As they carry out these experiments they will develop important science-based skills including observation, record-keeping, data analysis and how to control an experiment. After examining their results, they will share them with other learners and discuss their findings.

360 Degree Safe self-review tool

360 degree safe is an online, interactive Self Review Tool which allows schools to review their e-safety policy and practice. It is available, free of charge, to all schools across Scotland.   It is suitable for both local authority and independent schools. 

 The tool suggests possible sources of evidence, provides additional resources / good practice guidance and collates the school’s action plan for improvement.  Sections of these policy templates can also be found in the links / resources section in 360 degree safe.

You can access the tool at If you wish to discuss this further then please contact your local authority representative. 

Quotes from the training events took place in June 2014:

‘I  intend to promote awareness of the tool to all North Lanarkshire schools and centres and will offer them the opportunity to be supported in using it.  I hope to establish a network for schools to share good practice and collaborate appropriately.’  Morag Hay, Quality Improvement Officer, North Lanarkshire Council 

Very worthwhile session. Felt the tool was very easy to use and helpful for staff.’ Mark Allen, South Lanarkshire Council


Time is running out to join over 3,000 colleagues from across the education sector at this year’s Scottish Learning Festival, Scotland’s largest education event, which takes place at the SECC in Glasgow on Wednesday 24th and Thursday 25th September.

At SLF this year you can choose your range of professional learning from the keynote speeches over 100 seminars and professional discussions, as well as the largest exhibition of its kind in the country.  Everything is themed around raising achievement and attainment for all by maximising educational outcomes through early intervention and prevention, through promoting health and wellbeing, and through developing employability skills.

Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning, Michael Russell MSP will open the conference with a keynote speech to a wide audience who come from across the educational spectrum and who all contribute to the learning and development of Scotland’s children and young people. Delegates won’t want to miss the opportunity to hear the speeches from world renowned educationalists such as Dr Frank Dick, Prof Alma Harris or John Carnochan OBE, QPM. In addition there promises to be lively debate as part of the highly interactive seminar sessions, including sessions led by leading figures such as Sir Ian Wood, Sir Bill Gammell and Kenneth Muir.

Dr Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive for Education Scotland, said: “I’m looking forward to meeting colleagues from across the early years, primary, secondary, community learning, health, social work and voluntary sectors at this year’s Scottish Learning Festival, which looks set to be our best yet.

“Those attending will have the opportunity to meet with peers from across the country to network, share best practice and develop fruitful insights and partnerships that can really benefit children and young people.”

Alongside a huge range of stimulating keynotes and seminars and the ever-popular exhibition area, there will be a number of exciting announcements and launches over the course of the two days.  The new curriculum development toolkit ‘Evaluating and improving our curriculum-Primary’ will be launched as will ‘Insight’ the new benchmarking tool for the senior phase.  The newly redeveloped Parentzone website will also be previewed.

There is still time to register for this year’s Scottish Learning Festival, follow the link to book your place.

Improving RME: Religious and Moral Education National Engagement events

The Curriculum Area Impact Review Report for Religious and Moral Education was published in February 2014. The report highlighted strengths in RME in Scotland but also identified some significant aspects for improvement which are the responsibility of senior leaders across all sectors.  The report is available here.

A series of national engagement events has been arranged to explore the implications of the RME Impact Review Report, consider what high quality RME looks like and how improvements in RME can be realised, and support continuous improvement in RME through effective self-evaluation and high quality leadership.

These free one day events are aimed at senior leaders, Head Teachers and Depute Head Teachers across early years establishments, primary, special and secondary school sectors and will take place as follows:

  • 31 October, Edinburgh Victoria Quay
  • 28 November, Glasgow The Europa Building
  • 1 December, Inverness Scottish Natural Heritage Building
  • 2 December, Dundee Endeavour House

Places will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. If you would to book a place at one of these events, or would like further information about the events, please contact

EU Code week

EU Code week will take place 11-17 October all around Europe. The purpose of the event which is taking place at Mozilla, London is to discuss, “Why should we teach coding to children?” and will also include some fun coding activities.

The event is free and you can book your tickets via the link below. Please pass this information around and encourage people to run a coding event during EU Code week. They should add their event directly to the EU Coding website.

EU Code week – Registration Site

Science and Sustainability at the Scottish Learning Festival


SLF 2014 is completely FREE for everyone to attend and will support practitioners as they explore a wide range of practical approaches, resources and research aimed at improving achievement and attainment for all learners in Scotland.

There will be inspirational keynotes speeches, conversation and debate in the professional discussion sessions and professional learning seminars where you can engage in activities and learn from practitioners and young people;

This includes a number of seminars specifically aimed at addressing the sciences curriculum.

Wednesday 24th  September 9.30-10.15am

Learning for sustainability – a strategic agenda for change – SLF Guide Page 7

In February 2014, the National Implementation Group for Learning for Sustainability was established to ensure all learners in schools experience global citizenship, outdoor learning, sustainability, children’s rights and play in a transformative way. This seminar will outline the ambitions of the group and this exciting agenda for change which will impact on all schools and support the introduction of the new GTCS Professional Standards.

Thursday 25th September 12.00-12.45  

Supporting primary science to inspire STEM careers – SLF Guide Page 21

STEM subjects are central to Scotland’s economic future and our health and wellbeing. They also offer a range of excellent career opportunities for young people. This seminar will demonstrate how SSERC and Education Scotland provide valuable support for primary practitioners to enthuse and inspire learners about science and STEM careers.

Thursday 25th September 13.15-14.00

Engaging pupils with science – SLF Guide Page 23

Outlining the various projects Aberdeen City have developed, which have increased pupils’ engagement and enthusiasm in science. This includes the S6 Science Ambassador Award; Science Buddy Award; P6/7 Science Champions; Intertek Science Fair; Science for PSAs & Playground Science.

Wednesday 24th September 14:00 -14:30

Thursday 25th September 11-11.30am

Conversation Area : Supporting the Sciences

Meet the Education Scotland Sciences Team and explore the vast range of support available across all levels of the sciences curriculum. Discuss how to enthuse and motivate learners and practitioners through real life contexts and partnership working.

 To book your place browse the conference programme, note the seminars you want to

attend and visit the SLF website –

Register on line today.

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