Woodside Nursery School in Glasgow has become the latest nursery to have the quality of their provision recognised by achieving ‘excellent’ in all five of the quality indicators used by Education Scotland in inspection.
Education Scotland’s letter to the parents at Woodside highlights that:
- children are motivated and enthusiastic, experiencing a high level of achievement and success;
- the partnership with parents is highly effective;
- partner agencies are involved in developing children’s learning;
- there is exceptional teamwork among staff in working with children and their families; and
- the leadership of the headteacher in developing the work of the nursery is outstanding.
The nursery has received many congratulations since the publication of the letter to parents earlier today:
“It is an outstanding achievement for a nursery to gain excellent ratings in all five areas of the rigorous inspection by Education Scotland. I offer my congratulations to the staff at Woodside Nursery; it is clear from the letter that they have excellent relationships with parents and inspire enthusiasm for learning among the children.
The hugely positive results from the Woodside inspection will be an example that others can follow as we work together to make Scotland the best place in the world to grow up.”
Aileen Campbell, Minister for Children and Young People
“I would like to congratulate all the children, staff, parents and stakeholders at Woodside Nursery on the progress they are making in implementing Curriculum for Excellence for the benefit of their young learners. Our inspection shows that this is a notably high-performing nursery which has fully embraced the opportunities which the new curriculum presents.”
Dr Bill Maxwell, Chief Executive of Education Scotland
“This is a truly wonderful letter and the best yet for Glasgow. I’m delighted for Alison Forbes, her staff and the parents and carers of Woodside Nursery.
There are so many positives in this letter and it is fantastic that inspectors have highlighted the fact that the headteacher provides outstanding leadership and along with staff and parents, have a clear vision for developing the work of the nursery.
My heartfelt congratulations to all on this outstanding and excellent letter.”
Councillor Stephen Curran, Executive Member for Education and Young People
Education Scotland highlights the good practice our inspection teams find so that other education professionals can reflect on what they are doing and consider adapting some of the practice to their own circumstances.
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To find out more about the practice that makes Woodside Nursery School so effective in supporting young children’s learning you can read Education Scotland’s letter to parents here.