New briefing from Enquire – Extra Support at School: The rights of looked after children

New Briefing from Enquire – Extra Support at School: The Rights of Looked After Children
The law says that all looked after children should have the extra support they need to get the most out of their education and achieve their full potential. Enquire has published a new briefing paper that explains the rights of looked after children under the Additional Support for Learning Act. The briefing identifies different reasons why looked after children may need extra support to get the most out of their learning, and gives examples of different ways that support can be provided. It looks at the responsibilities that education authorities have towards looked after children’s education, including their legal duty to consider whether a looked after child requires a co-ordinated support plan to ensure that agencies work together to plan what help the child needs to learn effectively. It also considers issues around school attendance and school exclusion, and the processes by which disputes about support for learning can be resolved.

The briefing will help professionals in education, social work and health in relation to GIRFEC and the corporate parent role, and will be useful for parents and carers in knowing how to ensure their child is getting help when they need it most.

To download a free copy of Enquire’s briefing, visit here

Literacy in Action: Supporting Colleges to Influence Early Years Practice


This Education Scotland conference will support lecturers who deliver Early Education and Childcare training programmes.

The one-day event will build on the success of our previous conferences by:

  • supporting reflection on the key messages from the Literacy Action Plan;
  • providing a valuable opportunity to engage with colleagues from other colleges;
  • facilitating the sharing of ideas and practice on working together with partner agencies and parents to support literacy in learning.

Education Scotland is delighted that Alan Bissett, one of Scotland’s leading authors, will deliver the keynote address. Interactive workshop sessions led by practitioners will explore a range of approaches to support you in your work. There will also be national updates from regulatory bodies.

The programme includes the following keynote presentations:

  • Scotland’s Literacy Action Plan – everyone’s responsibility: Jean Carwood-Edwards, Programme Director, Education Scotland
  • Literacy in Action – promoting a reading culture in Scotland: Allan Bissett, author.

For more details click here

Wise up Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday to all!

The Early Years Team have added new examples from Glow Cookbooks to the ‘Places to Go’ section of the Glow Group.

 The newest example to be added to Cookbooks is “Jessie Porter nursery: sharing and collaborating through Glow“.

In this example of using Glow in a nursery you will find ideas on creating a glow group which performs many functions including improving transitions through Glow Meets, sharing evidence in videos and photos and shared planning exemplars. You can also   request to be part of the Glow group to allow you to see what methods Jessie Porter Nursery use.

CfE & Glow News e-update – January

The CfE and Glow News e-update provides you with updates on Curriculum for Excellence and support for practitioners, along with all the latest developments within Glow.

Click here to view the newsletter or click on the links below.

Read the January issue to find out about the following: